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Pb abbr.
abbr. bubblepoint or saturation pressure; plug-back depth; bubble point (MichaelBurov); bubble-point pressure (MichaelBurov); saturation pressure (MichaelBurov); Lead; plumbum (lead)
abbr., auto. lead/plumbum
abbr., avia. pressure ambient
abbr., life.sc. plumbum
abbr., med. lead; presbyopia.
abbr., mil., avia. burner, pressure
abbr., multimed. petabit
abbr., oil bubble pressure
avia. Probability of hit
Pb. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Petersburg
PB abbr.
abbr. Paper Based; Playback; Private Bank; Private Banking; Punk Buster; planning brief (UK Alexander Matytsin); pad and boom (refueling); painted base; Palm Beach, California; Papa Bull; Parabolic Barrier; Parking Brake; Pass Back; Patriot's Baby; Psycho Bitch; Pb-Bi; Penis Baby; Perfect Body; Performance Barn; Perky Bitch; Personal Banking; Personal Box; Perspective Broker; Pervy Bastard; Peta Byte; Peter Bartram; Peter Boy; Phat Bastard; Phillip Barrow; Photon Blast; Physio Ball; Pineapple Bacon; Pipeline Burst (cache); Piperonyl Butoxide; Planters Bank; Playboy Bunny; Players Book; Plenty Bigoted; Pocket Basic; Polar Ball; Polished Brass (A Hun); Polymerase Basic; Pommy Bastard; Poo Bear; Pooh Bear; Poor Backup; Poor Beggar; Porny Boy; Possum Bub; Pot Belly; Power Booster; Power Bore; Powerful Blower; Practical Business; Prayer Beast; President's Budget; Previous Balance; Princess Bill; Printed Board; Prison Bitch; Productive Burp; Project Bucharest; Prominent Blogger; Property Bivalence; Prosodic Boundary; Protection Bit; Publications Board; Puck Bunny; Puckish Barrister; Puggy Bunny; pull box; Pure Bred; Purr Box; Pushy Bitch; Pushy Broad; Pushy Broads; The Primary Basin; The Property Of Being
abbr., anat. parietal branch (ННатальЯ)
abbr., anim.husb. protein-binding
abbr., auto. power brakes; performance bond; power brake
abbr., avia. piggy back; passenger on board; pilot briefing; pipe bending; policy board; power-back; prestall buffet; process bulletin; production baseline; production batch; production breakdown; profile block; publication bulletin; pull broaching; pressure burner
abbr., build.mat. particle board (kumold); particleboard (kumold)
abbr., cartogr. police box
abbr., comp. power button (Lena Nolte)
abbr., comp., net., IT Pipelined Burst
abbr., el. push button (switch); page buffer; parallel bus; parameter block; phonetically balanced; photon beam; Pidgeon-Brown model; piggybacking; plug board; poll bit; poly buffered; polysilicon-buffered; prebake; prebaking; press button; private bus; proprietorial bus; program buffer; public broadcasting; pulse broadening; Power BASIC
abbr., file.ext. Fax (FAXability Plus); Phonebook (WinFax Pro); Petabyte (1,024 terabytes, One Million Billion characters of information)
abbr., fin. programme budget
abbr., food.ind. Peanut Butter
abbr., forestr. potential biomass density
abbr., inet. Posted By
abbr., IT Performance Benchmark; Power Book; petabyte (MichaelBurov); packet burst; peripheral buffer; playback; plug-board; PowerBuilder (Bricker)
abbr., math., scient. Poisson Brackets
abbr., mech.eng. phosphor bronze
abbr., med. Peripheral Blood; Pinealoblastoma; Protein Binding; blood pressure; premature beats; pressure breathing
abbr., media. Page Break; Paper Back; Play Back
abbr., met. powder blowing
abbr., mil. Push Button; parts breakdown; Petabyte; patrol boat; peace building
abbr., mil., air.def. push-button (switch)
abbr., mil., avia. particle beam
abbr., mus. Played By
abbr., O&G plug back (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. broad fraction
abbr., O&G, sakh. pushbutton
abbr., O&G. tech. pipe body (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil pinched bit (andrushin); plugged back (andrushin)
abbr., opt. proton bombardment
abbr., pest.contr. plate bait
abbr., phys., scient. Primary Beam
abbr., plast. Polymer Based; polybutene
abbr., plast.surg. peroneus brevis
abbr., polit. Pemba Island
abbr., polym. polybutadiene; polyvinyl butyral; poly (1-butene)
abbr., post Pitney Bowes (vendor to USPS of products including postage meters); Postal Bulletin
abbr., progr., IT Project Builder; Public Beta
abbr., railw. Powered Bogie
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Patrol Boat (Inshore; I); Plasslike Bevolking - Local Population (South Africa); Plastic Banded; Procurement Board (UK)
abbr., sport. Passed Ball; Personal Best
abbr., tradem. Packard Bell; Playboy
abbr., transp. Piggy Back
abbr., vet.med., med. Polar Bear
biochem. Phenobarbital
chem. Lead (Plumbum)
energ.ind. plasma balance; plutonium booster; pool boiling; power balance; powerful battery; pressure boundary; pressurized boiler
gas.proc. packed bed
invest. participating bank
mil. particle beam; patrol bomber; pay book; payload bay; permanent base; permanent bunker; picket boat; pilotless bomber; planning board; plot board; porous base; practice bomb; precision bombing; preliminary breakdown; program breakdown; property book; provisional battalion; publications bulletin
pipes. polyethylene
railw. coach or chair car
tech. pipe break; plugged-back; plugging-back; polybutylene; power box; proportional band
pb abbr.
abbr. problem
abbr., econ. privately bonded
abbr., sport. parallel bars; piebald
pb. abbr.
abbr., libr. published
PbS abbr.
abbr. lead sulfide
PB. abbr.
abbr., textile purple blue
mil., abbr. Patrol Boat (Hydrofoil; Air Cushion)
PB abbr.
abbr. pilot balloon and/or rawin reports; pocket book; Publication Board
abbr., avia. passenger bridge; preflight bulletin
abbr., busin. pass book; power boiler; private brand
abbr., chem. pentaborane
abbr., CNC program blocks
abbr., commer. peso Boliviano; Pharmacopoeia Britannica; poids brut
abbr., earth.sc. Petroleum Board; phosphate buffer; planning and budgeting; plateau basalts; porphyroblastic; pressure drop across bit; primary biotite
abbr., med. post-bronchodilator (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil parity bit; passbook; percussion bit; phosphate band; picrite basalt; pillow breccia; plateau basalt; plugboard; plugging plugged back; power block; precipitation body; productive body; Prudhoe Bay; Publication Board Report; pulse beacon; purplish blue; pyrolyzed bitumen
abbr., radio pull back
abbr., space pilotless bomb; preburner
abbr., sport. passed balls
abbr., tech. push button кнопка (aptr)
abbr., textile premium bond
PB abbr.
abbr., st.exch. Prime Broker ('More)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject