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ISA ['aɪsǝ] nstresses
el. шина расширения с архитектурой стандарта ISA
oil Международная ассоциация по стандартизации (International Standardization Association)
ISA ['aɪsǝ] abbr.
gen. ПНО (rechnik); Управление ирригационной системой (tiranuz)
abbr. технология поддержания разрешённой скорости движения (Intelligent Speed Assist bbc.co.uk bojana)
audit. МСА (Международные стандарты аудита; International Standards on Auditing marina_aid)
avia. международная стандартная атмосфера
bank. комиссия за обработку трансграничных платёжных операций (International Service Assessment Fee, комиссия, взимаемая Visa со своих банков-партнеров (но не держателей) Miyer); комиссия за осуществление конверсии по трансграничным операциям (International Service Assessment Fee, комиссия, взимаемая Visa со своих банков-партнеров (но не держателей) Miyer); комиссия за трансграничные операции (Miyer)
bot. Международное Общество Арбористов (International Society of Arboriculture ditaverde)
cardiol. неполное расправление стента (incomplete stent apposition Vicci)
comp., net. Международная ассоциация стандартизации; промышленная стандартная архитектура; архитектура промышленного стандарта; стандарт ISA; промышленный стандарт шинной архитектуры
el. стандартная промышленная архитектура; архитектура стандарта ISA; шина расширения со стандартной промышленной архитектурой
Gruzovik, polit. Международная социологическая ассоциация (International Sociological Association; основана в 1949 г. (Мадрид, Испания)); Ассоциация международных исследований (International Studies Association)
IT архитектура набора команд (сокр. от "instruction set architecture" Alex_Odeychuk); Международная ассоциация ассоциации
market. ассистент отдела продаж (inside sales accociate Rami88)
O&G. tech. Американское общество приборостроителей (Instrument Society of America; источник: словарь Извекова); Американское общество приборостроителей (Instrument Society of America; источник: словарь Извекова)
oil.proc. Американское общество по приборам (Stefan S)
patents. МПО (Dimitrij); Международный поисковый Орган (International Search Authority Dimitrij)
pharma. Международная ассоциация автоматизации (Wakeful dormouse); Международные стандартные образцы антибиотиков (Wakeful dormouse)
progr. АСК (сокр. от архитектура системы команд – instruction set architecture ssn); архитектура системы команд (ssn)
st.exch. именной накопительный счёт (individual savings account Максим Д.)
tech. труба квадратного сечения (RyLero4ka); Ассоциация контрольно-измерительных систем и автоматизации (Instrumentation Systems and Automation Association Шакиров)
'Isa abbr.
relig. Иса (In Islam, Jesus Christ who is usually referred to as "mahdi", or the "divinely guided one"); махди; мессия; пророк
 English thesaurus
ISAE abbr.
abbr., audit. International Standards on Assurance Engagements (Anna Sam)
abbr., avia. International Society of Air-breathing Engineers; International Society of Airbreathing Engineers
abbr., space Inter national Society of Airbreathing Engineers
ISA ['aɪsǝ] abbr.
abbr. Independent Safety Assessor; Individual Savings Account; Individual Savings Accounts; Information Sharing Assessment; International Standard of Auditing; International Sugar Agreement; Independent Computing Architecture; Independent System Administrator; Industrial Standard Architecture (ABelonogov); Industry Sub-sector Analysis; Industry-Standard Architecture; Initial Sun Acquisition; Innovative Slot Allocation; Institute of Strategic Affairs; Institute of Strategic Analysis; Institute of Systems Analysis; Instrument Society of America; Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation society (organization); Integrated Systems Architecture (ESPRIT, ANSA); Integration Support Activity; Integrity Soul And Attitude; Intelligence Support Activity; Interactive Services Association (organization, USA); International Federation of National Standardization Associations; International Schools Association; International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations; Iron and Steel Abstracts; instruction set architectures; International Searching Authorities; International Security Agency; International Silk Association; International Society of Appraisers; International Society of Automation (harser); International Sociological Association; International Standardization Association; International Studies Association; International Support Agreement; Internet Security Administration; Internet Security And Acceleration; Iran Sanctions Act (закон США о санкциях в отношении Ирана 1996 года Leonid Dzhepko); The Instrumentation Systems And Automation; International Standards on Auditing (oVoD)
abbr., AI. indirect speech act
abbr., astr. Institute of Space Astrophysics (Vosoni)
abbr., astronaut. Israel Space Agency (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. idle speed actuator; integrated starter-alternator
abbr., avia. Mount Isa, Australia; if space available; international standard atmosphere; information system architecture; ICAO standard atmosphere; integrated structural assembly; isolated storage area
abbr., BrE Inspector of Small Arms
abbr., cardiol. incomplete stent apposition (iwona)
abbr., chem. ionic strength adjusted (iwona)
abbr., chem., scient. Instrumentation Systems and Automation
abbr., commer. International Security Affairs (Office of the Secretary of Defense); International Standardization Agreement
abbr., commun. Integrated IP/ SDH /ATM
abbr., comp. Intelligent Scheduling Assistant (Vosoni); Industry Standard Architectures
abbr., comp., IT Internal Security Act
abbr., comp., net. Intelligent Storage Architecture; International Standard Association; Internet Server Application
abbr., cryptogr. interconnection security agreement
abbr., earth.sc. induced safety algorithm; intensive study areas; International Federation of the National Standardizing Association
abbr., EBRD In-depth Safety Assessment; International Standards of Auditing (raf)
abbr., ed., scient. Indian Student Association; International Student Association; International Students Association
abbr., el. industry standard architecture (bus); implantation, silicidation and activation; independent sustain and address; Information Science Abstracts; Information Services Association; insertion signal analyzer; Instruments Society of America; integrated services architecture; intelligent memory architecture; intelligent supervision agent; interface switching assembly; interferometric spectrum analyzer; interim standard architecture; inter-substrate alignment (microscope)
abbr., el., scient. Industry Standard Adapter; Input Signal Amplifier; Instrumentation Society of America
abbr., file.ext. Instruction-Set Architecture
abbr., fin. international standard on auditing
abbr., IT Industry Standards Architecture; Informix Server Administrator; International Standards Association; Information Systems Analysis; instruction set architecture (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., Makarov. ion scattering analysis
abbr., med. Instrument Society Of America; International Society Of Andrology; International Society Of Audiology; International Stuttering Association; Irish Stammering Association; intrinsic sympathomimetic activity; intravenous subtraction angiography
abbr., med.appl. infrared sidestream analyzer (harser)
abbr., met. International Federation of the National Standardization Associations
abbr., mil. Instruction Set Architecture; individual Service augmentee; international standardization agreement; inter-Service agreement
abbr., mil., WMD Installation/Interservice Support Agreement
abbr., oil incoming supply assembly; insert seal assembly; Instrument Society of American; Instrumentation, Systems & Automatic Control; integrated service agreement; interactive slope analysis; International Searching Authority; International Society for Measurement Control; iron stabilizer
abbr., org.name. International Sweeteners Association; International Sunflower Association
abbr., patents. international search authority (igisheva)
abbr., physiol. Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity
abbr., progr. instruction set architecture (ssn); Industry Standard Architecture (ssn)
abbr., scottish Inertial Sensor Assembly; Information Systems Architecture
abbr., space Iranian Space Agency; Israeli Space Agency
abbr., sport. Iowa Soccer Association; international Skeeter Association
abbr., st.exch. Santa Isabel, S. A.
abbr., tech. standard atmosphere
abbr., transp. Intelligent Speed Adaptation
abbr., UN International Seabed Authority
energ.ind. integrated safety analysis
mil. ignition and separation assembly; inductee special assignment; installation supply accounting; installation support activity; integrated support area; interim stowage assembly; international security affairs; international security assistance; interrupt storage area; interservice support agreement
st.exch. individual savings account (dimock)
tech. imaging sensor autoprocessor; independent safety analysis; independent safety assessment or analysis; integrated safety assessment; internal surface area; intersecting storage accelerators; invalid storage address
IsA ['aɪsǝ] abbr.
abbr., physiol. Interstitial Acute
isa ['aɪsǝ] abbr.
abbr. international standard atmosphere
ISA Server
: 4 phrases in 1 subject