
Terms for subject Microsoft containing rápida | all forms | exact matches only
Búsqueda rápidaQuick Search (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed)
Búsqueda rápida en varias entidadesMulti-Entity Quick Find (A search field that allows the user to search across multiple entities such as contacts, accounts, and leads)
clave de marcación rápidaspeed dial key (A single- or double-digit number associated with telephone numbers, or e-mail or Web addresses, that enables users to quickly access the numbers or addresses)
comando de acción rápidaquick action command (A command in the message list that enables a user to perform a quick action)
configuración rápidaout-of-box experience (The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer)
copia de seguridad completa rápidaexpress full backup (A synchronization operation in which the protection agent transfers a snapshot of all blocks that have changed since the previous express full backup (or initial replica creation, for the first express full backup))
Creación rápidaQuick Create (An option on the lower left corner of the Web application that enables a user to select a new record to create from the list, without having to navigate to the part of the UI that applies to the item the user wants to create)
desvío rápidoExpedited Forwarding (A class for the delivery of audio media streams)
distribución rápidaquick deploy (A designation that the user can apply to a content deployment job to denote that it will be deployed frequently and quickly)
Edición rápidaQuick Edit (A feature that enables users to edit SharePoint list content directly without opening an edit window)
Editor rápido de etiquetasQuick Tag Editor (A tool for quickly selecting and inserting HTML)
Exploración rápidaQuick Explore (A feature that enables single-click access to trend and contribution patterns within a PivotTable or PivotChart report)
Fichas rápidasQuick Tabs (A user interface element that provides users with a quick and easy way to navigate across a large group of opened Web pages by providing the user with a visual representation of all of the opened thumbnails. Through this visualization, the user can easily spot and select a desired thumbnail)
formulario de vista rápidaquick view form (A mini form that shows up within the main form, so that users can create a new record for an entity without leaving the context of the current process)
formulario rápidoquick form (A view or display of a shorter version of a form that allows you to enter and save data quickly and easily)
Formulario rápidoQuick Form (A feature that displays a short form that you can use to quickly enter data and create records)
Guía de inicio rápidoQuick Start Guide (The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature)
Información rápidaQuick Info tooltip (The pop-up window that displays the complete declaration for an identifier when the pointer rests on the identifier in a code editor window)
Inicio rápidoQuick Start (A stand-alone, single document that users can use to get started on a subject or technology quickly)
marcación rápidaspeed dialing (A process by which a user presses and holds a key on their mobile phone keypad to dial a specific phone number)
marcación rápidaspeed dial (A single- or double-digit number associated with telephone numbers, or e-mail or Web addresses, that enables users to quickly access the numbers or addresses)
Marcación rápidaSpeed Dial (A menu item that enables the user to quickly access telephone numbers or e-mail or Web-addresses through an associated list of single or double-digit numbers)
Notas rápidasQuick Notes (A section in the default OneNote notebook where certain notes are stored by default)
Notas rápidasInk Desktop (A program in the Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC that you can use to write notes on your Tablet PC screen by using your tablet pen. Any notes you take are automatically saved and remain on your desktop until you delete them)
Publicación rápidaQuick Publication (A pre-formatted publication that can be quickly filled and finalized)
Redacción rápidaQuick Compose (A feature that enables users to compose or reply to a message without leaving the context of the conversation)
Reglas rápidasQuick Rules (A feature that allows form designers to select from a gallery of pre-built rules to make their forms dynamic)
Respuestas rápidasInstant Answers (A search feature that enables users to instantly find answers on the results page for topics such as weather, reference, celebrities, movies, books, and top local listings without having to hunt for it from link to link)
tarjeta rápidafast card (An NFC-enabled card (like a credit card) that users can use for payments or other transactions even when the phone is locked)
tecla rápida de correoe-mail quick key (A key that you use in some e-mail programs to enter text that is commonly used)
Vista previa rápidaQuick Preview (A feature that displays a preview of item content when a user hovers over a search result in SharePoint. The preview is optimized for the content type)
vista rápidaquick view (A view that provides one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, which include: flagged (messages that the customer has designated as requiring follow-up), photos (messages that contain photos), and social updates (messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook))
Vistas rápidasQuick views (The group label for the links that provide one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, such as flagged, containing photos, and from social networking services)
vínculo rápidoquick link (A customizable link on the Home page (on a menu and a corresponding Web part))