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 English thesaurus
SUA abbr.
abbr. Single User Account (feature, Internet, NAT); State Universities Association; Stored Upstream Address (token ring)
abbr., avia. Stuart, Florida USA; special use airspace (MichaelBurov); spindle's usage availability
abbr., avia., amer. special-use airspace
abbr., ed., scient. State Universities of America; Student Union Activities
abbr., el. single unit address; software-generated group unblocking-acknowledgement message; standard unit of accounting; system use area
abbr., food.serv. supply utilization account
abbr., med. Serum Uric Acid; Single Umbilical Artery; Single Unit Activity
abbr., mil. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
abbr., scottish Special-Use Airspace
abbr., sport. Shape Up America
abbr., st.exch. Abbey National, PLC; Silver Users Association
abbr., transp. Special Use Airspace
mil. small unit action
tech. satellite unfurlable antenna
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects