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noun | abbreviation
GAT [gæt] abbr.
abbr. General Any Topic; General Aviation Traffic; Greenwich Apparent Time; Gsm Amps And Tdma
abbr., avia. general air traffic (MichaelBurov); General Air Traffic or Terminal (Interex); General Aviation Terminal (4uzhoj); Ground Acceptance Test (WiseSnake); ground attack tactics; ground to air transmitter; group acceptance test
abbr., ed. Gifted And Talented
abbr., ed., scient. Graduate Assessment Test; Guided Academic Time
abbr., el. gate associated transistor; gate array technology; group audio terminal
abbr., immunol. gelatin agglutination test
abbr., IT GSM, AMPS, and TDMA; general application template
abbr., med. Gamma Aminobutyric Acid Transporter; L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10
abbr., mil. Gatling Gun; Government Acceptance Test; Guidance, Apportionment, and Targeting; Genetic Algorithm Technology; governmental assistance team
abbr., nano gate-all-around (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Global Author Team
abbr., tech. ground test (WiseSnake)
abbr., transp. General Air Traffic
airports, avia. Gap, France
mil. general air training; general aviation trainer; ground-to-air transmitter
tech. gate-associated transistor; general analysis technique; general aviation transponder; generalized algebraic translator
gat [gæt] abbr.
abbr., obs. archaic past of get (CM.: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gat samochod)
USA gatling
GATS abbr.
abbr. General Agreement On Tariffs And Services
abbr., acoust. group audio teleconferencing system
abbr., auto. Global Automotive Telematics Standard
abbr., avia. global positioning system GPS aided target system
abbr., econ. GATS
abbr., el. GPS-assisted targeting system
abbr., scottish GPS-Aided Targeting System
abbr., space general acceptance test software; GPS-aided targeting system GPS
abbr., tech. General Agreement on Trade in Service
abbr., vet.med., med. General Agreement on Trade in Services
mil. generic airfield target study; guidance acceptance test set