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LD abbr.
met. 转炉基础上加底吹氩气的顶底复吹转炉炼钢法。
otorhinol. 基因座
 English thesaurus
LD abbr.
abbr., chem. lethal dose
abbr., photo. Low dispersion
LD abbr.
abbr. Learning Disabilities; Legal Department; Licensed Dietitian; functional logic diagrams (eternalduck); Lab Dollars; Labor Demanded; LAN Destination (ATM); Laser Defense; Laserdisc And Dvd; Lazy And Dumb; Lazy Dumb; Leadership Developer; leading; Learning Differently; Leased Departments; Leavenworth Directorate (LAM TF); Licensed Driver; Limited Deployment; line drawing; Link Death; List Designs; Little Dick; Little Dumbass; Loaded Deployability; Local Device; Local Directory; Logarithm Digitalis; London Drugs; Long Dicks; Loop Doodle; Loser Debate; Lovey Dovey; Lucius Darling; low dose; left defense; left door; light director; light driver; long-delay fuze; loader
abbr., anim.husb. limit death
abbr., auto. lane detection; laser doppler; light-duty; locked driving; locked in drive; long distance
abbr., avia. landing distance (Yakov); logic diagram; load data; laser demodulator; left display; lift drag ratio; load device; local data; lower deviation; LAV low deck lavatory; Air Hong Kong
abbr., avia., med. labyrinth ine defect
abbr., biochem. lactate dehydrogenase (Ying)
abbr., BrE Light Dragoons; London Division
abbr., bus.styl. detection limit (Iryna_mudra)
abbr., busin. lay-days; light draft; list of drawing
abbr., cartogr. London District
abbr., chem. levo-and dextro-rotatory
abbr., commer. Lady Day; laydays; Libyan dinar; loaded draught
abbr., commun. semiconductor Laser Diode
abbr., comp. label definition
abbr., drug.name Levodopa
abbr., earth.sc. lake delta; layer depth; limit of detection; detection limit; load-dependent regression; log deficit; log-normal distribution; lowest discharge
abbr., ed. Learning Differences; Learning Disability; Learning Disabled; Learns Differently
abbr., el. Lagrangian density; leading-edge delay; lightly damaging condition; limiter-discriminator; linear dichroism; link disconnection; local density; logical design; logic driver; longitudinal discharge; loop disconnection; low-doping; lucky drift (theory)
abbr., el., scient. Laser Diode; Low Delay
abbr., file.ext. Long Distance codes file (Telix)
abbr., fin. liquidated damages (MichaelBurov)
abbr., health. licenced dietician (igisheva); licenced dietitian (igisheva); licensed dietician (igisheva)
abbr., health., med. Labor & Delivery
abbr., inet. Later Dude
abbr., IT List Directory; Logical Disk; Long Distance; laserdisc
abbr., law legal description (Наталья; амер Dina_ZR)
abbr., light. LU (MichaelBurov); lighting unit (MichaelBurov); LF (MichaelBurov); lighting facility (MichaelBurov); lighting device (MichaelBurov)
abbr., Makarov. lighting director
abbr., med. Labor And Delivery; Liver Disease; Lactic Dehydrogenase; latissimus dorsi (ННатальЯ); learning disorders; in line of duty; lumbodorsal; lymphocyte-deplete; lymphocyte determined; lymphocytes differentiation
abbr., media. Laser Disc
abbr., mil. Light Duty; Line of Departure; length-diameter; Low Density
abbr., mil., avia. land
abbr., nano laser diode
abbr., nautic. limited duty
abbr., O&G, sakh. linear detector
abbr., oil dimensionless well length; laid down; land; lay down; laying down; lacustrine deposit; lamp display; lay-down; length-diameter ratio; level discriminator; light difference; liftover-drag (ratio); line driver; loaded draft; logical design; low-amplitude discontinuous facies
abbr., pharm. lenalidomide and dexamethasone
abbr., physiol., med. Lethal Dose
abbr., polit. Liberal Democrat; Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadive Islands)
abbr., progr. Ladder Diagrams (ssn); Ladder Diagram (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., scottish Loop Disconnect; Low Drag (bombs)
abbr., shipb. leak detector; loaded draft; local delivery
abbr., space linear decision; luminescence detector; lunar day
abbr., sport. left defence
abbr., tech. launch dependability (ssn)
abbr., tradem. Lucid Dreams
abbr., transp. Lamborghini Diablo
abbr., vet.med., med. Low Dose; Lyme Disease
abbr., yacht. lower deck (Ying)
ecol. lethal dose
energ.ind. leak detector; load definition; load dispatch
invest. letter of deposit
mil. laser designator; laser detector; lateral drift; launching division; level detector; liaison detachment; limited distribution; line of departure; line of duty; list of drawings; local delivery; long delay; long distance; long duration
O&G derivative block
tech. laser designation; laser disk; laundry drain; length to diameter; letdown
ld abbr.
abbr. landing; load; leader; light draught (draft)
abbr., med. laevo- and dextrorotatory
IT lead
polym. laevo-and dextrorotatory; low-density
qual.cont. lmt load limit
Ld abbr.
abbr. limited; lord; lmt (= load limit)
abbr., earth.sc. Lagrangian Difference
abbr., genet. distal loop
Ld. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. land
LDmin abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD minimum lethal dose
Ld. abbr.
law limited; lord
LDmin abbr.
mil., WMD minimum lethal dose
LDsub 100 abbr.
abbr., biol. lethal dose-100
LD50 abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD Lethal dosage; lethal dose
LDsub 100 abbr.
biol. lethal dose-100
ld. abbr.
abbr., tech. load
Lds abbr.
insur. Loads
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