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JPN abbr.stresses
oil.proc. регион Япония (MichaelBurov); регион JPN (MichaelBurov)
yacht. Япония (Обозначения на парусах)
 English thesaurus
JPN abbr.
abbr. Japanese; JSIC Peterson Node
abbr., med. Journal Of Psychiatry And Neuroscience. Revue De Psychiatrie Et De Neuroscience; Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing
abbr., mil. Joint Planning Net; joint planning network
abbr., mil., avia. Japan
abbr., nurs. Journal of Professional Nursing 
abbr., oil.proc. Jap. (MichaelBurov); Japan (MichaelBurov); JPN region (MichaelBurov)
: 13 phrases in 1 subject
Oil processing plants13