
Terms containing paquetes | all forms | exact matches only
gen.abandono de un paquete postalabandonment of a parcel
el.acceso múltiple por reserva de paquetespacket reservation multiple access
comp., MSactualización del paquetepackage update (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which updated package source files are recompressed and then redistributed to distribution points)
comp., MSactualización del paquetepackage refresh (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which the compressed package source files are redistributed to distribution points to repair a package. A package refresh also resets the access control list (ACL) if you changed the package access account)
agric.acuerdo global sobre el paquete de preciosoverall agreement on the price proposals
gen.Acuerdo relativo a paquetes postalesAgreement concerning Postal Parcels
comp., MSAdministrador de paquetesPackage Manager (A tool that installs, uninstalls, configures, and updates features and packages for Windows Vista. Called by Windows Setup during a standard installation or update, Package Manager can also be initiated from the command line to install or update Windows Vista feature packages on an offline destination computer, by using an unattended installation answer file)
mater.sc., industr., construct.agrietado de todo el paquetecracks in the bung
comp., MSalerta de Paquete de administración de BizTalkBizTalk Management Pack alert (A notification that administrators can subscribe to in the BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack. After subscribing to a given alert, administrators receive a notification whenever certain conditions are met. For instance, if a certain number of host instances are throttling, an alert could be raised)
fin.aplicación de grandes paquetesblock-trading market
comp., MSarchivo de definición del paquetepackage definition file (An ASCII text file that contains predefined software distribution objects, such as programs and packages to be used for software deployment)
comp., MSarchivo de origen del paquetepackage source file (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
comp., MSarchivo de paquete DACDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package)
comp., MSarchivo de índice de recursos del paquetepackage resource index file (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
comp., MSAsistente para configuración de paquetesPackage Configuration Wizard (The Wizard that gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file during the package configuration phase)
comp., MSAsistente para crear paquetes de implementaciónCreate Deployment Package Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create a deployment package)
mater.sc.atado de paqueteswiring
auto.balero de paquete giratoriospigot bearing
econ.bienes enviados por paquetes postalesgoods sent by parcel post
inet.Buscador de Paquetes de InternetPacket INternet Groper
el.campo del número de secuencia de paquete en emisión P Rpacket send sequence number P S field
el.campo del número de secuencia de paquete en recepción P Rpacket receive sequence number P R field
commun.campo identificador del tipo de paquetepacket type identifier field
el.canal de paquetes de usuariouser packet channel
el.capa paquetepacket level
el.capa paquetepacket layer
met.cementación en paquetepack hardening
earth.sc.cementación fuera de paqueteout-of-pack cementation
el.central de conmutación de paquetespacket-switching exchange
el.central de conmutación de paquetespacket switch exchange
el.central de conmutación de paquetes de circuitos virtualesvirtual-circuit switch
el.central de conmutación internacional de conmutación de paquetesinternational gateway node
el.central de conmutación internacional de conmutación de paquetesinternational packet-switching gateway exchange
el.central de conmutación rápida de paquetesfast packet switch
met.chapas en paquetesplates in bound bundles
commun., el.concentrador del ensamblador/des-ensamblador de paquetespacket assembler/disassembler concentrator
commun., el.concentrador del ensamblador/des-ensamblador de paquetesremote access point
commun., el.concentrador del ensamblador/des-ensamblador de paquetesaccess concentrator
commun., el.concentrador del ensamblador/des-ensamblador de paquetesPAD concentrator
gen.conmutación de datos por paquetes y por circuitospacket-and circuit-switched data services
ITconmutación de paquetespacket-mode operation
ITconmutación de paquetespacket mode switching
inet.conmutación de paquetespacket switching
comp., MSconmutación de paquetespacket switching (A technology for breaking data into packets and then sending the packets over a network. Each packet has a header containing its source and destination, a sequence number to reassemble the information, a block of data content, and an error-checking code. The data packets may take different routes to their destination, where the original information is reassembled after the packets arrive. The international standard for packet switching networks is X.25)
ITconmutación de paquetes por circuitos virtualesvirtual circuit switching
ITconmutación en modo paquetespacket mode switching
el.conmutador integrado de circuitos/paqueteshybrid switch
el.conmutador integrado de circuitos/paquetesintegrated circuit/packet switch
el.conmutador integrado de circuitos/paquetescircuit/packet switch
met.corte en paquetestack cutting
el.cortocircuito entre chapas del paquete magnéticofault between laminations
ITcuerpo de paquetepackage body
gen.curso previo, preencaminamiento de un paquete postal-aviónforward an air parcel
ITdeclaración de paquetepackage declaration
patents.decoraciones de paquetespackage decorations
earth.sc.depósito fuera de paquete con flujo de gas dirigidodirected gas flow out-of-pack deposition
commun., ITderechos vendidos por "paquete"rights offered as package
commun.descarte de paquete anticipadoearly packet discard
agric.desecación en los paquetesin-package desiccation
ITdesmontaje de paquetespacket disassembling
fin.detalles y condiciones están dentro del paqueteinside the package (prepaid card)
comp., MSdiagnóstico de Paquete de administración de BizTalkBizTalk Management Pack diagnostics (A feature that administrators can use to see the cause and troubleshooting information for a given problem. For example, if the health of a send port appears as red, the State Change Event tab in the Operations Manager console displays the reason why it went from green to red)
comp., MSdirectorio de origen del paquetepackage source file (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
comp., MSdirectorio de origen del paquetepackage source directory (A directory containing Configuration Manager package source files that are used for package distribution)
comp., MSdirectorio raíz del paquetepackage root directory (The directory on the sequencing computer on which files for the sequenced application package are installed. This directory also exists virtually on the computer to which a sequenced application will be streamed)
gen.distribución de paquetesparcel delivery
comp., MSDLL para el despliegue de paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Deployment Client DLL (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
commun.eliminación de paquetes finalestrailing packet discard
agric.embalaje por paquetes de kilopackage in one-kilo bags
comp., MSencabezado del paquetepacket header (In network protocol communications, a specially reserved field of a defined bit length that is attached to the front of a packet for carry and transfer of control information. When the packet arrives at its destination, the field is then detached and discarded as the packet is processed and disassembled in a corresponding reverse order for each protocol layer)
ITencaminamiento de paquete "datagrama"routing of "datagram" packet
ITencaminamiento de paquetesburst routing
ITensamblado de paquetespacket assembling
ITEnsamblador/desensamblador de paquetesPacket Assembler-Disassembler
ITensamblador-desensamblador de paquetesPacket Assembler/Disassembler
IT, tech.ensamblador/desensamblador de paquetespacket assembler/disassembler
comp., MSensamblador-desensamblador de paquetespacket assembler/disassembler (A device that connects a non-X.25 device such as a modem to an X.25 packet switching network)
gen.ensamblador/desensamblador de paquetespacket assembler and disassembler
ITensamblaje de paquetespacket assembling
commun., ITentidad a nivel de paquetepacket level entity
ITentorno de soporte avanzado para desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de equipo lógico en paquetes controlado por métodosTOOL-USE
ITentorno de soporte avanzado para desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de equipo lógico en paquetes controlado por métodosAn advanced support environment for method driven development and evolution of packaged software
el.entrelazado de paquetespacket interleaving
fin.envío por paquete postalconsignment by parcel post
commun.equipo terminal en modo paquetepacket terminal equipment
commun.equipo terminal en modo paquetepacket mode terminal equipment
ITespecificación de paquetepackage specification
commun., transp.estado de paquetes postalesparcel post statement
gen.estampilla postal para paquetes postalesparcel post stamp
gen.Estoy pesando los paquetes que enviaremos a EuropaI'm weighing the packages we will send to Europe
commun.estructura del paquete de pruebatest packet structure
life.sc., construct.fajina en paquetes con lastrerock-brush fascine
comp., MSfase de configuración de paquetepackage configuration phase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file)
commun.final del paquetepacket end
comp., MSfirma del paquete de la aplicaciónapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
commun.fluctuación de fase del paquetepacket timing jitter
IT, tech.formar paquetesto pack
el.formato de los paquetespacket format
telegr.formato de paquetespacket format
commun.funcionamiento en los modos de la capa paquetepacket level mode of operation
commun., ITfunción de manejo de paquetespacket handling function
comp., MSherramienta Sysprep para paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Sysprep (A utility that prepares the operating system for an installation of an app package)
gen.hoja de ruta de las paquetes postalesparcel bill
comp., MSidentidad del paquetepackage identity (The element of a .appx package that identifies the name of the package. This name is an internal data element of the .appx package and is not seen by the end-user customer)
comp., MSIndexador de recursos de paquetePackage Resource Indexer (The Windows tool that indexes your resources and their contexts. By doing so, it supports tailoring for language and for getting the best assets for different scale (DPI), selecting assets for high-contrast accessibility modes, or getting the best asset to fit a given target size)
ITindicativo de reconocimiento del paquete recibidoaffirmative acknowledge character
ITindicativo de reconocimiento del paquete recibidoacknowledge character
ITingeniería de paquetes de softwaresoftware engineering
commun.inicializar la capa paqueteinitialize the packet level
el.interfaz de nivel paquetepacket level interface
ITinterrupción de paquetes de aplicaciónbreak package
telegr.isocronismo por paquetesburst isochronous
tech.bombardeo aéreo lanzabombas para paquetes de bombascluster adapter
tech., met.las chapas negras se suministran en paquetes, en los que las hojas son todas de la misma claseblack plate delivered in bundles consisting of sheets of the same quality
IT, el.memoria de paquetespacket buffer
pack.mercancías en paquetesparcelled parcel
pack.mercancías en paquetespiece goods
el.modalidad de paquetepacket mode
gen.modo de transferencia paquetepacket transfer mode
gen.modo de transferencia por paquetepacket transfer mode
el.modo paquetepacket mode
telegr.montaje de paquetespacket assembly
industr.máquina clasificadora de paquetes postales de correa inclinadatilted belt parcel-sorting machine
dye.máquina de teñido en paquetepackage-dyeing machine
el.nivel de paquetepacket level
el.nivel de paquetepacket layer
commun.nodo de conmutación de paquetespacket switching node
commun.norma MAC/paqueteMAC/paquets standard
IToperación en modo paquetepacket-mode operation
IT, el.ordenador de conmutación de paquetespacket-switching processor
IT, el.ordenador de conmutación de paquetespacket-switching computer
commun.ordenamiento de paquetespacket sequencing
met.oxicorte en paquetestack cutting
commun.palabra de sincronización del paquetepacket synchronisation word
fin.paquete accionarialblock of shares
comp., MSpaquete acumulativo de actualizacionesupdate rollup (A tested, cumulative set of hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates packaged together for easy deployment. A rollup generally targets a specific area, such as security, or component of a product, such as Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS))
work.fl.paquete audiovisualaudiovisual package
commun., ITpaquete avasalladoslave deck
agric., industr.paquete blandosoft pack
agric., industr.paquete blandoamerican pouch
comp., MSpaquete burbujabubble packet (A data packet that is typically sent to create or maintain a NAT mapping and consists of an IPv6 header with no IPv6 payload)
comp., MSpaquete CALCAL pack (A digital or paper format pack that usually consists of a proof of purchase, the description of the licensing terms and policies, and number of client access licenses (CALs) purchased in this pack)
commun.paquete celular de coberturacoverage package
stat.paquete CENTScensus tabulation system
industr., construct.paquete comprimido de cinta de lana peinadabumped top
industr., construct.paquete comprimido de cinta de lana peinadabump top
ITpaquete con rastrotrace packet
fin.paquete CRD IVCRD IV/CRR
fin.paquete CRD IVCRD IV package
fin.paquete CRD IVCRD IV/CRR package
fin.paquete CRD IVCRD IV
comp., MSpaquete DACDAC package (An XML manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the DAC; the package gets created when a developer builds a DAC project)
commun., ITpaquete DAMdetection and mapping package
commun., ITpaquete DAMDAM package
fin.paquete de accionesblock of shares
comp., MSpaquete de actualización de seguridadsecurity update package (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
comp., MSPaquete de administración de BizTalk Server 2010BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack (A BizTalk enhancement that helps ensure full monitoring capabilities of BizTalk applications and infrastructure. It includes features like diagnostics and alerts to help monitor the health of a BizTalk deployment)
comp., MSPaquete de administración DPMDPM Management Pack (A licensed set of processing rules, filters, and alerts, which can be imported onto a MOM Management Server to enable an administrator to centrally monitor data protection, state, health, and performance of multiple DPM servers in Microsoft System Center)
gen.paquete de alimentosfood package
ITpaquete de aplicacionesapplication software
comp., MSpaquete de aplicacionesapp bundle (A collection of app packages and shared app package resources for a single app)
ITpaquete de aplicaciónapplication package
comp., MSpaquete de aplicación de capa de datosdata-tier application package (An XML manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the DAC; the package gets created when a developer builds a DAC project)
comp., MSpaquete de aplicación secuenciadasequenced application package (The files that comprise a virtual application and allow a virtual application to run. These files are created after sequencing and specifically include .osd, .sft, .sprj, and .ico files)
gen.paquete de apoyo ligerolight support package
gen.paquete de apoyo pesadoheavy support package
comp., MSpaquete de aprovisionamientoprovisioning packet (An XML packet that is downloaded by the computer enabled by FlexGo technology from the Provisioning Server over the Internet. Provisioning packets contain configuration information such as an end date or number of hours of computer usage time)
comp., MSpaquete de artículositem package (Several different items and quantities ordered from a supplier as one lot)
ed.paquete de ayuda económicafinancial aid package
econ.paquete de ayuda financierafinancial assistance package
pack.paquete de bandejas semirrígidas de aluminiosemi-rigid aluminium tray pack
el.paquete de chapa magnéticastock of magnetic laminations
industr., construct.paquete de chapasveneer package
pack.paquete de cigarrilloscigarette packet
pack.paquete de cigarrillospack of cigarettes
ITpaquete de comas flotantesfloating-point package
comp., MSpaquete de complementosadd-on package (An XML file in the addons folder of the Datastore. Add-on packages are used to deploy files or an application to a device or emulator)
ITpaquete de comunicacionescommunications package
ITpaquete de comunicaciones interprocesadorinterprocessor communications package
commun.paquete de comunicación establecidacall connected packet
el.paquete de confirmación de liberación de un ETCDDCE clear confirmation packet
el.paquete de confirmación de liberación de un ETDDTE clear confirmation packet
econ.paquete de controlcontrolling block
comp., MSpaquete de controladoresdriver package (A collection of files that comprise a driver)
IT, el.paquete de correo electrónicoelectronic mail packet
commun., ITpaquete de datospacket
commun., ITpaquete de datosdata packet
commun., ITpaquete de datos permanentesmaster data deck
comp., MSpaquete de descarga de la biblioteca de Windows para JavaScriptdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
comp., MSPaquete de detección de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Discovery Pack (An offer that provides a fixed amount of computing, storage, data transfers, access control, service bus, and SQL Azure database applications at a fixed monthly price)
commun., ITpaquete de detección y mapeadodetection and mapping package
commun., ITpaquete de detección y mapeadoDAM package
comp., MSpaquete de diagnósticodiagnostic package (The set of files that represent a set of diagnostics that the end user will run to troubleshoot and resolve a problem)
commun.paquete de difusiónbroadcast packet
IT, tech.paquete de discosdisk pack
IT, tech.paquete de discosdisc pack
agric.paquete de duelasshook
ITpaquete de establecimiento de llamadacall set-up packet
IMF.paquete de estímulo fiscalfiscal stimulus package
IT, tech.paquete de fichasdeck
IT, tech.paquete de fichascard pack
IT, tech.paquete de fichasdeck of cards
IT, tech.paquete de fichasset of cards
IT, tech.paquete de fichaspack
IT, tech.paquete de fichascard deck
IT, dat.proc.paquete de fichas objetoobject pack
IT, dat.proc.paquete de fichas objetoobject deck
ITpaquete de finalización de llamadacall clearing packet
UN, econ.paquete de financiaciónfinancial package
IMF.paquete de financiamientofinancial package
IMF.paquete de financiamientofinancing package
commun.paquete de funcionesfeature package
meteorol.paquete de físicaphysics package
agric., industr.paquete de gaveta y tuboslide and shell package
chem.paquete de guías sobre REACHREACH guidance package
textilepaquete de hilobunch
tech., industr., construct.paquete de hilowound packages
textilepaquete de hiloskein
textilepaquete de hilohank
tech., industr., construct.paquete de hilowound package
comp., MSpaquete de idiomalanguage pack (A collection of binaries that can be installed on top of the core product and enables users to select a preferred language so that the user interface and Help files appear in that preferred language)
comp., MSpaquete de idioma únicosingle language pack (A set of language resources that supports the deployment of a software program in a particular language)
comp., MSpaquete de implementacióndeployment package (A set of files that can be delivered as a unit to a client computer or device for installation)
comp., MSpaquete de implementación webWeb deployment package (A compressed (.zip) file or a folder that contains web site files, that is used to deploy a web site in IIS)
el.paquete de indicación de liberaciónclear indication packet
commun.paquete de informacióninformation packet
stat.paquete de información en apoyo del monitoreo del progreso en losMDG information tool
stat.paquete de información en apoyo del monitoreo del progreso en losmillennium development goal information tool
stat.paquete de información en apoyo del monitoreo del progreso en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del MilenioMDG information tool
stat.paquete de información en apoyo del monitoreo del progreso en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Mileniomillennium development goal information tool
comp., MSpaquete de integraciónintegration pack (A collection of custom activities that is specific to a product or a technology)
comp., MSPaquete de interfaz de idiomasLanguage Interface Pack (Add-in software that provides partially localized user interfaces for particular computer programs in languages not supported by localized versions of those programs)
comp., MSpaquete de Interfaz de usuario multilingüeMultilingual User Interface Pack (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
commun.paquete de itineranciaroam package
org.name.Paquete de julio de 2004July 2004 Package
comp., MSpaquete de la aplicaciónapp package (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
libr., mexic.paquete de librosbook set
libr., mexic.paquete de librospack
libr., mexic.paquete de librosbook pack
commun.paquete de llamada aceptadacall accepted packet
commun.paquete de llamada entranteincoming call packet
commun., IT, comp.paquete de logicialprogramme product
commun., IT, comp.paquete de logicialsoftware package
commun., IT, comp.paquete de logicialintegrated package
comp., MSpaquete de mantenimientohealth packet (A data structure containing health information about pseudo and physical logical unit numbers (LUNs))
fin., tech.paquete de medidaspolicy package
fin., tech.paquete de medidasseries of measures
fin., tech.paquete de medidaspackage of proposals
energ.ind.paquete de medidas integradas sobre la energía y el cambio climáticoClimate Action and Renewable Energy Package
energ.ind.paquete de medidas integradas sobre la energía y el cambio climáticointegrated energy and climate change package
energ.ind.paquete de medidas integradas sobre la energía y el cambio climáticoBarroso package
energ.ind.paquete de medidas integradas sobre la energía y el cambio climáticoClimate and Energy Package
econ., nat.res.paquete de medidas para el desarrollo de la faunaWildlife Development Package
social.sc., empl.paquete de medidas para el empleoemployment package
comp., MSpaquete de metadatosmetadata package (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
comp., MSpaquete de metadatos del dispositivodevice metadata package (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
gen.paquete de necesidadesneeds package
meteorol.paquete de ondaswave packet
comp., MSpaquete de paneldashboard pack (A kind of management pack that allows new dashboards to be installed and used in Operations Manager to display monitoring data)
commun.paquete de parámetro externoforeign parameter package
el.paquete de permisopermit packet
comp., MSpaquete de petición de entrada/salidaI/O request packet (Data structures that drivers use to communicate with each other)
el.paquete de petición de liberaciónclear request packet
commun.paquete de petición de llamadacall request packet
el.paquete de placaselement
fin.paquete de preciosprices package
comp., MSpaquete de presentaciónpresentation package (A package containing everything you need to show one or many PowerPoint presentations on another computer. This package can be saved to a folder or burned to a CD)
health., med.paquete de procedimientoprocedure pack
commun.paquete de programasprogramme package
dat.proc.paquete de programassoftware package
IT, tech.paquete de programaspackage
tech.documentación paquete de programas de computaciónsoftware package
gen.paquete de programas informáticossoftware package
dat.proc.paquete de programas de Micro CDS/ISISMicro CDS/ISIS package
IT, chem.paquete de programas que trata de la presión de emergenciasoftware package dealing with emergency pressure
sociol.paquete de protección social mínimosocial protection floor
sociol.paquete de protección social mínimobasic social security floor
commun., ITpaquete de pruebadummy deck
commun.paquete de reactivaciónbreath-of-life packet
comp., MSpaquete de reactivaciónwake-up packet (A packet that is sent by a Configuration Manager primary site server to bring computers out of a sleep state so that they can perform a management function, such as installing a mandatory software update)
gen.Paquete de reactivos para preparación radiofarmacéuticaKit for radiopharmaceutical preparation
lawpaquete de reformasreform package
fin.paquete de respuesta al prestatarioborrower response package
fin.paquete de respuesta del prestatariocomplete borrower response package
comp., MSpaquete de seguridadsecurity package (The software implementation of a security protocol. Security packages are contained in security support provider dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) or in security support provider/authentication package DLLs)
gen.paquete de seis medidassix-pack
comp., MSpaquete de servicioservice package (A package, also known as a service template, is a file that contains the role binaries and the service definition file to be published to the Windows Azure fabric)
UN, AIDS.Paquete de servicios iniciales mínimosMinimum Initial Services Package MISP
comp., MSpaquete de sincronización de horaTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
ITpaquete de softwarecanned software
IT, R&D.paquete de softwarepackage
IT, R&D.paquete de softwaresoftware package
ITpaquete de softwarepackaged software
comp., MSpaquete de softwaresoftware package (The combination of files, settings, and related general information that is required to install software on managed computers. The general information includes items such as the command line that needs to run on computers to install the software, hardware requirements that must be met before the software can be successfully installed, and a schedule for the installation)
ITpaquete de software de aplicación en paraleloparallelized application software package
IT, dat.proc.paquete de software gráficographical software package program
IT, dat.proc.paquete de software gráficographic software package program
fin.paquete de solicitudborrower solicitation package
comp., MSpaquete de soluciónsolution package (A compressed file that can be deployed to a server farm or a site. It can contain assemblies, resource files, site and feature definitions, templates, code access security policies, and Web Parts)
comp., MSPaquete de solución de problemas de WindowsWindows Troubleshooting Pack (A type of pack that is developed for the Windows Solution Center (using the Windows Troubleshooting Pack Designer) to perform data collection and analysis to provide users and IT professionals with only those solutions that apply to their PC at the time of viewing)
ITpaquete de soporte de aplicacionesapplications support package
fin.paquete de supervisión bancariabanking supervisory package
polit.paquete de supervivencia personalpersonal survival pack
polit.paquete de supervivencia personaldinghy pack
fin., commun.paquete de tarifastariff package
psychol.paquete de tratamientointervention package
commun.paquete de usuariouser packet
fin.paquete de valores mobiliariossecurities'lot
fin.paquete de valores mobiliarioslot of securities
met.paquete de varillas de aportaciónbundle of rods
gen.paquete "Defensa"Defence Package
tech.paquete del paracaídasparachute pack
fin.paquete del prestatarioborrower solicitation package
fin.paquete Delors"Delors package"
fin.paquete Delors IDelors I package
fin.Paquete "Delors II"Delors II package
el.paquete descartadodiscarded packet
commun.paquete digitalmulti-channel TV
commun.paquete digitalmulti-channel bundle
commun.paquete digitaldigital bouquet
commun.paquete digitalcluster of channels
commun.paquete directodirect bundle
comp.paquete dual en líneadual inline package dip
polit.paquete educativotraining package
polit.paquete educativotraining package Training materials comprising different, distinct medium types, no one of which is identifiable as being of primary importance, including still or animated projected visuals (e.g. film, slide, video), printed matter and sound support (Conjunto de material didáctico que comprende diversos medios , sin que ninguno de ellos tenga relación; por ej., pelìculas, diapositivas, video-tapes, material impreso, apoyo sonoro)
ed., ITpaquete educativolearning package
ed., ITpaquete educativoeducational package
commun.paquete en colisión de llamadascall collision packet
el.paquete en línea simplesingle-in-line package
el.paquete en línea simpleSIL pack
commun.paquete en tránsitobundle addressed to a distribution
commun.paquete en tránsitobundle addressed to a switching office
gen.paquete en tránsitobundle addressed to a distribution office
agric., industr.paquete encelofanadocellophane wrapped packet
sociol.paquete estadístico para ciencias socialesstatistical package for the social sciences
fin.paquete estándar para realizar el cambiostandard changeover package
earth.sc., transp.paquete exprésexpress parcels
commun., ITpaquete finaltrailer deck
IMF.paquete financierofinancial package
econ., market.paquete financierofinancing package
tax.paquete fiscaltax package
construct.paquete flejadostrapped bundle
commun.paquete físicophysical packet
commun.paquete físico interferente del tipo de las TDEIDECT-like physical packet interferer
tech.paquete genéricoplain packaging
tech.paquete genéricoplain cigarette packaging
tech.paquete guíaguidance package
health.paquete higienehygiene package
IT, dat.proc.paquete integradointegrated software package program
el.paquete invertido sin conductoresleadless inverted package
el.paquete LEDLED package
gen.paquete legislativo de DefensaDefence Package
econ.paquete legislativo sobre supervisión presupuestariasecond economic governance package
econ.paquete legislativo sobre supervisión presupuestariatwo-pack
el.paquete ligerolightweight package
el.paquete limitado por clavijaspin-limited package
comp., MSPaquete localLocal Pack (A package of market-specific content delivered in Windows for 20 target markets. A Local Pack contains market-customized themes (wallpapers, sound schemes, etc) and locally flavored Internet Explorer favorites and RSS feeds)
el.paquete micromódulomicromodule pack
comp., MSpaquete MUIMUI Pack (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
commun., ITpaquete mágicomagic packet
commun.paquete no preparado para recibirreceive not ready packet
commun.paquete no preparado para recibirRNR packet
IT, dat.proc.paquete objetoobject pack
IT, dat.proc.paquete objetoobject deck
comp., MSpaquete Optimización de rendimiento y recursosPerformance and Resource Optimization pack A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager (Performance and Resource Optimization)
textilepaquete pequeño de seda cruda asiáticasilk book
IMF.paquete "PMA plus"LDC-plus package
commun.paquete por defectodefault package
fin.paquete postalpostal package
commun.paquete postalletter packet
commer.paquete postalpostal parcel
gen.paquete postal abandonadoabandoned parcel
gen.paquete postal con valor declaradoinsured parcel
gen.paquete postal contra reembolsocollect on delivery parcel
gen.paquete postal contra reembolsocash on delivery parcel
gen.paquete postal contra reembolsoCOD parcel
gen.paquete postal de prisioneros de guerra e internadosprisoner-of-war or internee parcel
gen.paquete postal de servicioon service parcel
gen.paquete postal embarazosocumbersome parcel
gen.paquete postal embarazosobulky parcel
gen.paquete postal frágilfragile parcel
gen.paquete postal fuera de recipienteunenclosed parcel
gen.paquete postal fuera de recipienteoutside parcel
gen.paquete postal ordinarioordinary parcel
gen.paquete postal sin recipienteunenclosed parcel
gen.paquete postal sin recipienteoutside parcel
gen.paquete postal urgenteurgent parcel
commun.paquete preparado para recibirreceive ready packet
commun.paquete preparado para recibirRR packet
IMF.paquete presupuestariobudget envelope
comp., MSpaquete PROPRO pack (A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager)
nat.sc.paquete "procedimiento + catalizador"process-plus-catalyst package
el.paquete rectificadorrectifier stack
tech.paquete reforzadorboost pack
commun.paquete RNRreceive not ready packet
commun.paquete RNRRNR packet
gen.paquete robusto industrialrobust industrial type package
commun.paquete RRreceive ready packet
commun.paquete RRRR packet
el.paquete rápidofast packet
commun., ITpaquete secundariosecondary deck
social.sc., empl.paquete sobre empleoEmployment Package
gen.paquete sobre empleoemployment package
commer.paquete sobre mercancíasGoods Package
stat., ITpaquete SPSSstatistical package for the social sciences
stat., ITpaquete SYMAPsynagraphic mapping
comp., MSPaquete temáticotheme pack (A renamed .cab file which contains a .theme file, and optionally one or more desktop backgrounds, icons, mouse pointer files, and sound files. It does not contain executables or screen savers)
hobby, transp.paquete turísticopackage travel
hobby, transp.paquete turísticopackage
econ., hobbypaquete turísticoholiday package
hobby, transp.paquete turísticopackage tour
comp., MSpaquete webweb package (A collection of files, settings, databases, and auxiliary information that is packaged as a file structure or as a compressed file for deployment)
lawpaquetes de acciones en manos de los trabajadoresemployee share ownership
auto.paquetes de embragueclutch pack
forestr.paquetes de malezabrush bundles
el.paquetes de reiniciaciónreset packets
el.paquetes de reposiciónreset packets
commun.paquetes de supervisión de comunicacióncall supervision packets
tech.paquetes dobles en líneadual inline packets
econ.paquetes postales no clasificados según su naturalezapostal packages not classified according to kind
health.película en paquete individualsingle-packed film
commun.pequeño paquetesmall packet
commun.pequeños volúmenes de información en modo paquetepacked-sized information
load.equip., mexic.pinza para sujetar paquetesbale
mexic.pinza para sujetar paquetesbale (n.f.)
comp., MSprivacidad de paquetepacket privacy (An authentication level in which each data packet is signed and encrypted in order to protect the entire communication between the client and server)
el.probabilidad de toma de paquetespacket dropping probability
commun., ITpunto de acceso de paquetespacket gateway unit
commun., ITpunto de acceso de paquetespacket access point
ITpérdida de paquetespacket loss ratio
inet.pérdida de paquetespacket loss
commun.radiodifusión de datos por paquetesdata packet broadcasting
commun., el.radiotransmisión de paquetespacket radio
comp., net.rastreador de paquetespacket sniffer
ITrecepción de paquetesburst reception
comp., MSrecurso compartido de paquetepackage share (A network share that includes the software installation files for a package)
dat.proc.red de conmutación de paquetespacket switched telecommunication network
commun.red de conmutación de paquetespacket-switched data network
commun.red de conmutación de paquetespacket-switched network
commun.red de conmutación de paquetespacket-switching network
dat.proc.red de conmutación de paquetespacket switching network
dat.proc.red de conmutación de paquetespacket switched network
dat.proc.red de conmutación por paquetespacket switched telecommunication network
dat.proc.red de conmutación por paquetespacket switching network
dat.proc.red de conmutación por paquetespacket switched network
commun.red de datos con conmutación de paquetespacket-switching network
commun.red de datos con conmutación de paquetespacket-switched network
commun.red de datos con conmutación de paquetespacket-switched data network
commun.red de datos por conmutación de paquetespacket-switched network
commun.red de datos por conmutación de paquetespacket-switching network
commun.red de datos por conmutación de paquetespacket-switched data network
commun., ITred pública de datos con conmutación de paquetespacket switched public data network
commun., ITred pública de datos de conmutación de paquetespacket switched public data network
tech.redes de conmutación de paquetepacket switching
tech.redes de transmisión de datos de conmutación de paquetespacket switching data transmission networks
law, transp.Reglamento uniforme para el Transporte de Paquetes Expres por FerrocarrilStandard Regulations concerning the international Carriage of Express Parcels Traffic by Rail T.I.Ex.
gen.reparto de paquetesparcel delivery
ITresincronizar los paquetesto resynchronize bursts
commun.retransmisión de paquetespacket retransmission
gen.reunión paquetepackage meeting
commun.secuencia de paquetespacket sequencing
telegr.secuenciamiento de paquetespacket sequencing
econ.segundo paquete de gobierno económicotwo-pack
econ.segundo paquete de gobierno económicosecond economic governance package
econ.segundo paquete sobre gobernanza económicatwo-pack
econ.segundo paquete sobre gobernanza económicasecond economic governance package
commun.selección de la longitud de los paquetespacket length selection
commun., ITselección de ruta paquete por paquetepacket by packet route selection
gen.sello de correos para paquetes postalesparcel post stamp
ITservicio de conmutación de datos por paquetes o por circuitospacket-and circuit-switched data services
comp., MSservicio de datos en paquetespacket data service (A Windows service for transferring data over mobile networks)
comp., MSservicio de distribución de paquetespacket distribution service (The Web service that issues provisioning packets to the computer enabled by FlexGo technology based on the client's certificate and hardware version. The Web service also updates the distribution database to delete the downloaded packet)
inet.Servicio General de Radio por PaquetesGeneral Packet Radio Service
patents.servicios de reparto de paquetesparcel delivery services
gen.sistema celular/radio conmutado por paquetespacket switched cellular/radio
commun.sistema conmutado Bluetooth por paquetespacket switched Bluetooth
commun.sistema de conmutación de paquetespacket switching system
commun.sistema de conmutación de paquetespacket switch
commun.sistema de conmutación por paquetepacket switching system
econ.sistema del "doble paquete"double envelope system
fin.Subcomité "Paquete Delors II"Sub-Committee on the Delors II Package
commun.tabla de paquete de funcionesfeature package table
commun.tasa de paquetes de erroreserror grouping rate
load.equip., mexic.tenaza para sujetar paquetesbale
mexic.tenaza para sujetar paquetesbale (n.f.)
gen.tercer paquete energéticothird energy package
gen.tercer paquete energéticothird legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity market
energ.ind.tercer paquete normativo destinado al establecimiento de un mercado interior del gas y de la electricidadthird legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity market
energ.ind.tercer paquete normativo destinado al establecimiento de un mercado interior del gas y de la electricidadthird energy package
IT, tech.terminal en modalidad paquetepacket mode terminal
telegr.terminal en modo paquetepacket mode terminal
IT, tech.terminal en modo paquetespacket mode terminal
dye.teñido en paquetepackage dyeing
commun.transferencia de paquetespacket transfer
commun.transferencia de paquetespacket switching
commun.transferencia en modo paquetespacket transfer
commun.transferencia en modo paquetespacket switching
el.transmisión por paquetespacket transmission
commun.variación temporal del paquetepacket timing
IT, dat.proc.versión de paquete de softwaresoftware package version
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