
Reading room | Николай Гоголь | Майская ночь, или утопленница | 📋 | 📖 | 🔀 | Russian
«Эх, если бы я знал грамоте!» —
The moon poured her light on the gloomy majesty of the dark maple-wood.
подумал он, оборачивая её перед собою на все стороны.
The coolness of the air round the motionless pool enticed the weary wanderer to rest by it a while.
В это мгновение послышался позади его шум.
Universal silence prevailed, only that in the forest thickets the nightingales' songs were heard.
«Не бойтесь, прямо хватайте его!
An overpowering drowsiness closed his eyes; his tired limbs relaxed, and his head nodded. "Ah! am I going to sleep?"
Чего струсили?
he said, rising and rubbing his eyes.
нас десяток.
He looked round; the night seemed to him still more beautiful.
Я держу заклад, что это человек, а не черт!» —
The moonlight seemed to have an intoxicating quality about it, a glamour which he had never perceived before.
«Скидывай-ка, приятель, свою страшную личину!
The air was redolent with the perfume of the apple-blossoms and the night-flowers.
Полно тебе дурачить людей! —
Entranced, he gazed on the motionless pool.
Левко, сын! —
But instead of dark shutters, he saw light streaming from brilliantly lit windows.
Это ты, собачий сын!
Holding his breath, and without moving a muscle, he fastened his eyes on the pool and seemed to penetrate its depths. What did he see?
А что это?
His heart suddenly began to beat.
Видно, чешется у тебя спина!
The water began to break into ripples, and the window closed.
Вязать его!
Quietly he withdrew from the pool, and looked towards the house.
— Не до записок теперь, голубчик! Вязать его!
"How little one can believe what people say!" he thought to himself. "
— Постой, пан голова! — сказал писарь, развернув записку, — Комиссарова рука!
"The house is brand-new, and looks as though it had only just been painted. It is certainly inhabited."
— Комиссара?
He stepped nearer cautiously, but the house was quite silent.
— Комиссара? — повторили машинально десятские.
The clear song of the nightingales rose powerfully and distinctly on the air, and as they died away one heard the chirping and rustling of the grasshoppers, and the marshbird clapping his slippery beak in the water.
— Послушаем, что пишет комиссар! —
"Oh lovely moon Thou steepst in light The house where my darling Sleeps all night."
произнёс винокур, держа в зубах люльку и вырубливая огонь.
A window opened gently, and the same girl whose image he had seen in the pool looked out and listened attentively to the song.
Левко посмотрел на берег:
I sink and fall to the bottom like a piece of iron.
«Давайте в ворона, давайте играть в ворона!» —
In a silvery mist there moved, like shadows, girls in white dresses decked with May flowers; gold necklaces and coins gleamed on their necks; but they were very pale, as though formed of transparent clouds.
зашумели все, будто приречный тростник, тронутый в тихий час сумерек воздушными устами ветра.
They danced nearer him, and he could hear their voices, somewhat like the sound of reeds stirred in the quiet evening by the breeze.
«Кому же быть вороном?»
"Let us play the raven-game! Let us play the raven-game!"
Левко принялся разглядывать её.
Lots were cast, and a girl stepped out of the line of the dancers.
Заметно только было, что она неохотно играла эту роль.
Her face and clothing resembled those of the others; but she was evidently unwilling to play the part assigned her.
подумал Левко.
"No, I won't be the raven any more," she said, quite exhausted. "
«Я буду вороном!» —
"You are not a witch," thought Levko.
вызвалась одна из средины.
The girls again gathered together in order to cast lots who should be the raven.
Я знаю, тебе не золото нужно:
Suddenly there was a cry; the "raven" had rushed on a girl, embraced her, and it seemed to Levko as though she had stretched out claws, and as though her face shone with malicious joy.
Он теперь не помешает; возьми, отдай ему эту записку…»
he cried out, pointing at her suddenly with his finger, and turning towards the house.
Белая ручка протянулась, лицо её как-то чудно засветилось и засияло…
The girl at the window laughed, and the other girls dragged the "raven" screaming along with them.
"I know you do not need gold; you love Hanna, but her harsh father will not allow you to marry.