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Kr abbr.
Kᵣm abbr.
nautic., tech. 横摇回转半径
 English thesaurus
KR abbr.
abbr., chess.term. king's side rook
abbr., earth.sc. kingston range
abbr., oil capacity-resistance; Kennedy Round; keying relay; knuckle radius
abbr., sport. knowledge of result
KRS abbr.
abbr. Kentucky Revised Statues; Kentucky Revised Statutes; knowledge representation system
abbr., ed., scient. Knowledge Reigns Supreme
abbr., file.ext. Knowledge Retrieval System
abbr., IT Kernel Registry Services
abbr., med. Kufor-Rakeb syndrome (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mus. Kill Rock Stars
abbr., OHS Key Rules of Security (Nimeria)
airports, avia. Kristiansand, Norway
tech. Kjellstrom's random search method
KR abbr.
abbr. brian Kernighan & dennis Ritchie (c standard); Kernel Range; Kernighan Ritchie; Ketogenic Ratio; Kidnap And Ransom; Kill Ratio; Killer Right; King's Regulations; Kit Review; Klan Rune; Knock Retard; Knowledge Representation; South Korea
abbr., avia. Kitty Hawk Air Cargo
abbr., BrE King's Regiment; King's Regulations for the Army and the Army Reserves
abbr., busin. Knowledge of Results (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., chess.term. king's rook
abbr., el. key register
abbr., IT Knowledge Retrieval
abbr., mil., avia. contractor
abbr., polit. Kiribati
abbr., polym. knock rating
abbr., railw. Kenya Railways Corporation
tech. kipp relay
tradem. Kern
Kr abbr.
abbr. krypton
abbr., earth.sc. kirschsteinite
energ.ind. stress intensity factor
kR abbr.
abbr. formation resistivity factor coefficient
abbr., astr. kilorayleigh
kr. abbr.
abbr., commer. koruna; kreit; krone
kR abbr.
abbr., oil kiloroentgen
kr abbr.
abbr. infinite multiplication factor
O&G relative permeability
.kr abbr.
file.ext. Korea (South)
KR: 13 phrases in 8 subjects
Steel production1
Textile industry1
Water resources1