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OOBE abbr.stresses
abbr. внетелесный опыт (out-of-body experience artery)
comp., MS запуск при первом включении компьютера (The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer)
OOBE abbr.
psychopathol. чувство отделения от собственного тела (out-of-body experience Alex_Odeychuk)
telecom. внеполосное излучение (out-of-band emission Trollmarine)
 English thesaurus
OOBE abbr.
abbr. Out Of Box Experience
abbr., inet. Out Of Browser Experience
abbr., IT Out - Of - Box Experience; Out Of Buggy Experience
abbr., med. out-of-body experience (Acruxia)
obe.xml: 1 phrase in 1 subject