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OPALS abbr.
abbr., el. optical parallel array logic system
abbr., mil. Officer Projection Aggregate Level System
OPAL ['əʊpl, 'oʊpl] abbr.
abbr. Outstanding Philanthropic Award For Leadership
abbr., avia. order processing automated line
abbr., clin.trial. Online Product Authorisations & Lifecycle (программа, используемая в GSK для подготовки документов по регистрации продуктов Игорь_2006)
abbr., ed. Online Performance And Learning
abbr., el. open programmable architecture language; optical access loop; optical parallel logic device; optical parametric amplification laser; optical prealignment autoload system; orbiting picosatellite automatic launcher
abbr., mil. Orbiting Picosat Automated Launcher
abbr., mil., avia. obscurant penetrating autosynchronous lidar
abbr., O&G OPAL gas pipeline (MichaelBurov); Ostsee–Pipeline–Anbindungsleitung gas pipeline (MichaelBurov)
abbr., opt. optical access line
abbr., progr., IT Open Program Access License
abbr., tradem. Olive Plantations Of Australia Ltd
mil., abbr. operational alert; operational performance analysis language
Nasdaq Opal Technologies, Inc.
tech. optical platform alignment linkage
tech., abbr. optical parallel logic
opal ['əʊpl, 'oʊpl] abbr.
abbr., plast. translucent coloured
jewl. A mineral, an amorphous form of silica, SiO2 with some water of hydration, found in many varieties and colors, including a form that is milky white.