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A & S
abbr. ammunition and stores; ammunition and supply
A / S
abbr. auto stabilization (Interex)
abbr. Age/Sex? (Alex Lilo); Ascent Stage; atomic spectroscopy (verner_rt)
abbr., auto. active select
abbr., avia. airspeed; antiskid; arm and safe; ascent auxiliary stage; auto stabilization; airspeed switch
abbr., fin. advice of settlement
abbr., leg.ent.typ. Aktieselskab (акционерное общество в Дании applecat); Aksjeselskap (акционерное общество в Норвегии applecat)
abbr., logist. alongside (Yuriy83)
abbr., met. alumina/silica ratio
abbr., mil. angle of site; air speed; anti-spoofing
abbr., nautic. Alongside; asdic search
abbr., oil after sight; at sight
abbr., perf. After-Shave (uar)
abbr., police Arrest/Summons
abbr., scottish Anti-Submarine
abbr., tech. after service (aptr)
energ.ind. air supply; analyzer/simulator
meteorol. airspeed; ascending to...
mil. acting sergeant; antisubmarine; antisurface; arm/safe; Army service
tech. account of sales
abbr. American Standard
abbr., avia., med. auris sinistra
abbr., construct. Academy of Science
abbr., earth.sc. air seasoned; Arabian Sea
abbr., econ. air-seasoned
abbr., ed. "Associate of Science" degree (Designed to transfer to a 4 year college or university. akimboesenko)
abbr., mining. Academy of Sciences
abbr., scient. Associate of Science (Andrey250780)
abbr., shipb. ampere second
law amicable settlement
abbr. account sales; air space; alloy steel
abbr., econ. at sight; account sale
construct. airspace
leg.ent.typ. Akciová společnost (акционерное общество в Чехии gennier); Akciová spoločnosť (акционерное общество в Словакии gennier)
math. almost surely (о сходимости Const22)
med. left ear (лат. auris sinister)
abbr. ammunition and stores; ammunition and supply
abbr., avia. alternates and substitutes
abbr., mil., avia. avionics and software
abbr. account sales; alongside
abbr., oil as stated
busin. after sight (после предъявления (тратты) Yuriy83)
abbr. alto-stratus
abbr., avia. ampere-second
abbr., earth.sc. altostratus
abbr., el. anti-spoofing
abbr. ampere-second
a. s.
abbr. above sea level
abbr., med. ampere-second
A / S
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Rail transport1
Stock Exchange1