
Terms for subject Microsoft containing hora | all forms | exact matches only
administrador del parte de horastimesheet manager (The person to whom your timesheet is submitted. If the user and the timesheet manager are the same person, an automatic approval will be performed upon submittal)
Ajustar la marca de horaAdjust Time Stamp (A control that allows users to adjust the time an image or a set of images was taken. Particularly useful when a camera was not set to the appropriate time zone)
calendario de horas de trabajoworking time calendar (A calendar that defines the capacity and work time in a production system, for use in managing work centers or work center groups)
control de selector de horatime picker control (A control that developers use to allow a user to select a time)
fecha/hora última modificaciónLast Modified Date/Time (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
Fecha y horaDate/Time (A data type used to hold date and time information)
Fuera de horas picoOff-peak times (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is low)
hora de páginapage time (The time that a OneNote page was created)
hora de transportetransport time (The amount of time it takes to transfer items between two warehouses)
hora no facturableburden hour (An hour that is included in a calculation as nonbillable or inefficient, e.g., hours that cannot be charged to a customer)
hora universal coordinadaCoordinated Universal Time (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
Hora universal coordinadaCoordinated Universal Time (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
hora UTCUTC (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
horas de utilizaciónutilization hour (An hour that is included in a calculation as billable or efficient)
horas extrasovertime (The amount of work on an assignment that is scheduled beyond the regular working hours of an assigned resource and charged at the overtime rate)
Horas picoPeak times (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is high)
horas picopeak time (The period of time during the day in which the user experiences high e-mail volume, typically during regular business hours)
horas trabajadastime entry (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
horas utilizadasutilization hour (An hour that is included in a calculation as billable or efficient)
marca de horatime stamp (A record of the time that a document was created and modified)
Mostrar hora comoShow Time As (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived)
origen de la horatime source (The system that provides the time for another system)
paquete de sincronización de horaTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
parte de horas suplentesurrogate timesheet (A timesheet that you create in Project Web Access and submit on behalf of someone who works for you)
plan de energía fuera de horas puntanon-peak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
plan de energía para horas puntapeak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
planilla de horas trabajadastimesheet (A record of an employee's work hours for one week)
registro de horas trabajadasemployee time record (A record that tracks an employee's time by the day (time entry) or by the week (timesheet))
registro de horas trabajadastime entry record (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
tarjeta de horas trabajadastimecard (A record of an employee's work hours for one day)
transacción por horashour transaction (A transaction that registers employee costs based on number of hours)