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Mes nstresses
geol. мессинский век (MichaelBurov); мессинское время (MichaelBurov); мессиний (MichaelBurov); мессинский возраст (MichaelBurov); мессинский ярус (MichaelBurov); мессинская толща (MichaelBurov); мессин (MichaelBurov)
me [mi:]
gen. меня; мне; себя; в меня (You're strong. Me... The generous... me... (Avengers. Infinity war) shapker); мэ (1. транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь; 2. транскрипции по системе Поливанова, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков японского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Хэпбёрна Alex_Odeychuk)
gen. я-то? (в ответ на вопрос: - Who the f... are you? – Me? Taras)
ME [mi:] abbr.
gen. МП (машиностроительное предприятие – machine-building enterprise Tatiana Z.)
abbr. дульный срез (smovas)
agric. МКЭ (напр., в названиях препаративных форм пестицидов: Кинмикс, МКЭ ALAB); микрокапсулированная эмульсия (ALAB)
bank. Фондовая биржа Монреаля (Montreal Stock Exchange; Канада)
brit. нейромиастения (повышенная утомляемость Anglophile)
bus.styl. единица Махе (устар. MichaelBurov); единица измерения концентрации эманации радия (устар. MichaelBurov); единица измерения концентрации радона (устар. MichaelBurov); махе (устар. MichaelBurov)
dril. Средний Восток (Middle East); Ближний Восток (Middle East)
insur. Страхование передвижного оборудования (Studiozus)
IT архитектура сопроцессорных плат-акселераторов; процессор среды
math. оценка момента (moment estimator)
meat. обменная энергия (Metabolisable Energy Ying)
nautic. главная машина (main engine SBS); главный двигатель (SBS); ГД (SBS)
oil горный инженер (mining engineer); оборудование для технического обслуживания (maintenance equipment)
telecom. элементы ME (oleg.vigodsky)
textile металлическое волокно (Yuriy83); металлизированное волокно (Yuriy83); люрекс (Yuriy83)
water.suppl. ГКП (Municipal Enterprise Rower)
Me [mi:] abbr.
chem.nomencl. метанол (MeOH, 50% (разбавленный водой метанол) Побеdа)
egypt. Мехурт (богиня неба)
 English thesaurus
Mes n
geol. Messinian (MichaelBurov); Messinian Age (MichaelBurov); Messinian strata (MichaelBurov); Messinian time (MichaelBurov); Messinian Stage (MichaelBurov); Messinian sequence (MichaelBurov)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr. mill extraction
abbr., AI. Minimum Energy
abbr., auto. mid engine; Motor-Electronik; Motronic engine management; Motronic with electronic throttle control; multiplex electrics
abbr., avia. machining error; maintenance event; maintenance expense; maneuver envelope; manufacturing engineer/manufacturing engineering; methods engineering; missed effectivity; mission effectiveness; mission essential; Middle East Airlines
abbr., biol. methionine enkephalin
abbr., proj.manag. megabyte; multinational enterprises
Me [mi:] abbr.
abbr., med. Br methyl bromide
Me. abbr.
abbr. Maine Reports; Maine; metal
abbr., chem. methyl
abbr., earth.sc. memoirs
mE [mi:] abbr.
abbr. meters east (igisheva); metres east (igisheva)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr., meteorol. M.u. (MichaelBurov); M.E. (MichaelBurov); Mache (MichaelBurov)
me% abbr.
abbr. milligram-equivalent percent
abbr. mete (Cockroach Slayer)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr. muzzle end (smovas); maintenance entities; measurement engine; metallurgical engineer; metallurgical engineering; Maine; Mid East; Middle East; Minimum Effort; Mutant Enemy; My Eyes; Magnetic Estimation; Malicious Environment; Mapping Entity; marine engineer; marriage encounter; Master Evaluator; Master of Education; Maximum Envy; measuring equipment; mechanical efficiency; mechanical/electrical; Media Engineering; medical examiner; Memory Express (Company); Memphis Field Office; Mental Efficiency; Mental Error; Message Encryption; Method Entry; Microsoft Exasperation; Migraine Edition; mining engineer; Mission Engineer; Mission Environment; Mistake Edition; miter end; molecular electronics; Montreal Exchange; Montreal Stock Exchange; Morristown and Erie Railway Incorporated; Most Excellent; Mostly Enraging; Multimedia Engineering; Munitions Effectiveness; Music And Eats; My Effectiveness; Mechanical Engineer
abbr., agric. mature equivalent; metabolizable energy
abbr., amer. Medical Examiner (Val_Ships)
abbr., automat. manufacturing engineer; mechanical engineering
abbr., avia. maintenance engineering; mission envelope
abbr., biol. available energy
abbr., busin. machine; Managing Editor; medical engineering; metal; Mining Engineering; medical examination; medium
abbr., comp., net. media engine
abbr., earth.sc. matter exchange; maximum entropy; maximum error; mean error; mechano-electronic; megacycles per second; metamorphic; metasynthetic engineering; meteorological equator; methods of estimation; Mexico; micro-electronics; mining enterprise; moisture equivalent; moment equation; moment estimates
abbr., ed. Management Evaluation; Marketing Education
abbr., ed., scient. Mechanical Engineering
abbr., el. metal evaporated (tape); magnetically enhanced (plasma processing); magnetoelastic; magnetoelectret; magnetron etching; main entry; main exchange; maintenance entity; management entity; maximum entropy approach; meander electrode; measurement entity; mechanoelectronic; medical electronics; memory element; message element; methanol; microelectronics; microprocessor exerciser; microwave electronics; minienvironment; mixeffects (amplifier); mobility edge model; modular electronics; modulation efficiency; Moire effect; monitoring equipment; motion estimation; multimedia extension; multiuser editor; music and effect; music electronics; mutual exclusion
abbr., electr.eng. magnetoelectric
abbr., file.ext. Ascii text (READ.ME); Formatted manual page with me macros; MultiEdit Configuration; MultiEdit configuration (MultiEdit Vosoni); Text file READ.ME (Vosoni)
abbr., geophys. moisture element
abbr., IT Microarray Expression; Mobile Equipment; More Errors
abbr., lab.eq. Mature Equivalent
abbr., Makarov. matastable evaporation
abbr., med. Mouse Epithelial (cell); Muscle Examination; Mobile Edition; myalgic encephalomyelitis (миалгический энцефаломиелит Dimpassy); IU (traductrice-russe.com)
abbr., med.appl. medical electric (об оборудовании igisheva)
abbr., media. Mobile Entertainment
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic-electric
abbr., multimed. manchester encoding
abbr., O&G expected monetary value (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Ministry of Economy
abbr., O&G, sakh. MEDT of Russia; Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
abbr., oil magic eye; magnetotellurics; main effort; management engineer; manufacturing engineering; mechanical/electric; mechanical exhaust; memory error; method engineering; Middle East Oil Technical Conference and Exhibition; miscible equivalence; mitre end
abbr., physiol. Metaphysis and Epiphysis; Mineral Efficiency
abbr., physiol., med. Medical examiner; Metabolizable Energy; My Eye; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
abbr., polym. maintenance equipment; multiphase equilibria
abbr., progr., IT Microsoft Explorer; Millenium Edition; Millennium Edition
abbr., qual.cont. maintenance of equipment
abbr., relig. Methodist Episcopal
abbr., scient. Master Of Engineering
abbr., scottish Maintenance Error; Manoeuvre Enhancement mode; Marine Engineering; Mass Effectiveness; Maine (US state)
abbr., space measuring error; microelectronic element; micrometeoroid explorer; mission-essential
abbr., vet.med., med. Metabolic Energy
energ.ind. machine engineer; maintenance engineer; material engineer; measurement error; metering error; mild environment; missile energy; municipal engineer
meteorol. multiengined
mil. magnitude estimation; main engine; management engineering; manpower estimate; manual of engineering; map exercise; measuring element; mechanical engineer; mechanical equipment; medium equipment; military education; military electronics; military engineer; military engineering; minimum elevation; miscellaneous equipment; missile electrician; mobility equipment; multi-engine; muzzle energy
milk. Mercaptoethanol
tech. maintenance effectiveness; master element; mean effective; meter; microelectronic; milliequivalent; milligram-equivalent; moisture content
me [mi:] abbr.
abbr. electron mass; maximum effect; maximum effort; milligram equivalent; millicurie
Me [mi:] abbr.
abbr. methyl; Mossbauer Effect; mechanical computer; megacurie
abbr., chem. methyl
me [mi:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mellite
Me [mi:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mellilite; merwinite; metal atom; metallic
me [mi:] abbr.
abbr., tech. manhole cover
Me [mi:] abbr.
energ.ind. before top center
formal Maine
me [mi:] abbr.
met. megacycle
Scotl. us (see us contracted see's: See us, see me, pass to me КГА)
me. abbr.
abbr. machine; machinery; machinist
abbr., earth.sc. medium; milliequivalent
.ME abbr.
IT application/x-troff-me
.me abbr.
file.ext. Opening Information (file name extension, As in READ.ME)
: 3 phrases in 1 subject