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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
OM nstresses
rel., budd. ОМ (священный первослог); АУМ (священный первослог)
OM abbr.
astronaut. бытовой отсек; орбитальный модуль
avia. ДПРМ (дальний приводной радиомаяк avsim.su Anchovies)
busin. Стокгольмский опционный рынок (Stockholm Option Market); управление работой (Andrey Truhachev)
geol. органическое вещество (ОВ; organic matter; organic material Madi Azimuratov); органический материал (organic matter; organic material Madi Azimuratov)
med. органическое вещество (MichaelBurov); ОВ (MichaelBurov)
oil техническое обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации (operational maintenance); техническое обслуживание с помощью штатных средств (organizational maintenance)
polit. орден "За заслуги" (Andrey Truhachev)
soil. ОргВ
tech. режим работы (I.Petroshenok)
Om abbr.
relig. ом (In Hinduism and other religions chiefly of India, a sacred syllable that is considered to be the greatest of all the mantras, or sacred formulas); аум; священный слог
 English thesaurus
OM abbr.
abbr. Afan; Old Maid; Open Minded; Occupational Medicine; Open Motorboat; offering memorandum (oVoD); outside of metal; Omne Mane every morning; operator manual mode; office memorandum (Igor Kondrashkin)
abbr., agric. old male
abbr., auto. oil motor
abbr., avia. ordnance mission; optical multiplexer; option management; option maturity; operation mode; outer marker; overbooking management; operation and maintenance instruction; operational mockup; operational module; operator\ manual; order management; ordering material; originating marker; overall maintenance; Air Mongol-Miat
abbr., busin. O&M (MichaelBurov); OM project (MichaelBurov); operations management (Andrey Truhachev); O&M project (MichaelBurov); operation-maintenance (MichaelBurov); operation and maintenance (MichaelBurov); open market; organization and management; Organization and Methods; orderly marketing; origin marking
abbr., chem., scient. Organic Matter
abbr., earth.sc. ocean management; oceanographic model; oceanography and meteorology; Omolon Massive
abbr., el. object module; one layer missing material defect; operating memory; optical maser; optical material; optical measurement; optical memory; optical microscope; optical mixer; optical modulator; optical monitor; organo-metallic (compound); orthogonal memory
abbr., fin. OM Stockholm
abbr., genet. ovulation method
abbr., inet. Open Mind
abbr., insur. Overturning Moment
abbr., IT Object Model; Out Of Memory; Organizational Memory
abbr., lab.eq. Outer Membrane
abbr., math., scient. Order Of Magnitude
abbr., med. Obtuse Marginal (artery); Obtuse Marginal Artery; Open Medicine (periodical); Osteomyelitis; organic matter (MichaelBurov); obtuse marginal artery (ветвь тупого края Dimpassy); occipitomental (diameter of head); osteomalacia; otitis media
abbr., mil. Operations And Maintenance; contour multiunit
abbr., mil., avia. observation means
abbr., oil middle Oligocene; office master; old measurement; operation manual; operation memorandum; operational operations maintenance; optical microscopy; organometallic X-line; other measures; output module
abbr., opt. optical master
abbr., org.name. Operations Management Department
abbr., physiol., med. Occupational medicine
abbr., polit. Oman
abbr., polym. organic matter
abbr., scottish Operations Module
abbr., space object management; omnidirectional measurement; orbital measurement; orbital maneuvering engine; orbiter main engine; other management; over maximum
abbr., sport. Olympique de Marseille
abbr., tradem. Old Mutual
abbr., transp. Old Model; Owners Manual
abbr., UN operational manual
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. orbital module
energ.ind., abbr. on-line monitoring; operational means
meteorol. outer marker (instrument landing system)
meteorol., abbr. orbit modification
mil., abbr. observations means; office manager; officer messenger; operating manual; operating memorandum; operation maintenance; operational maintenance; operations manager; operations manual; operations memorandum; operator's manual; ordnance maintenance; ordnance manual; organizational maintenance; our message; out for maintenance; overhaul manual
tech., abbr. operator maintenance; orbiting mirror; oxide melt; oxygen to metal
Om abbr.
abbr., med., lat. omni mane
abbr., oil Orenburgian
Om. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Oman
om abbr.
lat. in the morning (от omni mane Dimpassy)
: 43 phrases in 13 subjects
British usage, not spelling1