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Terms for subject Microsoft containing herramienta para | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Herramienta de autoservicio de DPM para SQL ServerDPM Self-Service Tool for SQL Server (A tool for SQL Server that enables backup administrators to authorize end users to recover backups of SQL Server databases from DPM, without further action from the backup administrator)
Herramienta de base de datos de Business Contact Manager para Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
Herramienta de diagnóstico para soporte técnico de MicrosoftMicrosoft Support Diagnostic Tool (A system used by PSS for gathering customer configuration information for diagnostics through an improved process and tool)
Herramienta de migración para recuperación de copias de seguridadBackup Recovery Migration tool (A command line utility that is used to backup and restore print configuration and items (print queues, drivers, print processors, etc) during a print migration)
Herramienta para conversión de controladores del proyectoDriver Project Conversion Tool (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
Herramienta para enviar comentariosFeedback Tool (A Windows tool that users may use to report their issues to Microsoft)
herramienta para tomar notasnote-taking tool (A feature that enables users to capture notes, such as text, images, audio, video and Web content)
herramienta Sysprep para paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Sysprep (A utility that prepares the operating system for an installation of an app package)
Kit de herramientas para aplicaciones multilingüesMultilingual App Toolkit (A Visual Studio extension that enables translation support through tools and guides)