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RPt abbr.
abbr. regulating point
RPT abbr.
abbr. Registered Piano Technician; Replicated Production Technology; Recruit Performance Tests; related party transaction (lexicographer); repeat
abbr., auto. reference performance test; repeat button; repeat play
abbr., avia. I repeat; Radar Pinging Tool; reference photo template; revenue passenger transport
abbr., busin. receipt; reply paid telegram; repeat repetition
abbr., corp.gov. Related Party Transactions (triumfov)
abbr., earth.sc. RBV processor tapes; reverse particle tracking
abbr., econ. rate of production transformation
abbr., ed., scient. Retention Promotion And Tenure
abbr., el. radome power transmittance; random pattern testing; raw process time; regional processor tester; relative phase telegraphy; repeat character; repeating trunk
abbr., IT Repeat
abbr., med. Registered Physical Therapist
abbr., microbiol. radioactive particle tracking (SAMUEL2003)
abbr., mil. Report; ruggedized tablet computer (WiseSnake); retroreflective projection technology (Сакурай Е.)
abbr., mil., avia. radome power transmittance
abbr., nucl.phys. reactor for physical and technical investigations
abbr., O&G, sakh. rapid phase transformation
abbr., oil ray projection technique
abbr., progr., IT Rapid Prototyping Tool
abbr., psychol. Rapid personal transformation (capricolya); Reference point therapy (capricolya)
abbr., st.exch. Ramco- Gershenson Properties Trust
abbr., transp. regular public transport (Technical)
energ.ind. radiation protection technicians
mil. recruit performance test; reference point tracking; resident provisioning team; rocket-powered target
tech. radiation protection technician; recirculation pump trip
rpt. abbr.
abbr. report
abbr., earth.sc. repeat
rpt abbr.
abbr. report