
Terms containing virtual | all forms | exact matches only
gen.acceso a contenedor virtual de orden inferiorlower order virtual container access
gen.acceso a contenedor virtual de orden inferiorlower order VC access
IT, tech.acceso virtual de banda anchavirtual broadband access
comp., MSactivación automática de máquina virtualautomatic virtual machine activation (Activation of a guest operating system or application based on properties of a host system or parent partition, including but not limited to the license state of the host)
comp., MSAdministrador de redes virtualesVirtual Network Manager (A Hyper-V component used to create and manage virtual networks)
comp., MSagente Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager agent (Software that is installed on either a virtual machine host or a library server, which enables Virtual Machine Manager to monitor and manage hosts, virtual machines, and library resources. An agent is also installed on the source machine during a physical-to-virtual machine conversion.)
environ.agua virtualvirtual water
water.res.aguas virtualesvirtual water
ITalgoritmos de paginación de memoria virtualvirtual memory paging algorithms
IT, dat.proc.almacenamiento de ficheros virtualvirtual filestore
work.fl., ITalmacenamiento virtualvirtual store
work.fl., ITalmacenamiento virtualvirtual storage
el.altura virtualvirtual height
el.altura virtual de la incidencia verticalvertical incidence virtual height
el.anchura virtual del contactovirtual contact width
fish.farm.análisis de la población virtualvirtual-population analysis
stat.análisis de población virtualvirtual population analysis
comp., MSaplicación virtualvirtual application (An application packaged by the Sequencer to run in a self-contained, virtual environment. The virtual environment contains the information necessary to run the application on the client without installing the application locally)
ed., ITaprendizaje virtualon-line learning
ed., ITaprendizaje virtuale-learning
comp., MSarchivo de configuración de máquina virtualvirtual machine configuration file (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
comp., MSarchivo de registro virtualvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
comp., MSarchivo virtualvirtual file (A file name within the virtual environment that is mapped to an alternate target location. A virtual file appears alongside other files in the containing directory, regardless of whether that directory is virtual or local)
arts., ITarte virtualcyberart
arts., ITarte virtualWeb art
arts., ITarte virtualvirtual art
arts., ITarte virtualNetart
comp., MSAsistente de Máquina virtualVirtual Machine Helper service (A service of Virtual Server that allows you to run a virtual machine in the context of a specified user account. The virtual machine is started in that user account's context, and uses it for accessing network resources. Virtual machine scripts also run in this user account's context)
comp., MSAsistente para crear discos rígidos virtualesNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
comp., MSAsistente para editar discos duros virtualesEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
comp., MSAsistente virtual personalPersonal Virtual Assistant (A service that implements control of in-conference services for one PSTN user. It listens for request key commands from the user's PSTN device and executes them to control the phone functionality. For example, PVA implements 6 (mute) from the PSTN user)
commun., ITasociación de terminal virtualvirtual terminal association
commun., ITasociación de terminal virtualVT-association
commun., polit.Asociación de usuarios europeos de redes virtuales privadasEuropean Virtual Private Network Users Association
el.atenuación nominal entre extremos virtuales del circuito a cuatro hilosnominal transmission loss of the four-wire circuit between virtual switching points
el.atenuación nominal entre extremos virtuales del circuito a cuatro hilosnominal transmission loss of the 4-wire circuit between virtual switching points
commun., ITatribución virtualvirtual dynamic allocation
commun., ITatribución virtualvirtual allocation
commun., ITatribución virtual dinámicavirtual dynamic allocation
commun., ITatribución virtual dinámicavirtual allocation
ed.aula virtualVirtual class
ITauto virtualvirtual car
life.sc., construct.avenida virtualconfined flood
comp., MSbarra de herramientas Administrador de máquina virtualVirtual Machine Manager toolbar (A toolbar in the main Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console that includes commands for hiding or displaying the Actions pane, customizing columns in the current view, opening the Job Tracking Status Window to monitor the status your own jobs, and opening Virtual Machine Manager Help)
comp., MSbase de datos Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager database (The SQL Server database that holds all Virtual Machine Manager configuration information)
econ.biblioteca virtualvirtual library
meteorol.Biblioteca Virtual de RecursosVirtual Resource Library
comp., MSbiblioteca Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager library (The catalog of resources that can be used to create virtual machines in Virtual Machine Manager)
IT, dat.proc.bloqueo de dirección virtualvirtual address lock
comp., MSbus de máquina virtualvirtual machine bus (A communications line used in Hyper-V by virtual machines and certain types of virtual devices. The virtual devices that use virtual machine bus have been optimized for use in virtual machines)
IT, dat.proc.campo virtualvirtual field
ed., commun.campus virtualvirtual campus
comp., MSCanal de fibra virtualVirtual Fibre Channel (A Hyper-V technology that provides the guest operating system of a virtual machine with direct access to Fibre Channel-based storage by exposing Fibre Channel ports to the guest through a virtual Fibre Channel adapter)
el.canal virtualvirtual channel
comp., MScaracterística de autoservicio para maquina virtualvirtual machine self-service (The Virtual Machine Manager feature that enables users to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment)
comp., MScarpeta compartida virtualvirtual shared folder (A mailbox folder structure on some IMAP servers in which mail folders are accessed with the administrator username and password, and shell login access to the mail server is not allowed. Access to specific mailboxes is managed by access control lists. This means that users are assigned the permissions to only access their mailbox folder, while an administrator has access to all mailboxes. This allows organizations to use administrative credentials to migrate e-mail from an IMAP server to Outlook Live)
comp., MScarpeta virtualvirtual folder (A list of files that match specific search or filter information. You create a virtual folder by specifying the types of files you want to find and saving that search information. Whenever you open a virtual folder it will search your computer again to find all files that match what you're looking for)
comp., MSCarpeta virtual de búsquedasSearch Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group search files by any criteria and display them in one place)
comp., MSCarpeta virtual de documentosDocument Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group files by any criteria and display them in one place)
comp., MSCarpeta virtual de imágenesPicture Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group image files by any criteria and display them in one place)
comp., MSCarpeta virtual de músicaMusic Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group music files by any criteria and display them in one place. This is similar to making a playlist)
hobby, ITcasco de realidad virtualhead-mounted display
el.central de conmutación de paquetes de circuitos virtualesvirtual-circuit switch
el., acoust.centro acústico virtualvirtual acoustic centre
el., acoust.centro acústico virtualeffective acoustic centre
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualcybermall
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualInternet mall
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualonline shopping mall
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualvirtual shopping centre
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualonline mall
fin., commun., ITcentro comercial virtualelectronic mall
commer., ITcentro comercial virtualvirtual shopping mall
ed., commun.Centro Virtual de CapacitaciónVirtual Training Centre
comp., industr.centro virtual de excelenciavirtual centre of excellence
gen.Centro Virtual de Excelencia para la Defensa contra las Armas NBQVirtual Center of Excellence for NBC Weapons Defence
IT, environ.centro virtual de recicladovirtual recycling centre
IT, tech.circuito virtualvirtual connection
inet.circuito virtualvirtual circuit
IT, tech.circuito virtual conmutadoswitched virtual circuit
commun.circuito virtual de la RDSIvirtual ISDN
commun., ITcircuito virtual de RDSIISDN virtual circuit
commun.circuito virtual permanentesoft permanent virtual circuit
telegr.circuito virtual permanentepermanent virtual circuit
comp., MSclase virtualvirtual classroom (An online meeting for teaching and collaboration pertaining to a particular lesson)
nautic.cláusula de pérdida total virtualconstructive total loss clause
ITcoche virtualvirtual car
comp., MSCOM virtualvirtual COM (The subsystem that manages COM objects created by application processes running in a virtual environment and prevents conflict with the same objects created outside the virtual environment)
water.res.comercio virtual del aguavirtual water trade
comp., MScomplemento Infraestructura de escritorio virtual VDI de Lync 2013Lync 2013 VDI plug-in (Provides the ability to have softphone-based audio, video, and meetings (peer-to-peer and multiparty) without the problems of latency, jitter, and packet loss)
telegr.comunicación virtualvirtual call
econ.comunidad virtualvirtual community
social.sc., commun.comunidad virtualwired community
ITcomunidad virtualelectronic community
social.sc., commun.comunidad virtualcybercommunity
comp., net.comunidad virtual, e-comunidade-community
comp., net.comunidad virtual, e-comunidadvirtual community
comp., net.comunidad virtual, e-comunidadonline community
tech.conexión a masa virtualvirtual ground
comp., MSConexión a máquina virtualVirtual Machine Connection (A feature of Hyper-V that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely through an interactive session)
tech.conexión a tierra virtualvirtual ground
commun.conexión de canal virtualvirtual channel connection
comp., MSconexión de canal virtualVirtual Channel Connection (An end-to-end connection consisting of concatenations of two or more virtual channels between two end points)
commun.conferencia virtualelectronic conference
commun.conferencia virtualelectronic conferencing
stat.conferencia virtualvirtual conference
comp., MSconfiguración de máquina virtualvirtual machine configuration (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
IT, dat.proc.conjunto virtual de caracteresvirtual character set
ITconmutación de paquetes por circuitos virtualesvirtual circuit switching
comp., MSconmutador virtualvirtual switch (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
comp., MSConsola de administrador de Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager Administrator Console (The console that provides access to the administrative functions of Virtual Machine Manager)
gen.contenedor virtualvirtual container
comp., MSControl remoto para máquina virtualVirtual Machine Remote Control (A feature of Virtual Server that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely)
comp., MScontrolador de dispositivo de pantalla virtualvirtual display device driver (Software in Windows 9x that manages a display)
comp., MSconversión de máquina física a virtualphysical-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
comp., MSconversión de máquina virtual a máquina virtualvirtual-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
IMF.costo virtualimputed cost
IMF.costo virtualimplicit cost
comp., MScuenta virtualvirtual account (A Local Service account that does not require password management. A virtual account is separate from the Local Service, Local System, and Network Service accounts. It uses the computer's account and credentials when it needs network access in a domain environment)
comp., MScuota de máquina virtualvirtual machine quota (A limit that is placed on the number of deployed virtual machines for a user or group in virtual machine self-service. Each virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward a virtual machine quota that is set for a self-service policy. If the self-service policy is associated with a group, the quota either can be shared by all group members (under shared ownership) or can apply to each group member individually (under per user ownership). The quota does not apply to stored virtual machines)
el.cátodo virtualvirtual cathode
comp., MScódigo de tecla virtualvirtual key code (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
comp., MScódigo de tecla virtualvirtual-key code (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
commun., IT, commer.desagregación virtualvirtual unbundling
mech.desalojamiento virtualvirtual displacement
IT, dat.proc.direccionamiento virtualvirtual addressing
comp., MSdirección IP virtualvirtual IP address (An IP address that is shared among the hosts of a Network Load Balancing cluster. A Network Load Balancing cluster might also use multiple virtual IP addresses, for example, in a cluster of multihomed Web servers)
ITdirección virtualvirtual address
comp., MSdirección virtualvirtual address (In a virtual memory system, the address the application uses to reference memory. The kernel and the memory management unit (MMU) translate this address into a physical address before the memory is actually read or written)
comp., MSdirección virtual relativarelative virtual address (An offset from the address of a module that is loaded in memory)
comp., MSdirectorio virtualvirtual directory (A name used to access the contents of any Exchange store using a Web browser. The virtual directory name is used to open a mailbox as well as browse the folders of a public store. This name is also used in URLs using the Microsoft Internet Publishing Provider (MSDAIPP), which includes both hyperlinks in Web pages as well as Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects client-side code)
comp., MSdisco duro virtualvirtual hard disk (The storage medium for a virtual machine. It can reside on any storage topology that the host operating system can access, including external devices, storage area networks, and network-attached storage. The file format is .vhd)
comp., MSdisco duro virtual de diferenciacióndifferencing virtual hard disk (" A virtual hard disk that stores the changes or "differences" to an associated parent virtual hard disk for the purpose of keeping the parent intact. The differencing disk is a separate .vhd file that is associated with the .vhd file of the parent disk. Changes continue to accumulate in the differencing disk until it is merged to the parent disk.")
comp., MSdisco duro virtual de expansión dinámicadynamically expanding virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk that grows in size each time it is modified. This type of virtual hard disk starts as a 3 KB .vhd file and can grow as large as the maximum size specified when the file was created. The only way to reduce the file size is to zero out the deleted data and then compact the virtual hard disk)
comp., MSdisco duro virtual de tamaño fijofixed-size virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk with a fixed size that is determined and for which all space is allocated when the disk is created. The size of the disk does not change when data is added or deleted)
comp., MSdisco duro virtual vinculadolinked virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk that points to and uses an entire physical disk for the purpose of converting a data disk to a virtual hard disk. You cannot turn on a virtual machine if a linked disk is attached to the virtual machine)
comp., MSdisco virtualvirtual disk (A collection of one or more physical disks from a previously created storage pool)
ed., ITdisco virtual encriptadoencrypted virtual disk
IT, dat.proc.dispositivo de fabricación virtualvirtual manufacturing device
comp., MSdisquete virtualvirtual floppy disk (A file-based version of a physical floppy disk. A virtual floppy disk is stored as a file with a .vfd file name extension)
transp., tech.distancia virtualequated distance
transp., tech.distancia virtualcompensated distance
IT, dat.proc.documento virtualvirtual document
transp.eje virtualno-flapping axis
transp.eje virtualaxis of no flapping
earth.sc., el.electrodo virtualvirtual electrode
ITempresa virtualvirtual enterprise
commun.enlace de canal virtualvirtual channel link
comp., MSenlace de datos en modo virtualvirtual-mode data binding (A type of data binding in which a data-bound control retrieves only as many rows from the database as the user will be able to see on the screen)
commun.enlace virtualvirtual link
ed., ITenseñanza en entorno virtualvirtual educational environment
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtualvirtual terminal environment
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtualVT-environment
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtual completofull-VTE
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtual completofull virtual terminal environment
IT, dat.proc.entorno de terminal virtual en proyectodraft-VTE
IT, dat.proc.entorno de terminal virtual en proyectodraft virtual terminal environment
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtual presentecurrent virtual terminal environment
commun., ITentorno de terminal virtual presentecurrent VTE
ITentorno virtualvirtual environment
comp., MSentorno virtualvirtual environment (A runtime container that defines the resources available to application processes launched from an application package. Resources include files, directories, registry keys and values, fonts, COM objects, and services. These resources originate from the application package but may be changed by the application. Changes to resources made by the application are isolated from other applications launched from different packages or by different users. Changes made by the application take precedence over package-defined resources and persist from one launch of the application to the next)
comp., MSentrada de distribución virtualvirtual dispatch slot (An entry in an internally maintained table of functions that is used at runtime to look up virtual function calls in an object-oriented type)
org.name.Equipo directivo virtual del proyectoVirtual Project Task Force
gen.escalón virtualnotional step
comp., MSescritorio virtualvirtual desktop (A client operating system that is deployed by using a virtual machine to provide a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it were a separate computer)
comp., MSescritorio virtual con RemoteFXRemoteFX-enabled virtual desktop (A virtual desktop on which RemoteFX can be run)
comp., MSescritorio virtual personalpersonal virtual desktop (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
ed., commun.Escuela Europea de Policía electrónica virtualelectronic European Police College
ITespacio virtualvirtual space
comp., MSexpiración de máquina virtualvirtual machine expiration (A feature of Virtual Machine Manager that enables an administrator to set the number of days after the created date when a virtual machine is retired from use by self-service users. Expired virtual machines no longer appear in the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. However, the Virtual Machine Manager administrator still can manage the expired virtual machines. Expiration settings are applied transparently through the virtual machine templates with which self-service users create their virtual machines)
arts., ed.exposición virtual didácticavirtual educacional exhibition
ITextensión de direcciones virtualesvirtual address extension
commun., ITextensión de dirección virtualvirtual address extension
commun., el.extremo virtualvirtual switching point
commun.extremo virtual de la conexión internacionalvirtual international connecting point
IT, tech.facilidad de llamada virtualvirtual call facility
IT, tech.facilidad de llamada virtualvirtual call
ITfichero virtualvirtual file
ITfichero virtualfile
commun.foro de debate virtualvirtual discussion forum
ITforo virtualvirtual forum
earth.sc.fuente virtual de ionesvirtual ions source
commun.fuente virtual/destino virtualvirtual source/virtual destination
commun.función de comunicación avanzada/método de acceso de terminal virtualadvanced communication function/virtual terminal access method
ITGestor de memoria virtual orientado al objeto en tiempo realVirtual Real-time Object Oriented Memory Manager
meteorol.Grupo de Administración del Laboratorio VirtualVL Management Group
meteorol.Grupo de Administración del Laboratorio VirtualVirtual Laboratory Management Group
comp., MSgrupo de escritorios virtualesvirtual desktop pool (A group of one or more identically configured virtual machines. Users can connect to any virtual machine in the pool by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Because the virtual machines are identically configured, users will receive the same virtual desktop regardless of which virtual machine they connect to. Only one user can use a given virtual machine at a time, but the user is not assigned to a particular virtual machine)
comp., MShost de máquina virtualvirtual machine host (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
comp., MSidentidad de máquina virtualvirtual machine identity (The virtual machine name in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, which uniquely identify a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine)
commun.identificador de canal virtualvirtual channel identifier
commun.identificador de trayecto virtualvirtual path identifier
nat.sc.imagen virtualvirtual image
nat.sc.imagen virtualapparent image
comp., MSimplementación de escritorio basada en máquina virtualvirtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
comp., MSimplementación de máquina virtualvirtual machine deployment (The process of moving the configuration files for a virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Manager library to a virtual machine host)
earth.sc.inercia virtualvirtual inertia
comp., MSInfraestructura de escritorio virtualVirtual Desktop Infrastructure (In Operating system virtualization, an alternative desktop delivery model from Microsoft that allows users to access desktops running in the datacenter)
nat.sc.instalación virtualvirtual facility
comp., MSinstantánea de máquina virtualvirtual machine snapshot (A file-based snapshot of the state, disk data, and configuration of a virtual machine at a specific point in time)
ITinstituto virtualvirtual institute
IT, nat.sc.instituto virtual de tribologíavirtual tribology institute
IT, environ.instituto virtual marítimovirtual maritime institute
IT, industr.instituto virtual para instalaciones de ensayos de turbinas de gasvirtual institute for gas-turbine instrumentation
comp., MSintercambiar direcciones IP virtualesswap virtual IP (To swap the staging environment with the production environment of a cloud service)
el.intercambio de energía virtualnominal exchange of energy
ITinterfaz binaria virtualApplications Neutral Distribution Format
ITinterfaz binaria virtualVirtual Binary Interface
ITinterfaz binaria virtualvirtual binary interface
ITinterfaz de dispositivo virtualvirtual device interface
ITInterfaz de programas de control virtualVirtual Control Program Interface
comp., MSIP virtualvirtual IP (An IP address that is not connected to a specific computer or network interface card. Service deployments are assigned a VIP for receiving network traffic which is redirected to a physical device in the Windows Azure fabric)
commun.kiosko virtualelectronic newstand
commun.kiosko virtualvirtual newstand
commun.kiosko virtualdigital newstand
ITlaboratorio virtualvirtual laboratory
meteorol.Laboratorio Virtual para Aprendizaje y Formación en Meteorología SatelitalVirtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology
comp., MSLAN virtualvirtual LAN (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
inet.Lenguaje de Modelación de Realidad VirtualVirtual Reality Modeling Language
social.sc., ITlenguaje de modelación de realidad virtualvirtual reality modelling language
ITLenguaje de Modelización de Realidad VirtualVirtual Reality Modelling Language
arts., commun.librería virtualonline bookstore
commun., ITlibrería virtualvirtual library
arts., commun.librería virtualonline bookshop
IT, tech.llamada virtualvirtual call facility
IT, tech.llamada virtualvirtual call
transp.longitud virtualvirtual length
ITmatriz de memoria virtualvirtual array
IT, dat.proc.memoria de correspondencia de dirección virtual/dirección realreal/virtual addressing mapping table
IT, tech.memoria virtualvirtual memory
IT, tech.memoria virtualvirtual storage
IT, tech.memoria virtualvirtual store
comp., MSmemoria virtualvirtual memory (Temporary storage used by a computer to run programs that need more memory than is physically installed on the computer)
comp., MSmemoria virtual de la impresoravirtual printer memory (In a PostScript printer, a part of memory that stores font information. The memory in PostScript printers is divided into two areas: banded memory and virtual memory. The banded memory contains graphics and page-layout information needed to print your documents. The virtual memory contains any font information that is sent to your printer either when you print a document or when you download fonts)
ITmercado virtualvirtual marketplace
commer., fin., commun.mercado virtualvirtual market
transp.meridiano virtualvirtual meridian
ITmetafichero por dispositivo virtualVirtual Device Metafile
comp., MSmigración de máquina virtualvirtual machine migration (The process of moving a deployed virtual machine from its current virtual machine host to another host)
mater.sc.modelización virtual con arcillavirtual clay modelling
ITmonitor de máquina virtualvirtual machine monitor
ITmonitor de máquina virtualhypervisor
ed.movilidad virtualvirtual mobility
ed.movilidad virtuale-mobility
commun., ITmáquina de protocolo de terminal virtualvirtual terminal protocol machine
ITmáquina virtualvirtual machine
ITmáquina virtualabstract machine
comp., MSmáquina virtualvirtual machine (A software implementation of a computer that emulates a complete hardware system, from processor to network card, in a self-contained, isolated software environment, enabling the simultaneous operation of otherwise incompatible operating systems)
comp., MSmáquina virtual almacenadastored virtual machine (An inactive virtual machine that has been saved to the Virtual Machine Manager library. The virtual machine's virtual hard disks (.vhd files) and virtual machine configuration file (.vmc file) are stored on a library share)
comp., MSmáquina virtual de RéplicaReplica virtual machine (A virtual machine running on the Replica server that receives changes that are detected on the corresponding primary virtual machine)
comp., MSmáquina virtual expiradaexpired virtual machine (A virtual machine that can no longer be managed by the self-service user who owns it because the virtual machine's expiration date has passed)
ITMáquina Virtual JavaJava Virtual Machine
comp., MSMáquina virtual JavaJava Virtual Machine (The environment in which Java programs run)
comp., MSmáquina virtual persistentepersistent virtual machine (A virtual machine that will retain the data indefinitely, even after the reboot)
comp., MSmáquina virtual principalprimary virtual machine (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
comp., MSMáquinas virtualesVirtual Machines (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
comp., MSMáquinas virtuales de Windows AzureWindows Azure Virtual Machines (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
ITmétodo de acceso a la memoria virtualvirtual storage access method
IT, dat.proc.método de acceso virtual en telecomunicacionesvirtual telecommunications access method
law, transp., tech.método virtual de ensayovirtual testing method
el.nodo de conmutación de circuitos virtualesVCS node
el.nodo de conmutación de circuitos virtualesvirtual circuit switching node
el.nodo de conmutación de circuitos virtualesVC switching node
comp., MSnombre de máquina virtualvirtual machine name (The name that, in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, uniquely identifies a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system)
ITnorma de interfaz binaria virtualvirtual binary interface standard
mech.eng.numero virtual de dientesvirtual number of teeth
ITobjeto virtualvirtual object
comp., MSobjeto virtualvirtual object (Any content or control in an application that a user can interact with, i.e. a menu, a button, the background, etc)
polit.oficina virtualvirtual workplace
polit.oficina virtualvirtual workplace telework (teletrabajo)
comp., net.oficina virtualvirtual office
IT, dat.proc.Operating System/Virtual StorageOperating System/Virtual Storage
commun.periodismo virtualonline reporting
commun.periodismo virtualwired journalism
commun.periodismo virtualelectronic journalism
comp., MSpermisos de máquina virtualvirtual machine permissions (Permissions that determine which actions self-service users can perform on their own virtual machines. The permissions allow users to create, delete, start, stop, pause, and resume their own virtual machines, serve as a local administrator on their virtual machines, and access their virtual machines remotely by using Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC))
transp.perímetro virtual de la huella del neumáticovirtual perimeter of the tyre footprint
el.petición de información sobre el estado de una llamada virtualvirtual call status request
comp., MSplantilla de escritorio virtualvirtual desktop template (A virtual machine that is configured as a template in a virtual desktop collection and is used to create new virtual desktops in that collection)
comp., MSplantilla de IP virtualvirtual IP template (A template that contains configuration settings for how a load balancer should handle a specific type of network traffic)
comp., MSplantilla de máquina virtualvirtual machine template (A library resource consisting of a guest operating system profile, a hardware profile, and one or more virtual hard disks (.vhd files), which can be used to create a new virtual machine. Computer identify information must have been removed from the .vhd file that contains the operating system files by using the System Preparation tool (Sysprep). Self-service users must use designated templates to create their virtual machines)
IT, dat.proc.portador de imagen virtualvirtual image carrier
comp., MSPortal de autoservicio de Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
econ.precio virtualshadow price
ITpresencia virtualvirtual presence
comp., MSpreservación de máquina virtualvirtual machine preservation (The process of updating a host operating system, maximizing uptime of the virtual machine(s) that it hosts)
comp., MSprocesador virtualvirtual processor (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Task Scheduler, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. Just one context executes at any given time on a virtual processor. Every scheduler instance contains a collection of virtual processors, and every virtual processor maps to a virtual processor root in the Resource Manager)
stat.proceso de tiempo de espera virtualvirtual waiting time process
stat.proceso de tiempo de espera virtualTakacs process
math.proceso que requiere tiempo de espera virtualvirtual waiting time process
comp., MSpropiedad de máquina virtualvirtual machine ownership (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
commun.protocolo de aparato virtualvirtual device protocol
gen.punto de interconexión virtualvirtual interconnection point
nautic.pérdida total virtualconstructive total loss
comp., MSraíz del procesador virtualvirtual processor root (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Resource Manager, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. To enable oversubscription of hardware threads, multiple virtual processor roots can map to one physical processing resource)
dat.proc.realidad virtualartificial reality
econ.realidad virtualvirtual reality
ITrealidad virtual inmersiva en rednetworked immersive virtual reality
ITred de área local virtualvirtual local area network
ITred de área local virtualvirtual LAN
comp., MSred de área local virtualvirtual local area network (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
inet.Red Privada VirtualVirtual Private Network
commun., ITred privada virtualvirtual private network
comp., MSred privada virtualvirtual private network (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
commun.red privada virtual internacionalInternational virtual private network
comp., MSred virtualvirtual network (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
org.name.Red virtual de comunicación sobre la extensión y la investigaciónVirtual Extension and Research Communication Network
org.name.Red virtual de comunicación sobre la extensión y la investigaciónVERCON
commun.red virtual de empresacorporate virtual network
comp., MSred virtual externaexternal virtual network (A virtual network configured to use a physical network adapter. External virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines to external networks)
comp., MSred virtual internainternal virtual network (A virtual network that is configured to use no network adapter. Internal virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines running on the same instance of Virtual Server. All network traffic is confined to the computer running Virtual Server)
commun.red virtual privadaprivate virtual network
comp., MSRegistro virtualvirtual registry (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects registry requests for keys and values from application processes running in a virtual environment. The redirection is based on the registry information defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
commun.reiniciación de un circuito virtualreset of a virtual circuit
gen.remuneración virtualnotional salary
commun.reposición de un circuito virtualreset of a virtual circuit
commun.revista virtualelectronic magazine
commun.revista virtualweb-zine
commun.revista virtuale-zine
commun.revista virtualdigizine
commun., ITrobot virtualknowbot
commun., ITrobot virtualknowledge robot
commun., ITrobot virtualrobotic librarian
commun., ITrobot virtualsearch robot
commun., ITrobot virtualknowledge agent
commun., ITrobot virtualinfobot
commun., ITrobot virtualcomputational agent
comp., MSrol de máquina virtualvirtual machine role (A cloud service role that provides a customer-customizable virtual machine image)
comp., MSruta de acceso virtualvirtual path (A sequence of names that is used to locate a file and that has the same form as a pathname in the file system but is not necessarily the actual sequence of directory names under which the file is located. The part of a URL that follows the server name is a virtual path. For example, if the directory c:\bar\sinister\forces\distance on the server miles is shared on the local area network at foo.com under the name \\miles\baz and contains the file elena.html, that file may be returned by a Web request for http://miles.foo.com/baz/elena.html)
comp., MSselección de máquina virtualvirtual machine placement (The process of selecting the most suitable host to deploy a virtual machine on)
el.separador de masa virtualvirtual-ground buffer
el.separador de masa virtualvirtual-earth buffer
comp., MSservicio Administración de máquinas virtualesVirtual Machine Management service (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
comp., MSServicio de disco virtualVirtual Disk Service (A set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provides a single interface for managing disks. VDS uses two sets of providers to manage storage devices. The built-in VDS software providers enable the management of disks and volumes at the operating system level. The VDS hardware providers enable the management of disk storage subsystems and are supplied by the hardware vendor)
comp., MSservicio Escritorio virtual personalPersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
comp., MSservicio Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager service (The software component that runs Virtual Machine Manager)
commun.servicios de red virtual globalglobal virtual network services
comp., MSservicios virtualesvirtual services (The subsystem that acts as the Service Control Manager (SCM) for services running in a virtual environment)
comp., MSservidor DHCP virtualvirtual DHCP server (An emulation of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. A virtual network can be configured to provide a virtual DHCP server, which offers dynamic configuration of IP addresses and related information to DHCP-enabled virtual machines)
comp., MSservidor virtualvirtual server (In a server cluster, a collection of services that appear to clients as a physical Windows-based server but are not associated with a specific server. A virtual server is typically a resource group that contains all of the resources needed to run a particular application and that can be failed over like any other resource group. All virtual servers must include a Network Name resource and an IP Address resource)
comp., MSservidor Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager server (A physical computer running Virtual Machine Manager)
social.sc., commun.sexo virtualvirtual sex
social.sc., commun.sexo virtualcybersex
comp., MSsistema de archivos virtualvirtual file system (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
ITsistema de diseño de realidad virtualvirtual reality design system
ITsistema de diseño de realidad virtualVR design system
ITsistema de explotación de direcciones reales o virtualesreal address and virtual address operating mode system
work.fl.sistema de la biblioteca virtualvirtual library system
ITsistema de realidad virtualvirtual reality system
ITsistema de realidad virtualVR system
ITsistema operativo con memoria virtualoperating system/virtual storage
ITSistema operativo de entorno virtualVirtual Environment Operating System
patents.sistemas de realidad virtualvirtual-reality systems
comp., MSsonido envolvente virtualvirtual surround (An audio effect that simulates surround sound and is ideal for using a computer with a 2-channel stereo sound card and a receiver that supports surround sound)
comp., MStamaño de memoria virtualVirtual Memory Size (In Task Manager, the amount of virtual memory, or address space, committed to a process)
comp., MSTarjeta inteligente virtualVirtual Smart Card (The ability for some devices to act like physical smart cards even if they aren't)
IT, dat.proc.tecla virtualvirtual push button
IT, dat.proc.tecla virtuallight button
meteorol.temperatura potencial virtual en la superficievirtual potential temperature at the surface
el.temperatura virtualvirtual temperature
el.temperatura virtualinternal equivalent temperature
semicond.temperatura virtual equivalente de uniónvirtual equivalent junction temperature
commun., ITterminal virtualvirtual terminal
commun.terminal virtual de entrada de datosdata entry virtual terminal
el.tiempo virtualvirtual time
fin., commun.tienda virtualvirtual store
fin., commun.tienda virtualonline store
fin., commun.tienda virtualvirtual shop
fin., commun.tienda virtualonline shop
transp.tonelada kilómetro virtual completavirtual ton-kilometre
transp., tech.tonelada-kilómetro virtual completavirtual ton-kilometre worked
transp., tech.tonelada-kilómetro virtual remolcadavirtual ton-kilometre hauled
ITtrabajo virtualvirtual work
gen.transacción virtualonline transaction
gen.transacción virtualdigital transaction
gen.transacción virtualnon-cash transaction
gen.transacción virtualelectronic transaction
gen.transacción virtualcashless transaction
el.transporte virtualnominal energy transfer
commun.trayecto virtualvirtual path
commun.tributario virtualvirtual tributary
ed., ITuniversidad virtualvirtual university
el.valor virtual de decisiónvirtual decision value
el.valor virtual de decisiónvirtual decision amplitude
ITvalores de decisión virtualesvirtual decision values
tech.velocidad virtualvirtual velocity
commun.viaje virtualvirtual travel
commun.viaje virtualarmchair travel
inet.Virtual Basic ScriptVirtual Basic Script VBScript
inet."Virtual Basic Script"VBScript
IT, engl.Virtual Reality Modelling LanguageVirtual Reality Modelling Language
commun.visita virtualvirtual visit
ITvisita virtual del museovirtual visit to museum
ITvisita virtual del museovirtual museum visit
comp., MSvista Máquinas virtualesVirtual Machines view (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator monitors, operates, migrates, clones, and creates checkpoints for virtual machines that are deployed on a virtual machine host)
forestr.volumen virtual del material serradolog scale
agric., tech.volumen virtual total del material serrado del lotelog tally
comp., MSvínculo virtualvirtual link (A logical link between a backbone area border router and an area border router that is not connected to the backbone)
comp., MSWindows PowerShell - Comandos Virtual Machine ManagerWindows PowerShell - Virtual Machine Manager command shell (The command shell, based on Windows PowerShell (Powershell.exe), that makes available the cmdlets that perform all functions in Virtual Machine Manager)
med.órgano virtualvirtual organ