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TD abbr.
abbr. time and data; tod
abbr., avia. Thor-Delta; tool description; tool design
abbr., busin. table of distribution; Tarif des Douanes; telegram department; terminal decanning; Transportation and Distribution; trade department
abbr., compr. text display
abbr., dril. time relay
abbr., earth.sc. tape drive; target date; tear down; texture directional; thermal death; tide; tide station; time device; time domain methods; Tokyo Datum; trachydacite; transformed divergence; transmission densitometer; transport direction; tropical depression
abbr., econ. time and date; terminal devanning
abbr., electric. turntable desk
abbr., IT transmission deviation
abbr., med. dyskinesia tarda (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., oil tagged depth (Johnny Bravo); tandem operation; target-depth; tax deduction; tax due; technical digest; terminal depth; test design; test and diagnostics; thiourea dioxide; tidal delta; time-vs depth; tonnage dues; top drawing; total deposits; trade development; transgressive deposits; triangular distribution; turbodrill; true digestibility; Tunisian Dinar
abbr., pharm. thalidomide and dexamethasone
abbr., row. thwartship distance
abbr., space tactical director; transposition docking
abbr., sport. td, touch down; technical delegate
Td abbr.
abbr. tetanus/diphtheria (название вакцины; в нашей практике - АДС (анатоксин дифтерийно-столбнячный) 64$?)
abbr., earth.sc. tetradymite; tetrahedrite-tennantite
abbr., med. tetanus-diphtheria (toxoids, adult type); Tetanus & diphtheria Vaccine adult/adolescent
abbr., met. ductility transition
TD abbr.
abbr. Tabular Data; Technical Director; Temporary Disability; Tony Danza; Top Dog; Table Detail; Table Down; Tangent Distance; Tape Delay; Target Defeat; thermodilatometry; template dependency; Targeted Delivery; Task Delegation; Teacher's Diploma; Tech Dude; Technical Demonstration; Technical Directorate (SEIC ABelonogov); Technology Demonstrator; temperature differential; Temperature Displacement; Terrain Data; Terrier Down; Texture- Defined; The Dumper; the Treasury Department; Thermal Donor; Thermal Duration; Thiamin Deficient; Thoracic Duct; tile drain; Time Differential; Time Dominant (imagery); Tiny Di; Tiny Dicks; Too Dumb; Top Down; Toronto Dominion Bank of Ontario; Total Disaster; Total Distribution; Total Domination; Totally Dangerous; Totally Dumb; Touch Down; Tough Decision; Tracing Dye; Training Device; Transfer Device; Transient Data; Transmitted Data (EIA-232-E); transmitter distributor; Transportation Disadvantaged; transportation drawing (eternalduck); Treasury Department; Trinidad & Tobago; Trojan Downloader; Truss Designer; turbine direct; turbine driven
abbr., agric. drainage tube
abbr., AI. Temporal-Difference
abbr., anim.husb. tolerance dose; Tyzzer's disease
abbr., auto. turbo diesel; techni cal demonstration; theft deterrent; touring diesel; tread depth
abbr., automat. throat diameter
abbr., avia. tabular display; tabulated drawing; technical demonstrator; technical department; technical departure; technical disposition; technical dossier; technical draft; technological documentation; templates drawing; tool document; tooling dock; top of descent; traffic display; trimming die; turbine driver; twist drill; type designator; tower display
abbr., avia., med. telemetered data
abbr., BrE Territorial Decoration
abbr., Canada Toronto Dominion
abbr., chem. volumetric glassware calibrated "to deliver"
abbr., chem., scient. Thermal Desorption; Thermal Diffusion
abbr., chess.term. Tournament Director
abbr., commer. Technology Development (phase of the Defense Acquisition Management Framework)
abbr., commun. time distribution (Метран)
abbr., comp., net., IT Transmitting Data
abbr., dog. AKC Tracking Dog
abbr., dril. target depth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. table of distribution; transmitted data (july000); tape dialer; tele-document; telegraph distortion; temporarily disconnected; terminal device; test and diagnostic; thermodesorption; thermal dissipation; threading dislocation; threshold decoding; threshold device; time diversity; time-division; tone dialing; tool disposition; top-down (analysis); total dispersion; track density; tracking device; transition diagram; trapped domain; trend display; tributary data; triggering device; triple diffusion; trouble detector; type descriptor; dwell time
abbr., el., scient. Time Division; Timing Diagram
abbr., electr.eng. transducer
abbr., file.ext. Turbo Debugger for DOS Configuration file
abbr., IT Table Data; Table Definition; Transmit Data; tunnel diode
abbr., lab.eq. to deliver (A TC vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured content of the operation, and it may require forced air to expel the final quantity. A TD vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured amount via gravity flow. Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., law Trust Deed
abbr., med. T-cell Dependent (antigen); Tardive Dyskinesia; Tardive Dyskinesis; The Time Required To Double The Number Of Cells In A Given Population; Thermal Death Time; To Deliver; tardive dyskinesia (Andrey Truhachev); teratoma differentiated; therapy discontinued; three times a day; threshold of discomfort; thymus-dependent; time disintegration; tone decay; torsion dystonia; transdermal; transverse diameter; treatment discontinued; typhoid; typhoid dysentery; terminal duct; travelers' diarrhea
abbr., met. tap density; tapping degassing
abbr., mil. Technology Demonstration; Training Development; Target Destruct; telemetry data; Temporarily Discontinued (Interex); Terminal Defense; time delay; touchdown; Tween Deck (Interex); theater distribution; tie down; timing distributor; total drift; transmit data
abbr., mil., air.def. table display; triple difference
abbr., mil., WMD to deliver; toxic dose
abbr., nautic. turbine drive
abbr., O&G, sakh. top drive
abbr., oil target depth
abbr., physiol. Terminal Duct; Tetanus Toxoid without Diphtheria booster; Texture-Defined; Total Disability
abbr., physiol., med. Transmitted Disease
abbr., polit. Chad; Trinidad and Tobago
abbr., polym. technical documentation; theoretical density; theoretically dry; tons per day; translational diffusion; transverse direction
abbr., progr. turndown (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. technical directive
abbr., refrig. temperature difference
abbr., scottish Tactical Deception; Tactical Doctrine; Technology Demonstration/or; Territorial Defense (Slovenia); Triphenylarsenic dichloride (Chemical warfare agent)
abbr., sport. touchdown in am. football (a six-point score made by carrying or passing the ball into the end zone of the opposing side Val_Ships)
abbr., tech. distributor
abbr., tradem. Technische Dienst
abbr., transp. Test Drive; Touchdown; Turbo Diesel
AI. time difference (Alex_Odeychuk)
energ.ind. time distance; time domain; training department; transfer dolly
invest. time deposit
mil. tabular data; tactical data; tactical directive; tactical division; tactics directive; tank destroyer; tank ditch; tank division; target designation; target designator; target detector; target discrimination; target drone; targeting data; task description; task directive; technical data; technical description; technical design; technical development; technical direction; technical division; technical document; telegraph depot; telephone depot; temporary duty; test data; test directive; test director; testing and development division; testing device; time difference; time of departure; timing device; torpedo dive bomber aircraft; total depth; total dose; track data; track display; tractor-drawn; traffic director; training depot; training detachment; training division; trajectory diagram; transport driver; transportation department
O&G tripping device
physiol. Total disability
tech. telegraph department; telephone department; terminal distributor; threshold detector; tolerance detector; transmission and distribution; transmitter-distributor; true depth
tradem. Teledyne
td abbr.
abbr. time delay
abbr., earth.sc. tetrahedrite; toward; transient delay time; trondhjemite
abbr., el. delay time
abbr., sport. thwartship distance
td. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. time delay
: 3 phrases in 1 subject