
Terms for subject Environment containing marina | all forms | exact matches only
Acción concertada para el desarrollo de la energía eólica marinaConcerted action for offshore wind energy deployment
acción concertada para el desarrollo de la energía eólica marina en EuropaConcerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe
aguas marinassea water Aqueous solution of salts in more or less constant ratio, whose composition depends on several factors among which predominate living organisms, detrital sedimentation and the related chemical reactions. Sea-water accounts for more than 98% of the mass of the hydrosphere and covers just over 70% of the globe. Because of the composition and stability of the oceans, and the way they are controlled, they are of great importance to the climate, and great attention has been given to studying the effects of pollution. Man's activities are believed to be accelerating the change in the composition of sea-water
aguas marinas y medios sometidos a mareaopen sea and tidal areas
aire marinomarine air
almacenamiento de CO2 en las profundidas marinasCO2 storage in the ocean depths
ave marina contaminada por los aceitessea bird affected by oil
bajo la superficie marinaoffshore
biocenosis marinamarine biocenosis
biología marinamarine biology A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea
biota marina de la zona de la intermareatidal marine life
biota marina de la zona litoraltidal marine life
centro de respuesta ante situaciones de emergencia de contaminación marina en el Mar Mediterráneoregional marine pollution emergency response centre for the Mediterranean Sea
circulación marinasea circulation Large-scale horizontal water motion within an ocean. The way energy from the sun, stored in the sea, is transported around the world. The currents explain, for example, why the UK has ice-free ports in winter, while St. Petersburg, at the same latitude as the Shetland Islands, needs ice breakers. Evidence is growing that the world's ocean circulation was very different during the last ice age and has changed several times in the distant past, with dramatic effects on climate. The oceans are vital as storehouses, as they absorb more than half the sun's heat reaching the earth. This heat, which is primarily absorbed near the equator is carried around the world and released elsewhere, creating currents which last up to 1.000 years. As the Earth rotates and the wind acts upon the surface, currents carry warm tropical water to the cooler parts of the world. The strength and direction of the currents are affected by landmasses, bottlenecks through narrow straits, and even the shape of the sea-bed. When the warm water reaches polar regions its heat evaporates into the atmosphere, reducing its temperature and increasing its density. When sea-water freezes it leaves salt behind in the unfrozen water and this cold water sinks into the ocean and begins to flow back to the tropics. Eventually it is heated and begins the cycle all over again
columna marinamarine column
Comité de adaptación al progreso técnico - protección de aguas dulces, costeras y marinas contra la contaminación por nitratos provocada por fuentes difusasCommittee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Protection of Fresh, Coastal and Marine Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Diffuse Sources
Comité de Protección del Medio MarinoMarine Environment Protection Committee
composición marina antivegetativaanti-fouling compound
comunidad marinamarine community
contaminación marinamarine pollution Any detrimental alteration of the marine environment caused by the intentional or accidental release of dangerous or toxic substances, such as industrial, commercial and urban waste water
contaminación marina accidentalaccidental marine pollution
contaminación marina con base en tierraland-based marine pollution
contaminación marina desde buques y aeronavesmarine pollution due to ships and aeroplanes
Convención Interamericana para la Protección y Conservación de las Tortugas MarinasInter-American Convention for the protection and conservation of sea turtles
Convenio sobre la prevención de la contaminación marina causada por vertidos de residuos y otras sustanciasLondon Dumping Convention
Convenio sobre la prevención de la contaminación marina causada por vertidos de residuos y otras sustanciasConvention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
Convenios de Oslo y París sobre la reducción de la contaminación marinaOslo and Paris Conventions on the prevention of marine pollution
Convenios de Oslo y París sobre la reducción de la contaminación marinaOslo and Paris Conventions for the prevention of marine pollution
corriente marina ascendenteupwelling
depósito en fosa marinadeep sea deposit
desalación de agua marinasea water desalination
desalación de agua marinasea water desalination Removing salt from ocean or brackish water
desalinización del agua marina mediante energía solarsolar sea water desalination
Directiva Marco sobre la estrategia marinaMarine Strategy Framework Directive
Directiva Marco sobre la estrategia marinaMSF Directive
Directiva Marco sobre la estrategia marinaDirective establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy
ecología marinamarine ecology
ecología marinamarine ecology An integrative science that studies the basic structural and functional relationships within and among living populations and their physical-chemical environments in marine ecosystems. Marine ecology focuses on specific organisms as well as on particular environments or physical settings
emisario marinomarine outfall
emisario marinoocean outfall
emisario marinoocean outfall The mouth or outlet of a river, drain, sewer or any other place at which drainage or wastewater is discharged into a body of oceanic water
energía térmica marinathermal sea power
energía térmica marinathermal sea power The concept of utilizing the temperature differences of 20°C or more that occur between the surface of an ocean and its depths to achieve a continuous supply of power; this temperature difference may be found in the tropical regions of the world. Various small plants have been constructed to demonstrate the principle
fauna marinamarine fauna
fauna marinamarine fauna Animals which live in the sea
fitoplancton marinomarine phytoplancton
fitoplancton marinomarine phytoplankton
geología marinamarine geology
geología marinamarine geology That aspect of the study of the ocean that deals specifically with the ocean floor and the ocean-continent border, including submarine relief features, the geochemistry and petrology of the sediments and rocks of the ocean bottom and the influence of seawater and waves on the ocean bottom and its materials
mamífero marinomarine mammal Mammals which have adapted to live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.
marina mercantemerchant shipping
marina mercantemerchant shipping Transportation of persons and goods by means of ships travelling along fixed navigation routes
medio marinoMarine Environment
minería marinaoffshore mining
minería marinaoffshore mining Oil extraction from platforms situated a short distance from the coast
nutria marinachungungo (Lontra felina)
nutria marinasea cat (Lontra felina)
nutria marinamarine otter (Lontra felina)
nutria marinachingungo (Lontra felina)
ola marinasea wave
ola marinasea wave A moving ridge or swell of water occurring close to the surface of the sea, characterized by oscillating and rising and falling movements, often as a result of the frictional drag of the wind
organismo marinomarine organism
organismo marinomarine organism Organisms which live in sea water
Organización para la protección de las tortugas marinas del MediterráneoOrganisation for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Turtles
Organización para la protección de las tortugas marinas del MediterráneoMediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtle
parque marinomarine park
parque marinomarine park A permanent reservation on the seabed for the conservation of species
pesca marinadeep sea fishing
pesca marinadeep sea fishing Fishing in the deepest parts of the sea
pesquería marinamarine fishery
pesquería marinamarine fishery The harvest of animals and plants from the ocean to provide food and recreation for people, food for animals, and a variety of organic materials for industry
protección de agua marinasea water protection
Protocolo de enmienda del Convenio para la prevención de la contaminación marina de origen terrestreProtocol amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources
Protocolo de enmienda del Convenio para la prevención de la contaminación marina provocada por vertidos desde buques y aeronavesProtocol amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft
Proyecto MarinaProject Marina
reserva marinamarine conservation area
reserva marinamarine conservation area Any section of a sea or ocean designated for special protection, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystems
reserva natural marinamarine reserve
reservas marinasmarine reserve
reservas marinasmarine reserve Sea area where marine wildlife is protected
sedimento marinomarine sediment
sedimento marinomarine sediment Solid fragmental material, originated from weathering of rocks, that has settled down from a state of suspension in the water
tortuga marinasea turtle (Cheloniidae spp.)
tratamiento de las aguas residuales mediante plantas marinaswaste water treatment using marine plants
tromba marinawater-spout
valor límite de la contaminación marinamarine pollution limit value
vertido marinosea disposal
vertido marinoocean disposal
vertido marinodisposal at sea
vigilancia marinamarine monitoring
vigilancia marinamarine monitoring The assessment of marine pollution by an integrated chemical, ecological and toxicological survey
vivero marinomarine park
zona marina protegidaprotected marine zone
zona marina protegidamarine protected area
zona marina protegidaprotected marine zone Sea area where marine wildlife is protected
área marina protegidamarine protected area