
Terms containing temperatura del aire | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
IT, transp.indicador de temperatura de salida del aire acondicionadoair conditioning pack outlet temperature indicator
mech.eng.interruptor de la temperatura del aireair temperature switch
transp.interruptor de la temperatura del airetemperature switch
transp.medidor de la temperatura del aireair temperature sensor
meteorol.temperatura ambiente del aireambient air temperature
life.sc.temperatura anual del aireannual air temperature
tech.temperatura corregida del airecorrected air temperature
el.temperatura de bola húmeda del aire de salidaexit air wet bulb temperature
environ.temperatura del aireair temperature The temperature of the atmosphere which represents the average kinetic energy of the molecular motion in a small region and is defined in terms of a standard or calibrated thermometer in thermal equilibrium with the air
mun.plan., earth.sc.temperatura del aireair temperature
auto.temperatura del aire admitidoair intake temperature
PSPtemperatura del aire ambienteambient air temperature
meas.inst.temperatura del aire ambienteambient temperature
tech.temperatura del aire ambienteoutside air temperature
tech.temperatura del aire ambientefree-air temperature
tech.temperatura del aire de entradainlet air temperature
tech.temperatura del aire del carburadorcarburetor air temperature
meteorol.temperatura del aire en la superficiesurface air temperature
auto.temperatura del aire entranteintake air temperature
transp., avia.temperatura del aire exterioroutside air temperature
auto.temperatura del aire salienteoutlet air temperature
tech.temperatura indicada del aireindicated air temperature
meteorol.temperatura media anual del airemean annual air temperature
meteorol.temperatura verdadera del airetrue air temperature