
Terms for subject Microsoft containing línea | all forms | exact matches only
ajuste automático de líneawordwrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
ajuste automático de líneaword wrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
ajuste de línealine wrap (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
almacenamiento de documentos en líneaonline document storage (A document library such as SharePoint Online)
almacenamiento en líneaonline storage (Storage space provided over the Internet that's allotted to users for keeping digital information, such as photos or documents)
apariencia de línealine appearance (In telephony systems, the instance of an extension or phone number on a phone. For example, if a user's desk phone is provisioned with his extension, then you can say that his phone has his line appearance. Business phones may have more than one line appearance)
apariencia de línea compartidabridged line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
apariencia de línea compartidashared line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
apariencia de línea compartidabridge line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
aplicación de línea de negocioline-of-business application (An application that is vital to running enterprises, such as payroll, resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting)
Asistencia en línea de WindowsWindows Assistance Online (A World Wide Web version of Windows Client Help)
asociación de identidad en líneaonline identity association (The binding of an online identity with the user account on a given PC. Once the association exists, the online identity can be used as a pointer to the user account. For example, with remote media connection, the online identity can be used to point to PC names and IP addresses)
banca en líneaonline banking (Services provided by a bank or financial institution that allow customers to access their account information and perform certain transactions over the Internet)
banca en línea bidireccionaltwo-way banking (A method of online banking by which you can pay bills and transfer funds from within Office Accounting. You can also download bank files directly into Office Accounting)
banca en línea por conexión directadirect connect banking (A method of online banking by which you can pay bills and transfer funds from within Office Accounting. You can also download bank files directly into Office Accounting)
banca en línea por conexión webWeb connect banking (A method of online banking by which you can log on to your bank's Web site from within Office Accounting and download bank files to your computer. After you download your bank files, you can import them into Office Accounting)
banca en línea unidireccionalone-way banking (A method of online banking by which you can log on to your bank's Web site from within Office Accounting and download bank files to your computer. After you download your bank files, you can import them into Office Accounting)
base de datos en líneaonline database (A remote shared database that is synchronized with your local copy)
beneficiario de pago en líneaonline payee (A vendor that you pay through online banking)
cadena de línealine string (A shape representing a single path in a coordinate system. It uses linear interpolation between control points for the definition of line which is appropriate to the coordinate system)
capa de línealine layer (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as lines, for example, lines that indicate paths or routes)
complemento Respondedor en líneaOnline Responder snap-in (A snap-in that allows you to configure and manage revocation configurations and Online Responder Arrays to support public key infrastructure (PKI) clients in diverse environments)
conferencia en líneaonline meeting (A collaborative-style meeting)
contenido en líneaonline content (Material that has been published on the Internet)
controlador de dominio para línea basebaseline domain controller (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
controlador de dominio para línea basebaseline DC (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
costo de línea basebaseline cost (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
cuenta en líneaonline account (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
curso en líneaonline training (A meeting or recording that is conducted for training purposes)
código de acceso a línea externaoutside line access code (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
datos de línea de negocioline-of-business data (Any piece of data originated in or targeted to be processed by the LOB system)
dispositivo en líneaonline device (A device that is physically connected or is available in BizTalk RFID)
elemento del flujo de trabajo creado por un elemento de línealine item workflow work item (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
elemento en líneainline element (An HTML element that typically does not start a new line, such as EM, FONT, and SPAN)
en líneaonline (Pertaining to a user, a file or a computer currently connected a server)
en línea, conectadoonline (Pertaining to a user, a file or a computer currently connected a server)
entidad de línea de negocioline-of-business entity (A data structure exposed by the LOB system consisting of a set of related fields grouped together under a unique ID)
estilo de línealine style (In desktop publishing, printing, and high-end word processing, the form and quality of a line, such as a dotted line, a double line, or a hairline)
estilo en líneainline style (A cascading style sheet rule whose properties and values apply only to a specific element on a Web page, such as a table or a graphic. The style sheet rule is part of the HTML tag for that element)
etiqueta de línea de tendenciatrendline label (Optional text for a trendline, including either the regression equation or the R-squared value, or both. A trendline label can be formatted and moved; it cannot be sized)
evento en líneaonline event (An auditorium-style meeting that requires participants to register in order to attend)
Final de líneaEnd of Line (A menu item that allows the user to choose a character with which to search for the end of a line)
Generador de imágenes de líneasLine Image Generator (A feature that enables you to configure the style of the lines or images that are displayed between nodes in a TreeView control)
grosor de línealine weight (The thickness of a line in a document)
gráfico de líneasline chart (A chart that shows trends in data at equal intervals, with values from one or more sets of data connected by lines)
guía de línea basebaseline guide (A layout guide to which lines of text can be aligned to provide a uniform appearance between columns of text)
herramienta de despliegue de línea de comandoscommand line deployment tool (A tool used to add, remove, import and export assemblies, import and export bindings, and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC))
herramienta de línea de comandoscommand-line tool (A program that runs from the command line)
herramienta de línea de comandos de Administrador del servidorServer Manager command line tool (A command line tool that automates the deployment of roles and features on computers running Windows Server)
identificador de línea de negocioline-of-business identifier (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
importe de desviación de precios por línealine price variance amount (The currency amount of the price variance between a vendor invoice line and the corresponding purchase order line, calculated as follows:(Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price) Update invoice quantity)
importe neto en línea de facturainvoice line net amount (The actual currency amount that is represented by an invoice line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Item miscellaneous charge)
importe neto en línea de pedido de comprapurchase order line net amount (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
interfaz de la línea de comandoscommand-line interface (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
interfaz de la línea de comandoscommand line interface (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
Juego en línea: el contenido puede cambiarOnline – Experience Can Change (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
línea activahot line (In a profiler performance report, a source code line that is marked as a code segment that performed the most work)
línea alquiladaleased line (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
línea basebaseline (In the printing and display of characters on the screen, an imaginary horizontal line with which the base of each character, excluding descenders, is aligned)
línea CCCc line (Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the secondary recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term carbon copy)
línea CCOBcc line (" Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the "blind" recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term blind carbon copy. Note! Primary recipients (those on the To line) and secondary recipients (those on the Cc line) will not see the names and e-mail addresses of those on the Bcc line.")
línea de acuerdo de servicioservice agreement line (An itemization of tasks that are covered by a service agreement)
línea de asociaciónassociation line (A line leading from a field or property to a shape that represents that field or property's type)
línea de asuntosubject line (The part of a message header that is used by the sender to indicate the object of the message)
línea de audioconferenciaaudio conference line (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
línea de basebaseline (A range of measurements derived from performance monitoring that represents acceptable performance under typical operating conditions)
línea de comandoscommand line (A string of text written in the command language and passed to the command interpreter for execution)
línea de combinaciónjoin line (A line that connects fields between two tables and shows how the data is related. The type of join indicates which records are selected for the query's result set)
línea de contextooffside line (" The column that determines the context for a coding construct, for example, a "try…with" construct. Code that appears to the left of this line is offside, i.e. outside of the context of that construct, and the compiler assumes that that construct has ended. ")
línea de contratocontract line (The specific description in a contract of the service support to be provided, including pricing and how support is to be allotted)
línea de costecost line (The part of a cost template that specifies one or more categories that form the basis of a cost estimate)
línea de cuadrículagridline (A line added to a chart that makes it easier to view and evaluate data. Gridlines extend from the tick marks on an axis across the plot area)
línea de códigoline of code (An executable line of text that excludes white space, comments, type declarations, and namespace declarations)
línea de código parcialmente ejecutadapartial (A line of code that was partially executed by a test)
línea de distribución contableaccounting distribution line (The subline of a source document line documenting the financial consequence of an economic transaction that documents the distribution of an aliquot portion of the financial consequence to a ledger account)
línea de distribución de destinodestination distribution line (The distribution line for the destination company on an allocation transaction)
línea de firmasignature line (A control that allows users to digitally sign a form or document)
línea de kitkit line (An individual item that is a component of a kit)
línea de la orden de producciónproduction order line (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
línea de la solicitud de presupuestoRFQ line (The part of the RFQ that specifies the detailed information about an item)
línea de lectura magnética de caracteresmagnetic ink character recognition line (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
línea de negocioline-of-business (The type of enterprise in which businesses or organizations are engaged)
línea de ordenorder line (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de orden de servicioservice order line (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
línea de orden de transferenciatransfer order line (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
línea de orden de ventasales order line (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de pautadolined guide (In lined mode, a ruled recognition guide that minimally draws a suggested base line, and can also include a midline, or even ascender or descender lines)
línea de pedidoorder line (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de pedido de servicioservice order line (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
línea de pedido de transferenciatransfer order line (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
línea de pedido de ventasales order line (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de pedidosorder line (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de pedidos de ventassales order line (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
línea de petición de interrupcióninterrupt request line (A hardware line over which a peripheral device, bus controller, other processor, or the kernel signals a request for service to the microprocessor)
línea de producciónproduction line (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
línea de productosproduct line (A set of related products grouped together due to technical or marketing considerations)
línea de quiebre de escalascale break line (A line drawn across a chart area to indicate a significant gap between a high and low range of values on the chart)
línea de reconocimiento óptico de caracteresoptical character recognition line (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
línea de referencia de paredwall reference line (The line that extends from the wall begin point to the wall endpoint. Although the wall reference line is typically centered on the wall or aligned with one edge of the wall, you can locate it any distance you want from the wall)
línea de regresiónregression line (A straight line that represents the relationship between matched pairs of data from two collections of data. The equation of the line is derived using the least-squares method of linear regression)
línea de respuesta de la solicitud de presupuestoRFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
línea de serieseries line (In 2-D stacked bar and column charts, a line that connects the data markers in a data series and is used to emphasize the difference in measurement between each series)
línea de suscriptor digitalDigital Subscriber Line A type of high-speed Internet connection using standard telephone wires (ADSL)
Línea de teléfono móvilCellular Line (A modem option used to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network)
línea de tendenciatrendline (A graphic representation of trends in data series, such as a line sloping upward to represent increased sales over a period of months)
línea de tendencia de media móvilmoving average trendline (A trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in data to show a pattern or trend more clearly)
línea de tendencia de potenciapower trendline (A curved trendline that is used with data sets that compare measurements that increase at a specific rate)
línea de tendencia exponencialexponential trendline (A curved trendline that is used when data values rise or fall at constantly increasing rates)
línea de tendencia logarítmicalogarithmic trendline (A best-fit curved trendline that is used when the rate of change in the data increases or decreases quickly and then levels out)
línea de tendencia polinomialpolynomial trendline (A curved trendline that is used when data fluctuates)
Línea de tiempo básicaBasic Timeline (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to show timeline information. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
línea de vida de objetoobject lifeline (In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point)
línea de vínculolink line (On the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram, the line that appears between two tasks to indicate a task dependency)
línea dedicadadedicated line (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
línea del diariojournal line (An entry in a journal)
línea divisoriadivider (A moveable strip in the user interface that divides the screen between two apps)
línea ejecutadahit (A line of code executed by a test)
línea guíaleader line (A line or row of characters used to lead the eye from a data label to a data point, or from a callout to the appropriate part of an illustration)
línea horizontalHorizontal Line (A Web page editor command that inserts a horizontal line onto a Web page)
línea MICRMICR line (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
línea no ejecutadamiss (A line of code that was not executed by a test)
línea OCROCR line (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
línea Paraline
línea ParaTo line (The part of a message header that contains the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
línea privadaprivate line (An additional phone number with a distinct ring tone that cannot be forwarded. A private line allows a person who delegates calls to have a direct, confidential line)
línea privada de comunicacionesturnkey communications line (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
línea salienteoutgoing line (The phone line being used to place phone calls)
línea viudawidow (The last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page)
mantenimiento en líneaonline servicing (The process of installing packages and other updates to a Windows image that is currently running)
manual en líneaonline manual (An electronic version of a user guide or manual that will release with the software)
nómina en líneaonline payroll (A service that allows companies to calulcate payroll over the Internet)
opción de la línea de comandoscommand-line option (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
Orden del elemento de líneaLine Item Order (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
Pago en línea UnionPayUnionPay Online Payment (An online payment method using UnionPay bank cards or services from China)
período de mantenimiento en líneaonline maintenance window (Period of time during which online maintenance occurs)
plan de línea basebaseline plan (The original project plans [up to 11 per project] used to track progress on a project. The baseline plan is a snapshot of your schedule at the time that you save the baseline and includes information about tasks, resources, and assignments)
Presentar en líneaPresent Online (A feature that enables users to present a document to remote viewers in a web browser or in Lync)
procesamiento analítico en líneaonline analytical processing (A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide rapid access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is commonly stored in data warehouses in a relational database)
propiedades de la línealine property (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
Protocolo de estado de certificados en líneaOnline Certificate Status Protocol (A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities)
proveedor de servicios en líneaonline service provider (A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google))
proxy web de Respondedor en líneaOnline Responder web proxy (The web proxy for the Online Responder that receives and decodes requests, and caches responses for a configurable period of time)
respondedor de Protocolo de estado de certificados en líneaOnline Certificate Status Protocol responder (A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running)
Respondedor en líneaOnline Responder (A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running)
reventado de línea centralcenterline trap (The small overlap created where two differently colored objects that are close in luminance abut on a printed page)
salto de línealine break (The point at which one line ends and another begins)
salto de líneabreak line (The actual line that is shown in a document to indicate a line break)
salto de línea manualmanual line break (A nonprinting mark you insert to end the current line and continue the text on the next line)
segmento de línealine segment (A portion of a line, defined by its beginning and ending points)
seguridad en líneaonline safety (The protection of Internet users from phishing fraud, indentity threat, spyware, and malware (malicious software))
servicio de línea de negocioline-of-business service (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
servicio del rol de Respondedor en líneaOnline Responder role service (A role service installed on a trusted server that receives and responds to individual client requests for information about the status of a certificate)
servicio en línea dinámicodynamic online service (An online service that is updated frequently to provide users with current information)
servicio Respondedor en líneaOnline Responder service (A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information)
señal de línea ocupadabusy signal (The indication that the phone is busy)
Solucionador de problemas en línea de WindowsWindows Online Troubleshooting Service (An online service that is used by Microsoft and OEMs to post Windows Troubleshooting Packs for their customers to quickly resolve issues after Windows has shipped)
soporte técnico en líneaonline support (Customer assistance in the form of online Knowledge Base articles, FAQs, troubleshooting tools, and other resources. By using Self-help online support, many customers can resolve their issues without contacting Microsoft directly)
unión de líneasline join (The common area that is formed by two lines whose ends meet or overlap)
Utilidades de la línea de comandos 11 de Microsoft para SQL ServerMicrosoft Command Line Utilities 11 For SQL Server (A set of command line utilities (SQLCMD utility, BCP utility) that support the latest server features)
vincular, línea de vínculolink (To establish a connection to data from another application so that users can view and edit the data in both the original application and in the destination application)
Visor en línea de ExcelExcel Online Viewer (An Excel Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity an Excel document that is stored online)
Visor en línea de OneNoteOneNote Online Viewer (A OneNote Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a OneNote document that is stored online)
Visor en línea de PowerPointPowerPoint Online Viewer (A PowerPoint Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a PowerPoint document that is stored online)
Visor en línea de WordWord Online Viewer (A Word Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a Word document that is stored online)
Visores en líneaOnline Viewers (A technology that enables users to view Office documents in full fidelity with Office Web Apps, no matter where those documents are stored online)
Visores en línea, con tecnología de Office Web AppsOnline Viewers, powered by Office Web Apps (A technology that enables users to view Office documents in full fidelity with Office Web Apps, no matter where those documents are stored online)
Vistas previas en líneaInline Previews (A feature that allows a preview of a webpage or YouTube video. The preview will show a photo, title, and description of the webpage or video)
Vídeo en líneaOnline Video (A feature that lets you insert a video from a web-based source into your document and play it back without leaving the document)