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FP abbr.stresses
gen. рамочная программа (framework programme Alexander Oshis); флуоресцентная поляризация липидов сыворотки крови (Nastya-schastye)
bank. полностью оплаченный (fully paid); фиксированная цена (fixed price)
comp., net. защита файла; поле префикса
dril. гидродинамическое давление (flowing pressure)
fire. фторпротеиновая пена (Johnny Bravo); протеиновые фторсодержащие пенообразователи (пенообразователи типа FP: для тушения горючих жидкостей cntd.ru Natalya Rovina)
Gruzovik, polit. внешняя политика (foreign policy)
Gruzovik, scient. температура замерзания (freezing point)
IT плавающая точка; функциональный процессор
med. готовая продукция (Finished product intern)
O&G температура вспышки (MichaelBurov); форпик (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. противопожарная защита (fire protection); полнопроходной
oil конечное давление (final pressure); точка замерзания (freezing point)
pharma. готовый препарат (finished product BB50); Польская фармакопея (kat_j)
polym. ФП (MichaelBurov); фильтрующий полимер (MichaelBurov)
progr. единица функционального размера (сокр. от function point ssn)
sec.sys. ответственное лицо (Focal Point Nadya_Shainyan)
tech. огнезащита (fireproofing konstmak)
fp abbr.
tech. ПН
 English thesaurus
FP abbr.
abbr. Famous People; Floating Point; Forensic Psychologist; Freedom Of Press; Front Porch; Full Potential; Agence France Press (agency, France); Fanny Price; Farm Points; Fat Potential; flexible point; forward prediction; film and paper (capacitor); fire-place; fore perpendicular; Furan Plastics, Inc.; pipe-fitter; feedback positive; Fibre Product; Field Party; Field Post; field protective; Fighting Points; Film And Print; Final Prototype; Fire Position; Fire Proofing; Fire Pulse; fireplace; Fishing Partner; Florilegium Patristicum; Fordyce and Princeton Railroad Company; foreign policy; forepeak; Formatting Properties; former pupil; forward perpendicular; Framework Program; Front Polar; Frozen Planet; Fucking Pussies; Fun Person; Functional Proponent; fungus proof; Funny Party; Furious Poet
abbr., agric. fowl pox
abbr., AI. Fine-Phonetic approach
abbr., anim.husb. fish protein
abbr., auto. fuel pump; fuel pump relay (Ford); friction power
abbr., avia. Forensic Pathologist; flight plan; fail passive; fatigue performance; first pilot; flight profile; flight progress; food preparation (area); facilities procedure; final assembly; final product; fire point; flight path; foam plastic; focal point; foot pedal; fuel petrol; fusible plugs
abbr., biol. fertile period
abbr., bodybuild. filtering polymers (MichaelBurov)
abbr., bot., scient. Flower Points
abbr., busin. face piece; feeder panel; finished pieces; flashing point; footpath; foot pound; free port; full pension
abbr., cartogr. flagpole; foot path
abbr., commer. finished piece; Francs-papier
abbr., comp., net. file protection; frame protocol
abbr., corp.gov. field programme
abbr., dril. flowing pressure (usually refers to flowing tubing pressure)
abbr., earth.sc. flood plain; flow proportional; fluorescent particles; forecasting procedure; fundamental parameter method; plasencia fault
abbr., econ. fine paper
abbr., ed. Foster Parents
abbr., el. Fabry-Perot (cavity); flat-pack (package); face plate; front plate; failure prediction; failure probability; fast page; fast path; fast print; feedback, positive; feeding panel; field-plated; field plate structure; field-protected; file pocket; file processing; filter program; fixed part; flame photometric detector; flexible processor; floating-point; Fokker-Plank equation; folding point; forward process operates; frame parity; frame pointer; frame processor; frequency of pump; frequency pulling; function panel; function programming; fuzzy premise; flatpack; flat panel
abbr., el., scient. Flash point; Full Power
abbr., electr.eng. field-protective (relay)
abbr., file.ext. Data (FileMaker Pro)
abbr., fin. framework programme; forward price
abbr., food.ind. Food Poison
abbr., geogr. floodplain
abbr., geol., scient. Fracture Plane
abbr., immunol. ferriprotoporphyrin (ochernen)
abbr., IT File Pointer; Font Position; flat package; format prefix; function processor; factory planning (ipesochinskaya); Functional Programming
abbr., karate. flutter parameter
abbr., law False Positive
abbr., math., scient. Fundamental Parameter
abbr., med. Association France Parkinson; Fast Pathway (heart Electrical Activity); Fetoprotein; Fixation Protein; Flavoprotein; Focal Plane; family practice; family practitioner; Family Practice (harser); faux profil (Tiny Tony); fluorescence polarization (ННатальЯ); false-positive; family physician/practitioner; flat plate; frontoparietal; frozen plasma
abbr., med., conv.notation. properdin
abbr., med., lat. fiat potio
abbr., mil. Fixed Pitch; Force Package; Faceplate; financial planning (Violet); Force Projection; firing point; force protection; frequency panel; force proposal
abbr., mil., avia. faceplate
abbr., nautic. fire pump
abbr., O&G flash point (MichaelBurov); fore peak (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. fire protection
abbr., O&G, sakh. Fire Protection Subcommittee; freeze protected; freeze protection; full port
abbr., oil final pressure; flowline pressure (andrushin); formation pressure (andrushin); flowing pressure; feldspar-porphyry; filling pipe; film and paper condenser; finger plate; finished pieces; finishing paint; flame photometer; flame-proof; floor plate; floor price; flow pressure; fluid pressure; fluorescent particle; fracture pressure; freeing port; French Patent; front panel; fuel pressure; full paid
abbr., pest.contr. smoke cartridge
abbr., phys.chem. Focusing Potential (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., physiol., med. Food Poisoning
abbr., polit. French Polynesia
abbr., polym. feed pump; flashless propellant; filtering polymer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., post Presorted First-class rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line
abbr., product. finished product (igisheva)
abbr., progr. function point (ssn)
abbr., scottish Fishery Protection; Frangible Projectile
abbr., space feature point; feeding pump; fire proof
abbr., sport. Fair Play; Former Players
abbr., tradem. Founding Partner; Frankoma Pottery
abbr., transp. Fast Pass
energ.ind. fire protection pump; flame photometry
invest. fixed price; fully paid
meteorol. flight planning; flight position; forecasting principle
mil. field punishment; fighter propulsion; firing phase; firing platoon; fixed point; flat point; flight pay; flight publications; foolproof; foot patrol; forfeiture of pay; freight and passenger
tech. fattening period; feedback; feedback potentiometer; film pack; fire plug; fission product; flameproof; flexibility point; flight programmer; flow line pressure; flow point; foot-pound; foot-pound-force; foreground processing; front projection; full period; full pressure; fusible plug; fusion point; positive
therm.eng. feedwater pump; flame-protected
αFP abbr.
abbr. foetoprotein
abbr., chem. α-foetoprotein
α-FP abbr.
abbr., chem. α-fetoprotein
ɑ-FP abbr.
abbr., life.sc. ɑ-fetoprotein
FP— abbr.
abbr., tech. full power
fp abbr.
abbr. family planning; fortepiano; fire policy; fireplug; fireproof; flash point; floating policy; freezing point; freight prepaid
abbr., dril. flame proof
abbr., earth.sc. feldspar; friction factor in pipe
opt. focal plane
Fp abbr.
abbr. pump friction
abbr., earth.sc. feldspar porphyry
med. flavoproteine (with FAD or FMN)
tech. melting point
λfp abbr.
abbr., el. Fabry-Perot wavelength
fp. abbr.
abbr., libr. frontispiece
: 50 phrases in 19 subjects
Information technology1
Nuclear and fusion power20
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum1
Security systems2
Textile industry1