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TTT abbr.
repr.biol. 三碘甲状腺原氨酸治甲状腺机能减退药,triiodothyronine
 English thesaurus
TTT abbr.
abbr. Telescopic Trailer Towing; Third Tier Toilet; Tony The Tiger; That Thursday Thing; Tibial Tendon Transfer; Tip Training Team; Tools Technical And Time; Top Tributary Team; Totara's Thinking Thursdays; Transliteration To Tibetan; Triple Times The Torture; Two Tone Truck; thymol turbidity test; time-to-target
abbr., avia. template tracing technique; tailplane trimming tank; telemetry telecommand tracking; total temperature transducer
abbr., busin. Time,Temperature Tolerance
abbr., chem. triethyl trimethylene triamine
abbr., chem., scient. Time Temperature And Transformation
abbr., earth.sc. time-temperature-transformation (data)
abbr., ed. Teacher Talk Time; Teacher Talking Time; Teacher- To- Teacher; Teaching With Technology Today
abbr., ed., scient. Terry Third Thursday; Translation, Theory, and Training
abbr., el. telemetry time transposition; time-temperature transformation diagram; toll terminating trunk; try to transmit; two-terminal thyristor
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Thought Transponder Thingy
abbr., health., med. Transpupillary ThermoTheraphy
abbr., inet. To The Top
abbr., insur. treatment (lars_ivanov)
abbr., law Telling The Truth
abbr., market. Train The Trainer (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. tolbutamide tolerance test
abbr., meteorol. tap to tap; time temperature transformation
abbr., mil. Technology Transfer Training; Tuer Tuer Tuer
abbr., mil., avia. tactics, techniques and procedures
abbr., oil through the tanks; time-temperature transformation curve; time-temperature-transformation data; total thickening time
abbr., oncol., med. Tibial Tubercle Transfer
abbr., ophtalm. transpupillary thermotherapy, траспупиллярная термотерапия (doc090)
abbr., physiol. tripartite tricarboxylate transporters
abbr., polym. triethyltrimethylenetriamine
abbr., progr., IT Text Translation Tool; Tips Tricks And Techniques
abbr., refrig. time-temperature tolerance
abbr., road.wrk. total travel time
abbr., scottish Teletype Trainer
abbr., sport. Tennis Trivia Tour
abbr., st.exch. Thermo Terratech, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Thai Tiki Towers; Thomas Truck Training; Translation Research Group
abbr., vet.med., med. The Tortoise Trust
energ.ind. 'time', "temperature" and "turbulence"; time-temperature transformation; training technology transfer; transfer training technology
mil. time to target; trilateral tracking technique
tech. time temperature tolerance; total time on test
ttt abbr.
abbr. time to think; time to turn
TTT: 9 phrases in 1 subject