
Terms for subject Microsoft containing símbolo | all forms | exact matches only
almacén de símbolossymbol store (A collection of indexed symbol files, which are debug (.dbg) or program database (.pdb) files that contain debugging information for Windows-based applications. This store is used by debuggers to retrieve debugging information associated with product releases. All symbols can be stored on the same symbol server and retrieved without having to know the associated product names, releases, or build numbers)
Exploración mediante el símbolo de intercalaciónCaret Browsing (Browsing or navigating through a page using the arrow keys, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME and END keys)
galería de símbolosstencil (A collection of masters associated with a particular Visio drawing type, or template. By default, stencils that open with a template are docked on the left side of the drawing window)
símbolo de copyrightcopyright symbol (The © character. Normally included at the beginning of a copyright notice)
símbolo de diagrama de flujoflowchart symbol (An icon that illustrates one of the various flowcharting functions)
símbolo de gradodegree symbol (The ° character)
símbolo de gradoDEGREE SIGN (The ° character)
símbolo de inserciónsystem caret (The location where text or graphics will be inserted. Also used for text box controls to indicate input focus)
símbolo de intercalacióncaret (" A symbol used to represent the Control key on the keyboard. For example, ^Z means "hold the Control key down and press the Z key.")
símbolo de marca comercialtrademark symbol (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a trademark, but not a registered trademark)
símbolo de marca comercialTRADE MARK SIGN (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a trademark, but not a registered trademark)
símbolo de marca registradaregistered trademark symbol (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a registered trademark)
símbolo de monedacurrency symbol (A symbol selected to designate a specific currency)
símbolo de númerocross hatch (Shading made up of regularly spaced, intersecting lines)
símbolo del esquemaoutline symbol (A symbol that is displayed beside a paragraph in outline view. You can use the symbol to display or hide subordinate levels of text and to reorganize text quickly)
símbolo del euroeuro symbol (The € character)
símbolo del sistemacommand prompt (An interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types command language strings of text that are passed to the command interpreter for execution)
símbolo del sistema con privilegios elevadoselevated command prompt (A command prompt that is run in a privileged administrator security context that allows actions that would normally be restricted. Without elevation, command prompts in Windows Client and Windows Server run in a restricted state)
símbolo del valorticker symbol (An identification code used to identify a publicly traded corporation on a particular stock market)
símbolos de documentodocument stencil (A stencil stored in a drawing file that contains an inventory of the masters used in all of the drawings in the file. Masters on the document stencil are linked to their instances in the drawings)
ventana del símbolo del sistemacommand prompt window (A window that mimics an old MS-DOS display for typing command-line instructions)