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VOС abbr.stresses
virol. ВВО (variant of concern; вариант, вызывающий озабоченность MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
VO abbr.
abbr. Vegan Outreach; Volapuk; variation order (Yakov); Victorian Order (Vosoni); voice; vertical opener
abbr., account. variable factory overheads
abbr., anim.husb. Village Organization
abbr., avia. version object; design diving speed; verification objective
abbr., busin. Valuation Officer; visa official
abbr., chem., scient. Vacuum Oven
abbr., earth.sc. volcanic origin
abbr., el. vanadium oxide (film); variable origin; velocity overshoot (model); vertical output; video object
abbr., geol., scient. Volcano Observatory
abbr., IT Visual Object; Voice Only
abbr., med. vision (острота зрения Natalya Rovina); vocal order
abbr., media. Voice Over
abbr., mil. Verbal Orders; validation office
abbr., mil., WMD Volatile organic
abbr., multimed. voiceover
abbr., O&G, sakh. Variance Order (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil valve output; velocity of oil; volatile oil
abbr., physiol., med. Verbal Order
abbr., relig. Video Only
abbr., scottish Visual Optics
abbr., soil. volcanic rock
abbr., space vehicle operations
abbr., st.exch. Seagram, LTD.
abbr., tradem. Virtual Organization
abbr., UN Version Originale
mil., abbr. verbal order
tech. vaporizing oil
tech., abbr. the left-hand page; valve oscillator; verso
tech., cinema voice-over
VOС abbr.
abbr., virol. variant of concern (MichaelBurov)
Vo abbr.
abbr. oil volume; Muzzle Velocity
abbr., expl. volume per gam-mol of ideal gas at 1mol 0°C and 760mm pressure
vo. abbr.
abbr. volume
abbr., libr. verso
vo abbr.
abbr. visiting order
Vo abbr.
abbr. Valparaiso
: 27 phrases in 7 subjects
Proper name1