
Terms for subject Microsoft containing método de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
llamada de método asincrónicoasynchronous method call (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
llamada de método semisincrónicosemisynchronous method call (A method call that returns immediately and allows the application or script to enumerate the returned objects as a collection. A semisynchronous method call does not require setting up an object sink, but an asynchronous method call does require setting up an object sink)
método abreviado de tecladokeyboard shortcut (Any combination of keystrokes that can be used to perform a task that would otherwise require a mouse or other pointing device)
método contable en valores de cajacash basis accounting (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are received and expenses when they are paid)
método de acceso secuencial indizadoindexed sequential access method (A technique for indexing database records that allows sequential or random access of records. When records are accessed sequentially they are accessed in the order in which they were entered in the database, and when records are accessed randomly, the records are accessed through an index)
método de actualización con nombresnamed update method (A custom service operation that performs an action which is different than a simple query, update, insert, or delete operation)
método de amortización directo del tiempo de vida restantestraight-line service life remaining depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
método de amortización factoresfactor depreciation method (A method of depreciation that uses a progressive or digressive factor. For example, if the factor is >50, the depreciation is progressive, which means that the amount of depreciation increases each depreciation period. If the factor is <50, the depreciation is digressive, and the amount of depreciation decreases each depreciation period)
método de amortización manualmanual depreciation method (A method of depreciation in which depreciation amounts are entered manually into a schedule instead of being calculated from a table)
método de amortización por depreciación especialspecial depreciation allowance (A deduction from the depreciable basis of qualifying fixed assets taken in the first year of service)
método de autenticaciónauthentication method (The authentication protocol (such as CHAP, PAP, EAP etc) used when authenticating access to resources on a network)
método de autenticaciónauth method (The authentication protocol (such as CHAP, PAP, EAP etc) used when authenticating access to resources on a network)
método de conciliación indirectaindirect reconciliation method (A method of deriving the net income provided by operating activities by adjusting for revenue and expense items that do not result from cash transactions)
método de detección de bosques de Active DirectoryActive Directory Forest Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
método de detección de grupos de Active DirectoryActive Directory Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
método de detección de grupos de seguridad de Active DirectoryActive Directory Security Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
método de detección de grupos de sistemas de Active DirectoryActive Directory System Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
método de detección de latidosHeartbeat Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that is used to update data discovery records (DDRs) for each Configuration Manager client on a set schedule to ensure that they remain current in the site database)
método de detección de redesNetwork Discovery method (An SMS/Configuration Manager discovery method that enables the SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to discover any network resources that are IP addressable)
método de detección de sistemas de Active DirectoryActive Directory System Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
método de detección de usuarios de Active DirectoryActive Directory User Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for computer user resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Método de envíoShip method (" A label for a field that contains the value for "shipping method" on the Create New Address screen in the Account form. ")
método de evaluación de inventarioslast in, first out inventory valuation method An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes (el último en entrar es el primero en salir)
método de evaluación de inventarios FIFOFIFO inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
método de evaluación de inventarios LIFOLIFO inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
método de extensiónextension method (A static method that can be invoked by using instance method syntax. In effect, extension methods make it possible to extend existing types and constructed types with additional methods)
método de mínimos cuadradosleast-squares method (A method that assigns values to unknown quantities in a statistical model, based on the values found by minimizing the sum of squared deviations from the mean)
método de pruebatest method (Any method that is marked with the TestMethod attribute. You cannot run a unit test if its test method is not in a test class)
método de resolución de conflictosconflict resolution method (The method that is used to determine which change is written to the store in the event of a conflict. Typical conflict resolution methods are as follows: last writer wins, source wins, destination wins, custom, or deferred. For custom resolution, the resolving application reads the conflict from the conflict log and selects a resolution. For deferred resolution, the conflict is logged together with the conflicting change data and the made-with knowledge of the change)
método de ruta críticacritical path method (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
Método de selección basado en la coincidencia de nombresMatched Name Selection Method (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
método de selección basado en la coincidencia de nombresmatched name selection method (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
método de valoración de inventarios de primeras entradasfirst out inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
método de valoración de inventarios de últimas entradas, primeras salidaslast in, first out inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
método de valoración de inventarios FIFOFIFO inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
método de valoración de inventarios LIFOLIFO inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
método de valoración de inventarios PEPSFIFO inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
método de valoración de inventarios UEPSLIFO inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
método de valores devengadosaccrual method (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid)
método Detección de redesNetwork Discovery method (An SMS/Configuration Manager discovery method that enables the SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to discover any network resources that are IP addressable)
método directo de amortización del tiempo de vidastraight-line service life depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)