1 |
23:49:03 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
interested |
заинтригованный |
Abysslooker |
2 |
23:45:31 |
rus-ger |
ed. |
теория цепей и систем |
Netzwerk- und Systemtheorie |
3 |
22:04:46 |
eng-rus |
clin.trial. |
time point of interest |
момент времени, представляющий интерес |
Andy |
4 |
21:47:54 |
eng-rus |
progr. |
crate |
библиотека (in Rust) |
Alex_Odeychuk |
5 |
19:06:36 |
eng-rus |
ed. |
Samara State Technical University Samara Polytech |
Самарский государственный технический университет (wikipedia.org) |
Gatita_blanca |
6 |
19:02:17 |
eng-rus |
slang |
bullshit artist |
пиздабол |
vogeler |
7 |
19:01:18 |
eng-rus |
slang |
bullshit artist |
брехло |
vogeler |
8 |
19:00:38 |
eng-rus |
slang |
bullshit artist |
приколист |
vogeler |
9 |
17:34:42 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
few and far between |
очень и очень редкий (Opportunities like this are few and far between. cambridge.org) |
Shabe |
10 |
17:29:32 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
nice and easy |
легко и просто |
xmoffx |
11 |
17:23:07 |
rus-spa |
gen. |
неукротимый |
indomable (Pronto verá que el caos es indomable.) |
yaronitsh |
12 |
17:18:27 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
повторяться |
לחזור על עצמו (он) |
Баян |
13 |
17:06:54 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
затаив дыхание |
בהמתנה דרוכה (в знач. нетерпения) |
Баян |
14 |
17:00:51 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
до глубины души |
עד עומק הלב |
Баян |
15 |
17:00:18 |
rus-lav |
mycol. |
веселка обыкновенная |
parastie zemestauki |
Hiema |
16 |
17:00:03 |
rus-lav |
mycol. |
веселка |
zemestauki (Phallus impudicus) |
Hiema |
17 |
16:52:31 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
pressing |
гнетущий |
sea holly |
18 |
16:50:38 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
уделить внимание |
להקדיש מזמנו (он) |
Баян |
19 |
16:48:26 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
do the hula hoop |
крутить обруч (Перевод выполнен inosmi.ru: In early January, Ovo Energy sent customers tips on how to keep warm without cranking up the heat, such as cuddling with pets, cleaning the house and doing the hula hoop. – В начале января компания Ovo Energy разослала своим клиентам советы о том, как сохранить тепло, не повышая температуру в батареях. Она порекомендовала прижимать к себе домашних питомцев, заниматься уборкой в доме и крутить обруч.) |
dimock |
20 |
16:43:03 |
rus-ger |
gen. |
смена эпох |
Zeitenwende |
Oxana Vakula |
21 |
16:25:54 |
rus |
abbr. med. |
алкогольный абстинентный синдром |
Maggotka |
22 |
16:17:37 |
rus-ger |
account. |
без отпуска |
unbeurlaubt |
Bedrin |
23 |
15:48:26 |
rus-heb |
IT |
поисковый термин |
מונח חיפוש |
Баян |
24 |
15:13:23 |
eng |
abbr. st.exch. |
single intraday coupling |
peuplier_8 |
25 |
15:13:00 |
eng |
abbr. st.exch. |
single day-ahead coupling |
peuplier_8 |
26 |
14:56:17 |
eng |
abbr. life.sc. |
Scientific Communication Platform |
ННатальЯ |
27 |
14:38:58 |
eng |
abbr. med., dis. |
late-onset myasthenia gravis |
ННатальЯ |
28 |
14:11:13 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
stifled |
сдавленный (о звуке) |
Abysslooker |
29 |
14:03:42 |
eng-rus |
immunol. |
biparametric histogram |
двухпараметрическая гистограмма |
30 |
13:59:17 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
доверительные отношения |
יחסי אמון |
Баян |
31 |
13:57:46 |
rus-heb |
idiom. |
смотреть глазами |
להסתכל דרך העיניים של (чьими-л.) |
Баян |
32 |
13:56:42 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
cat litter box |
кошачий туалет |
Scorrific |
33 |
13:54:51 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
gut feeling |
чутьё |
Scorrific |
34 |
13:53:10 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
катастрофический |
קטסטרופלי |
Баян |
35 |
13:45:59 |
rus-heb |
fig. |
лететь |
להתגלגל (о голове с плеч: ראשים מתגלגלים – летят головы) |
Баян |
36 |
13:44:52 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
breathes |
дышит (вторая буква "e" не читается) |
Shabe |
37 |
13:43:46 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
с горем пополам |
בקושי |
Баян |
38 |
13:43:21 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
почти не |
בקושי |
Баян |
39 |
13:33:04 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
каждый сам по себе |
כל אחד לעצמו |
Баян |
40 |
13:31:47 |
rus-heb |
idiom. |
чуть-чуть |
על קצה המזלג |
Баян |
41 |
13:27:23 |
rus-ita |
gen. |
личность которого я, нотариус, удостоверяю |
a me personalmente cognito (нотариус в Сан-Марино: a me personalmente cognita) |
massimo67 |
42 |
13:18:40 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
frustrated |
недовольный |
April May |
43 |
13:17:10 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
characters |
свойства |
chuu_totoro |
44 |
13:17:00 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
characters |
физические свойства |
chuu_totoro |
45 |
12:55:29 |
rus-heb |
avia. |
бюджетная авиакомпания |
חברה לטיסות חסך |
Баян |
46 |
12:55:11 |
rus-heb |
avia. |
лоукостер |
חברה לטיסות חסך |
Баян |
47 |
12:52:32 |
eng |
abbr. energ.ind. |
Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy |
Boris54 |
48 |
12:41:19 |
rus-heb |
gen. |
бездорожье |
דרך עפר (в знач. неасфальтированная дорога) |
Баян |
49 |
12:33:12 |
eng-rus |
psychol. |
emotion regulation |
эмоциональная саморегуляция (wikipedia.org) |
q3mi4 |
50 |
12:33:00 |
rus-fre |
gen. |
стереть |
gommer (резинкой youtu.be) |
z484z |
51 |
12:27:46 |
rus |
tech. |
тросогаситель |
см. гаситель троса |
Bauirjan |
52 |
12:00:31 |
eng |
abbr. energ.ind. |
Sustainable Renewable Energy Development Authority |
Boris54 |
53 |
11:43:59 |
eng |
abbr. energ.ind. |
Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research |
Boris54 |
54 |
11:25:04 |
rus-fre |
gen. |
выйти из зоны комфорта |
sortir de sa zone de confort |
z484z |
55 |
11:06:15 |
rus-heb |
adv. |
всё включено |
הכל כלול |
Баян |
56 |
11:04:52 |
eng-rus |
tech. |
Italian National Unification |
Итальянская национальная служба по стандартизации UNI |
Wolfskin14 |
57 |
11:02:48 |
rus-ita |
tech. |
Итальянская национальная служба по стандартизации |
Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (Ente italiano di normazione (UNI)) |
Wolfskin14 |
58 |
10:48:56 |
eng |
abbr. energ.ind. |
Bangladesh Power Development Board |
Boris54 |
59 |
10:43:06 |
rus-ger |
law |
полицейский-стажер |
PMA (Polizeimeisteranwärter) |
dolmetscherr |
60 |
10:32:35 |
rus-ger |
gen. |
ресурсоэффективность |
Ressourceneffizienz |
Dalilah |
61 |
10:24:13 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
normocythemic mice |
нормоцитемические мыши |
62 |
10:13:48 |
eng |
abbr. |
Europe, North America, Japan (The documents must be attached if the products export to ENAJA countries. goums.ac.ir) |
Kheifits_Lali |
63 |
10:05:13 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
multiple-dose container |
многоразовая упаковка (ГФ XIV) |
rebecapologini |
64 |
10:04:40 |
eng-rus |
pipes. |
passivation |
пассивациятрубопровода (Passivation is a chemical treatment process where the stainless steel is treated with an oxidizing acid. Passivation dissolves carbon steel, and sulfide inclusions and removes iron and other surface contaminants from the stainless steel surface. At the same time, the acid promotes a chromium-rich thin but dense passive film (oxide protective layer) formation. This passive film imparts the corrosion resistance quality. Passivation of stainless steel is performed using nitric acid. Similar to pickled steel, passivated steel does not affect the metal’s appearance.) |
Bauirjan |
65 |
10:03:13 |
eng-rus |
pipes. |
pickling |
протравка (трубопровода: Pickling is basically a metal cleaning process. In the pickling process, thin layers of metal (in form of stains, inorganic contaminants, foreign matter, grease, oil, rust or scale, etc) are removed from the surface of stainless steel. For pickling of stainless steel, usually, a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acid is used. Pickling is a popular process for removing weld heat tinted layers from stainless steel surfaces. However, the Pickling process causes etching of the surface and affects the surface finish making it dull.) |
Bauirjan |
66 |
9:54:11 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
antimicrobial agent |
антимикробный консервант (ОФС. |
rebecapologini |
67 |
9:24:02 |
rus-ger |
med. |
косая латеральная мышца бедра |
vastus lateralis obliquus |
Micha K. |
68 |
9:20:50 |
ger |
abbr. med. |
vastus lateralis obliquus (uni-duesseldorf.de) |
Micha K. |
69 |
9:13:08 |
eng-rus |
anat. |
arthrology |
учение о соединениях костей |
sankozh |
70 |
8:46:35 |
eng-rus |
pulm. |
средняя объёмная скорость (спирография) |
Ying |
71 |
8:08:53 |
eng-rus |
anat. |
part |
образование (part of the body) |
sankozh |
72 |
7:41:15 |
eng-rus |
formal |
take one's own life by drowning |
утопиться (Almost simultaneous with the receipt of a dramatic note from her husband, Michael, declaring he was taking his own life by drowning, Mrs. Lucy Quilligan of 413 Beach Street, was informed this morning by a telegram from the Brooklyn police that a body, believed to be that of her husband, was washed ashore. (Don Juan Quilligan, 1945)) |
ART Vancouver |
73 |
7:33:09 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
move past |
пройти мимо |
April May |
74 |
7:02:05 |
eng-rus |
tech. |
centre frequency |
средняя частота |
Post Scriptum |
75 |
6:49:14 |
eng-rus |
archer. |
follow through |
проводка (= проводка стрелы в первые доли секунды после выстрела. Лук удерживается прямо и неподвижно, пока хвостовик стрелы не покинет полочку лука.) |
Zamatewski |
76 |
4:23:56 |
eng-rus |
cliche. |
hopefully |
надеюсь, что (Hopefully that can ease your mind a little bit on this procedure.) |
ART Vancouver |
77 |
4:22:22 |
eng-rus |
cliche. |
hopefully |
будем надеяться (This technique, twice a day for two weeks, should significantly help your baby with gas and hopefully with colic.) |
ART Vancouver |
78 |
4:20:49 |
eng-rus |
busin. |
unfair playing field |
неравные условия (деловой деятельности: That sounds like an unfair playing field. Have you contacted your local BIA?) |
ART Vancouver |
79 |
4:13:41 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
more than N can manage |
не под силу (These challenges have become more than Ken can manage.) |
ART Vancouver |
80 |
4:04:58 |
eng-rus |
cliche. |
do everything right |
сделать всё, как положено (We've played by the rules, we've done everything right.) |
ART Vancouver |
81 |
3:59:22 |
eng-rus |
law.enf. |
laundered money |
"отмытые" средства (The $7.8 million condo in Coal Harbour was purchased with laundered money.) |
ART Vancouver |
82 |
3:11:15 |
eng-rus |
idiom. |
tough call |
трудный выбор (A choice or judgment which is difficult to make, especially one involving only two alternatives.: That was a tough call. Cancelling the show was one of the toughest calls I had to make.) |
ART Vancouver |
83 |
3:03:27 |
eng-rus |
crim.law. |
discharge of the duties of a juror |
исполнение обязанностей присяжного заседателя (цитата из повестки: a mental or physical infirmity incompatible with the discharge of the duties of a juror) |
ART Vancouver |
84 |
2:45:00 |
eng-rus |
cliche. |
happy New Year! |
с наступающим вас! |
ART Vancouver |
85 |
2:33:45 |
rus-tur |
milk. |
творог |
kesmik (wikipedia.org) |
MikhailSmirnov |
86 |
1:40:30 |
rus-ita |
energ.ind. |
ветропарк |
campo eolico |
Lantra |
87 |
1:23:59 |
eng-rus |
transp. |
make it up |
подняться на горку (в голодёд: Big problems at the Lougheed Skytrain Station bus loop as well: a bus couldn't make it up an icy hill blocking other buses from starting their routes on time. youtube.com) |
ART Vancouver |
88 |
0:38:15 |
eng |
merry crisis! |
merry Chrysler! |
Shabe |
89 |
0:36:50 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
undeterred |
неуклонный |
myaxovskij |
90 |
0:34:52 |
eng |
merry Chrysler! |
merry Christmas! |
Shabe |
91 |
0:24:10 |
eng-rus |
idiom. |
look a vision |
сказочно выглядеть (досл. "выглядеть (словно прекрасное) видение(, а не что-то приземлённое)": Honey, you look a vision in this dress! wordreference.com) |
Shabe |
92 |
0:08:15 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
tampon |
тампон (для месячных; для нанесения краски в тампопечати;) |
В.И.Макаров |