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to phrases
abbr. firing order
abbr., commer. for order; full outturn
insur. Free out; Free overside
abbr. in favour of (Vosoni); free overside
abbr. Fiber-Optics
abbr., avia. co-pilot
abbr., avia., amer. first officer; P/O
abbr., BrE flying officer
abbr., busin. firm offer; firm order; for order; fuel oil; full out terms
abbr., commer. forward order
abbr., el. film/oxide interface
abbr., mil. flag officer; for orders
abbr., oil farmout
abbr., shipb. forward orders
abbr., space fuel-to-oxidizer (ratio)
mil. familiarization and orientation; follow-on
abbr., busin. foreign office
abbr., chem. free on board
abbr., commer. forwarding order
abbr., econ. for orders
abbr., insur. Firm order; Fuel oil
abbr., interntl.trade. firm offer
abbr., mining. fuel oil
f.o: 1 phrase in 1 subject