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Terms containing herramienta de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.acero para herramienta de cortehigh speed steel
comp., MSAgente cliente de herramientas remotasRemote Tools Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager Remote Tools feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that enables an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to use remote troubleshooting tools to diagnose client problems or remotely control a client)
patents.alquiler de máquinas, herramientas y aparatos para la construcciónrental of machines, tools and apparatus for building
tech.aparatos y herramientas de tallershoe equipment
meteorol.Aplicación de las herramientas de diagnóstico y de pronósticoApplying Diagnostic and Forecast Tools
comp., MSbarra de herramientastoolbar (A row, column, or block of buttons or icons, usually displayed across the top of the screen, that represent tasks or commands within the program. The toolbar buttons provide shortcuts to common tasks frequently accessed from the menus)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas acopladadocked toolbar (A toolbar that is attached to one edge of the program window. When you drag a toolbar below the program title bar or to the left, right, or bottom edge of the window, the toolbar snaps into place on the edge of the program window)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas Administrador de máquina virtualVirtual Machine Manager toolbar (A toolbar in the main Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console that includes commands for hiding or displaying the Actions pane, customizing columns in the current view, opening the Job Tracking Status Window to monitor the status your own jobs, and opening Virtual Machine Manager Help)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas AudioAudio toolbar (A Live Meeting client toolbar for performing audio tasks during a Live Meeting session)
comp., MSBarra de herramientas de acceso rápidoQuick Access Toolbar (A customizable toolbar that provides one-click access to commands)
comp.barra de herramientas de asistente de ideastip wizard toolbar
comp.barra de herramientas de bordesborders toolbar
comp.barra de herramientas de dibujodrawing toolbars
comp.barra de herramientas de formatearformatting tool bar (paginación)
comp.barra de herramientas de MicrosoftMicrosoft toolbars
comp., MSbarra de herramientas de Microsoft Business ManagerBusiness Contact Manager toolbar (The toolbar at the top of an item where you can view existing links or create new links to Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project records)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas de miniaturasthumbnail toolbar (A toolbar control that is embedded in a window's thumbnail preview. Thumbnail toolbars are a feature of pinned sites in Internet Explorer 9)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas del escritoriodesktop toolbar (A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas EstándarStandard toolbar (A toolbar that contains buttons you can use to perform some of the most common tasks in a Microsoft Office program, such as opening, saving, and printing files)
comp.barra de herramientas estándarstandard toolbars
comp., MSbarra de herramientas flotantefloating toolbar (A toolbar that is not attached to the edge of the program window. You can change the shape of some floating toolbars)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas incorporadabuilt-in toolbar (A toolbar that is part of an application when it's installed on your computer)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas InformesReport toolbar (The toolbar at the top of the Report section, used to create and edit reports)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas Inicio rápidoQuick Launch toolbar (A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas NuevoNew toolbar (The toolbar, in wizards and property sheets for creating hardware configurations for virtual machines and for configuring virtual machine hosts, that contains tools for configuring new hardware components. In hardware configurations, the New toolbar contains tools for configuring SCSI adapters, DVDs, and network adapters for virtual machines. In host properties, the New toolbar contains a tool for configuring a virtual network on the host)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas personalizadacustom toolbar (A toolbar that you create for your application)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas PresentaciónPresentation toolbar (A toolbar that contains tools that presenters can use during a meeting)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas RecursosResources toolbar (A toolbar that contains tools that meeting participants can use to manage resources during a meeting)
comp., MSBarra de herramientas reducidaSummary toolbar (A list view toolbar type in the toolbar picker, that shows an abbreviated version of a full toolbar)
tech.bisel en el filo de una herramienta de cortebezel
transp., mech.eng.bolsa de herramientastool kit
tech.borde cortante de una herramientalip
comp., MSbotón de la barra de herramientastoolbar button (A command button used in a toolbar (or status bar))
comp., MSbotón del cuadro de edición de la barra de herramientastoolbar edit box button (The commands for the ribbon appear as a drop down menu that appears when the user clicks the default button)
tech.brocas y herramientas de taladrarbits and drills
tech.caja de herramientasconsolidated tool kit
construct.caja de herramientastoolbox
tech.caja de herramientaskit-of-tools
tech.caja de herramientastool kit
gen.caja de herramientastool box
IT, el.caja de herramientas plegable con candadomulti-compartment folding tool-box with padlock
CNCcambio de herramientas de mando numéricotool-change N/C system
gen.cartucho sin proyectil para las herramientas de remacharblank cartridge for riveting tools
transp.compartimiento de herramientastooling rack
org.name.Consulta regional de expertos en relación con el establecimiento de una red sobre herramientas y aperos agrícolas en las islas del PacíficoExpert Consultation on the Establishment of a Network for Agricultural Tools and Implements in the Pacific Islands
org.name.Consulta regional de expertos sobre herramientas y aperos agrícolas en las Islas del Pacífico SurRegional Expert Consultation on Agricultural Tools and Implements in the South Pacific Islands
comp., MScontrol de la barra de herramientastoolbar control (A standard Windows control designed with the same characteristics as the toolbar)
mech.eng.cuadrado de arrastre para herramientassquare
mech.eng.cuadrado de arrastre para herramientasdriving square for tools
mech.eng.cuadrado de arrastre para herramientasdriving square
comp., MSCuadro de herramientasToolbox (A feature that provides a home for the Office Scrapbook, Compatibility Report, Project Palette and Reference Pane and is shown as a floating palette)
comp.descender de la barra de herramientasdemote
comp., MSEntorno de herramientas de desarolloDevelopment Tools Environment (A set of interfaces that enable developers to programmatically achieve several of the key tasks achievable from the Integrated Development Environment (IDE))
ITentorno de herramientas transportables comunesPortable common tool environment
tech.equipo de herramientasequipment tool
gen.equipo de herramientas y materiales de demolicióndemolition kit
gen.equipo de herramientas y materiales de demolicióndemolition tool kit
gen.equipo de herramientas y materiales de voladurademolition kit
gen.equipo de herramientas y materiales de voladurademolition tool kit
tech.estantería de madera con casilleros para guardar herramientastool crib
tech.estuche de herramientaskit-of-tools
tech.extremo útil de una herramientanose
industr., construct.fabricación de herramientas y artículos acabados de metal, excluido el material eléctricomanufacture of tools and finished metal goods excluding electrical equipment
transp., mech.eng.filo de una herramientatool cutting edge
IMF.Fondo Fiduciario de la Herramienta Diagnóstica de Evaluación de la Administración TributariaTax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool Trust Fund
comp., MSgrupo de la barra de herramientasribbon group (A labeled collection of commands and controls that are grouped together on a ribbon tab)
mech.eng.guiador de herramientatool guide
med.heridas producidas por el uso de herramientas de aire comprimidopneumatic tool injuries
lab.law., mech.eng.herramienta a prueba de chispassparkproof tool
lab.law., mech.eng.herramienta a prueba de chispasspark resistant tool
comp., MSherramienta Administración de sitios WebWeb Site Administration tool (A set of prewritten ASP.NET pages that can be used by individuals with no programming skills to configure a Web application)
comp., MSherramienta Calendario de GrooveGroove Calendar Tool (A tool that lets the user mark important dates and build collaborative schedules with other members of a workspace)
tech.herramienta con dientes de acerosteel jawed tool
tech.herramienta con el extremo cortante de carboloycarboloy tipped tool
met., mech.eng.herramienta con plaquita de carburocarbide tool
microel.herramienta conformadora de plomolead forming tool
tech.herramienta de acero forjado de superficie durahard-faced forged steel tool
comp., MSHerramienta de administración de activación por volumenVolume Activation Management Tool (An MMC snap-in that enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the Windows and Microsoft Office volume and retail activation process. VAMT can manage volume activation by using Multiple Activation Keys (MAKs) or the Windows Key Management Service (KMS))
comp., MSherramienta de administración de caché basada en PowerShellPowerShell-based cache administration tool (The exclusive management tool for Windows Server AppFabric. With more than 130 standard command-line tools, this new administration-focused scripting language helps you achieve more control and productivity)
comp., MSherramienta de administración del conector Microsoft Rights ManagementMicrosoft Rights Management connector administration tool (A tool that enables IT administrators to configure the RMS connector to support their on-premises servers)
comp., MSherramienta de administración del conector RMSRMS connector administration tool (A tool that enables IT administrators to configure the RMS connector to support their on-premises servers)
gen.herramienta de agrupación lineallinear cluster tool
tech.herramienta de ajustealigning tool
transp., mech.eng.herramienta de ajusteadjusting gage
transp., mech.eng.herramienta de ajustetooling reference
tech.herramienta de ajusteadjusting tool
comp., MSherramienta de análisis de regresiónRegression analysis tool (" A tool that performs linear regression analysis by using the "least squares" method to fit a line through a set of observations. A user can analyze how a single dependent variable is affected by the values of one or more independent variables.")
inet.Herramienta de Análisis de Seguridad para la Auditorìa de RedesSecurity Analysis Tool for Auditing Networks
stat.herramienta de aprendizajelearning tool
tech.herramienta de aprieteclamp tool
fin.herramienta de asesoramientoadvisory tool
comp., MSHerramienta de autoservicio de DPM para SQL ServerDPM Self-Service Tool for SQL Server (A tool for SQL Server that enables backup administrators to authorize end users to recover backups of SQL Server databases from DPM, without further action from the backup administrator)
comp.herramienta de autosumarautosum tool
auto.herramienta de avellanadoflaring tool (abocinamiento)
auto.herramienta de avellanadoflare tool (abocinamiento)
mater.sc.herramienta de bajo costelow cost tool
comp., MSHerramienta de base de datos de Business Contact Manager para Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
med.herramienta de bioinformáticabio-informatic tool
econ.herramienta de bricolajehand tool
tech.herramienta de calafatearhawsing iron
tech.herramienta de carburo metálico de punto únicosingle-point carbide tool
comp., MSHerramienta de comprobación de memoria de WindowsWindows Memory Tester (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
ITherramienta de concepción automatizadaautomated design tool
comp., MSherramienta de configuración de AguaWater Configuration tool (The tool that you use to customize Water)
comp., MSHerramienta de configuración de grupo de respuestaResponse Group Configuration Tool (A web-based Response Group Service tool where an administrator sets up a workflow including music on hold, welcome message, and so on)
comp., MSherramienta de configuración de MúsicaMusic Configuration tool (The tool that you use to configure the Music application)
ed.Herramienta de consulta y traspaso de datos del IRSIRS Data Retrieval Tool
market.herramienta de control de la franquiciafranchisor's control system
market.herramienta de control de la franquiciafranchisor's control means
textileherramienta de corteAWL cutting drill
health., pharma.herramienta de creación simplificadaLight Authoring Tool
mech.eng.herramienta de cremallerarack type cutter
mech.eng.herramienta de desacoplamiento del árbol motor de las barras de regulacióncontrol rod drive shaft unlatching tool
ITherramienta de desarrollo de sistemas expertosexpert-system-building tool
ITherramienta de desarrollo de sistemas expertosexpert system builder
tech.herramienta de desbastarroughing tool
nucl.pow.herramienta de desmantelamientodecommissioning tool
mech.eng.herramienta de desmontaje subacuático de la estructura de guía de las barras de regulacióncontrol rod guide structure underwater removal tool
comp., MSherramienta de despliegue de línea de comandoscommand line deployment tool (A tool used to add, remove, import and export assemblies, import and export bindings, and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC))
comp., MSherramienta de deteccióndetection tool (The software code used by antivirus or anti-spyware programs to find malicious software or potentially unwanted software on a computer)
commun., ITherramienta de diagnósticodiagnostic aid
auto.herramienta de diagnósticodiagnostic tool
comp., MSHerramienta de diagnóstico de memoria de WindowsWindows Memory Diagnostics Tool (A feature of Windows Vista that can automatically detect and resolve problems caused by defective physical memory. If the diagnostics module identifies a memory problem, Windows Vista can avoid using the affected portion of physical memory, enabling the operating system to start successfully and avoid application crashes)
comp., MSHerramienta de diagnóstico para soporte técnico de MicrosoftMicrosoft Support Diagnostic Tool (A system used by PSS for gathering customer configuration information for diagnostics through an improved process and tool)
mater.sc.herramienta de diagnóstico tempranoearly fault diagnosis tool
ITherramienta de diseño de sistemassystem design tool
ecol.herramienta de diseño respetuoso con el medioambienteenvironmentally conscious design tool
comp., MSHerramienta de documentos de GrooveGroove Documents Tool (A tool in Groove for storing and sharing files; primary use is intended to be as connection to SharePoint (via Site Client))
comp., MSherramienta de eliminaciónremoval tool (Software code used by antivirus or anti-spyware programs to remove malicious software or potentially unwanted software from a computer)
transp., mech.eng.herramienta de encoladobonding jig
transp., mech.eng.herramienta de encoladobonding fixture
ITherramienta de equipo lógicosoftware tool
tech.herramienta de estriarknurling tool
IMF.Herramienta de Evaluación de Desempeño de Gestión de la DeudaDeMPA
IMF.Herramienta de Evaluación de Desempeño de Gestión de la DeudaDebt Management Performance Assessment
comp., MSHerramienta de evaluación del sistema de WindowsWindows System Assessment Tool (A tool that provides performance metrics and other information necessary for Windows and applications to make scaling decisions. It measures the performance attributes of: system memory, the storage sub-system, the CPU (or CPUs), and the graphics sub-system)
mil.herramienta de excavaciónentrenching tool
ITherramienta de filtradofiltering tool
agric., tech.herramienta de forrajefodder implement
tech.herramienta de fraguaanvil tool
stat.herramienta de fuente abiertaopen source tool
ITherramienta de gestión de proyectosproject management tool
gen.herramienta de guiónscripting tool
comp., MSHerramienta de implementación de OfficeOffice Deployment Tool (A tool in Office 365 that enables IT professionals to manage how Office is installed for their users. Users receive the correct language and configurations individually tailored to them automatically, without the need to install anything themselves)
comp., MSHerramienta de implementación webWeb Deployment Tool (A framework for automating the deployment of Web sites)
comp., MSHerramienta de implementación web de MicrosoftMicrosoft Web Deployment Tool (A framework for automating the deployment of Web sites)
ITherramienta de indexación automatizadaautomated indexing tool
comp., MSHerramienta de informes de correo no deseadoJunk E-mail Reporting Tool (The plug-in for Microsoft Office Outlook that alerts a user to incoming junk e-mail and lets the user delete the mail and report it to Microsoft with a single mouse click)
tech.herramienta de inserción manualhand inserting tool
ITherramienta de instrumentacióninstrumentation tool
comp., MSherramienta de lectura de pantallascreen review utility (An accessibility aid for people who are blind or have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. These aids make on-screen information available as synthesized speech or a refreshable Braille display)
comp., MSherramienta de línea de comandoscommand-line tool (A program that runs from the command line)
comp., MSherramienta de línea de comandos de Administrador del servidorServer Manager command line tool (A command line tool that automates the deployment of roles and features on computers running Windows Server)
tech.herramienta de manohand tool
el.herramienta de mano eléctricaelectrically operated hand tool
comp., MSherramienta de mantenimiento de la base de datosdatabase maintenance tool (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
commun., ITherramienta de metainvestigaciónmetasearch engine
comp., MSHerramienta de migración de datos de Microsoft Dynamics CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Data Migration Tool (An interactive help utility that guides customers as they transfer data from another customer relationship management system to Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
comp., MSHerramienta de migración de estado de usuarioUser State Migration Tool (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
comp., MSHerramienta de migración de estado de usuario de WindowsWindows User State Migration Tool (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
comp., MSHerramienta de migración para recuperación de copias de seguridadBackup Recovery Migration tool (A command line utility that is used to backup and restore print configuration and items (print queues, drivers, print processors, etc) during a print migration)
IT, dat.proc.herramienta de modelaciónmodeling tool
tech.herramienta de montaje de retenedorretainer assembly tool
mech.eng.herramienta de máquinamachine cutting tool
mech.eng.herramienta de máquinapower-operated tool
IT, el.herramienta de ojeteeyelet tool
tech.herramienta de perforarperforating tool
comp., MSHerramienta de personalización de OfficeOffice Customization Tool (A one-stop shop for customizing Office deployment and setup behaviors)
comp., MSHerramienta de personalización del reconocimiento de escritura a manoHandwriting recognition personalization tool (A feature of Windows Vista for Tablet PC that allows users to tailor handwriting recognition results to their own personal handwriting style)
mech.eng., construct.herramienta de pescafishing tool
gen.herramienta de planificación de proyectosproject planning tool
tech.herramienta de preajustepresetting tool
comp., MSHerramienta de preparación de escritorio de Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop readiness tool (A program for Office 365 that assesses a computer's readiness for Office 365, prepares it for Office 365, and reports the state of the computer to a small business administrator and/or to Microsoft)
comp., MSHerramienta de preparación del sistemaSystem Preparation Tool (A tool that prepares the hard disk on a source computer for duplication to destination computers)
meas.inst.herramienta de programación automáticaAPT
CNC, meas.inst.herramienta de programación automáticaautomatically programmed tool
comp., MSherramienta de prueba de objetosObject Test Bench (A tool that creates instances of a project's objects, calls their methods, and evaluates the results)
transp., environ.herramienta de prueba para diagnóstico relacionado con las emisiones del vehículoemission-related tool for diagnostic purposes
tech.herramienta de punzonarperforating tool
gen.herramienta de recogida de informaciónIG Tool
gen.herramienta de recogida de informacióninformation gathering tool
stat.herramienta de recogida de la informacióntool for collecting information
ITherramienta de reconfiguraciónreconfiguration device
comp., MSHerramienta de reparación de URLs de bibliotecas de formulariosForm Library URL Repair Tool (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
tech.herramienta de retenciónholding tool
ITherramienta de simulación para mineríamining simulation tool
comp., MSHerramienta de sincronización de Windows Azure Active DirectoryWindows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
IT, el.herramienta de soldarbond tool
tech.herramienta de sondeoboring tool
tech.herramienta de sujeciónhold-down tool
tech.herramienta de sujeciónclamp tool
comp.herramienta de suma automáticaautosum tool
mech.eng.herramienta de tallargear cutting tool
mech.eng.herramienta de tallar por generaciongenerating tool
forestr.herramienta de tensióntensioning tool
mech.eng.herramienta de tornolathe tool
met.herramienta de tornosingle-point tool
met.herramienta de tornosingle-point cutting tool
met.herramienta de tornoshaper tool
met.herramienta de tornoplaner tool
auto.herramienta de torsióntorque wrench
patents.herramienta de trabajomeans of work
industr., construct.herramienta de traspasohalf-point
met.herramienta de un solo filoshaper tool
met.herramienta de un solo filosingle-point tool
met.herramienta de un solo filosingle-point cutting tool
met.herramienta de un solo filoplaner tool
met.herramienta de un solo filolathe tool
ITherramienta de valoraciónrating tool
ITherramienta de verificación automatizadaautomated verification tool
mil.herramienta de zapaentrenching tool
pack.herramienta de zunchadotying machine (para cerrar o unir cajas de cartón, madera, objetos separados, etc.)
pack.herramienta de zunchadotying tool (for securing cartons and crates, para cerrar o unir cajas de cartón, madera, objetos separados, etc.)
market.herramienta de éxito de la franquiciafranchise success strategic planning
IMF.Herramienta Diagnóstica de Evaluación de la Administración TributariaTax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool
IT, el.herramienta eléctrica de arrollar hiloselectric wire wrap tool
ITherramienta especial de lenguaje informáticodedicated computer language tool
lawherramienta financiera de la franquiciafranchise financial planning
ITherramienta flexible de remachadoflexible riveting system
mech.eng.herramienta incrustada en un bloque de hormigón de forma cúbicatool embedded in a cube-shaped concrete block
IT, comp.herramienta informática de preparación de propuestasProposal Preparation Tool
comp., MSherramienta Inserción de textoDraw Text tool (An annotation tool used to add notes or comments to a slide)
gen.herramienta manual de chispa reducidareduced-sparking hand-tool
comp., MSherramienta Marcador de resaltadoHighlighter tool (An annotation tool that is used to highlight an area of a slide)
ITherramienta numérica de simulaciónnumerical simulation tool
plumb.herramienta para abocardar tubos de plomobending pin
comp., MSHerramienta para conversión de controladores del proyectoDriver Project Conversion Tool (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
mech.eng.herramienta para el montaje de las máquinastool for the assembly of machines
plumb.herramienta para enderezar tubos de plomobending pin
tech.herramienta para ensanchar un agujero en parte de su profundidadcounterbore
fin.herramienta para entender una estimación de préstamoloan estimate explainer
stat.herramienta para la evaluación de poblacionesstock assessment tool
commun., ITherramienta para la prueba de conformidad de la CNMACNMA conformance testing tool
commun., ITherramienta para la prueba de conformidad de la CNMACNMA conformance test tool
ITherramienta para la simulación de sistemastool for system simulation
med.herramienta para manejar agujas de radioradium needle holder
comp., MSherramienta Red de selecciónSelection Net tool (A tool that defines a rectangular area that encloses all the shapes to be selected)
comp., MSherramienta Reuniones de GrooveGroove Meetings Tool (A tool in Microsoft Office Groove that helps users to organize, conduct, and record meetings)
tech.herramienta rotativa de torno para roscarSeller hob
comp., MSherramienta Seguimiento de estado y actividadHealth and Activity Tracking tool (A user interface that enables specified data to be tracked. This interface can be used to monitor the health of the BizTalk server farm and to track and view specific events and messages)
tech.herramienta separadora de lengüetatang break off tool
comp., MSherramienta Sysprep para paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Sysprep (A utility that prepares the operating system for an installation of an app package)
comp., MSHerramientas de administración remota del servidorRemote Server Administration Tools (A feature in Windows Server that enables remote management of Windows Server operating systems by allowing users to open and run management tools on a remote computer)
comp., MSherramientas de administrador webwebmaster tools (A set of tools that is used to troubleshoot the crawling and indexing of Web sites)
meteorol.herramientas de apoyo a las decisionesdecision-support tools
IT, social.sc.herramientas de autoríaauthoring tools
meteorol.herramientas de ayuda para pronósticosforecast aids
tech.herramientas de carburocarbide tools
tech.herramientas de carburo cementadocemented carbide tools
tech.herramientas de carenarfairing tools
comp., MSherramientas de correcciónproofing tools (A collection of tools such as a spelling checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus)
comp., MSHerramientas de corrección de Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Proofing Tools (Collections of proofing tools for different languages that that are available to users of Office applications)
patents.herramientas de cortecutting tools
IT, dat.proc.herramientas de desarrollodevelopment tools
comp., MSHerramientas de desarrollo F12F12 Developer Tools (Web development tools that are accessible in Internet Explorer by pressing F12 or clicking Developer Tools on the Tools menu)
forestr.herramientas de dibujodrawing tools
stat.herramientas de evaluación de poblaciones de la FAO y el Centro internacional para la ordenación de los recursos acuáticos vivosICLARM Stock Assessment Tools
dril.herramientas de fondojewelry
agric.herramientas de jardineríahorticultural equipment
agric.herramientas de jardineríagarden tools
agric.herramientas de jardineríagardening equipment
gen.herramientas de jardíngarden tools hand tools
mech.eng.herramientas de manohand tool
gen.herramientas de manohand tools
gen.herramientas de mano accionadas manualmentehand tools, hand operated
patents.herramientas de mano impulsadas manualmentehand-operated tools
comp., MSHerramientas de migración de Windows ServerWindows Server Migration Tools (A feature that includes five Windows PowerShell cmdlets for migrating some roles and features from servers that are running Windows Server 2003 or 2008 to servers that are running either Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 8)
meteorol.herramientas de pronósticoforecast tools
tech.herramientas de punzones y matricesfollow dies
comp., MSHerramientas de referenciaReference Tools (A free floating utility in Microsoft Word for Mac that provides an "electronic bookshelf" of key reference tools from directly within the application)
comp., MSherramientas de rendimientoperformance tools (Tools that you can use to evaluate the performance of a solution. Performance tools can have different purposes; some are designed to evaluate end-to-end performance while others focus on evaluating performance of a particular aspect of a solution)
patents.herramientas e instrumentos de mano impulsados manualmentehand tools and implements hand operated
patents.herramientas e instrumentos de mano impulsados manualmente, cuchillería, tenedores y cucharashand-operated tools and instruments, knives, forks and
dril.herramientas eléctricas de cableelectrical wireline tools
ITHerramientas para el diseño de sistemas de información para oficinasTools for Designing Office Information Systems
tech.jerga de taller que se aplica cuando se hace un corte muy profundo con una herramienta cortadorahogging
tech.juego consolidado de herramientasconsolidated tool kit
tech.juego de herramientasoutfit
tech.juego de herramientaskit-of-tools
mil.juego de herramientas de controlcontrol tool kit
forestr.juego de herramientas de llaves de tubosocket set
transp., mech.eng.juego de herramientas menoressmall tool set
transp., mech.eng.juego de herramientas menoresset of small tools
tech.juego de herramientas mixtascombined tool kit
tech.juego mixto de herramientascombined tool kit
ITkit de herramientastool set
ITkit de herramientastool kit
comp., MSkit de herramientastoolkit (A bundle of software, services, marketing materials, etc., bundled together and meant to be used together)
comp., MSkit de herramientas de compatibilidad de aplicacionesApplication Compatibility Toolkit (A suite of tools that enables software developers, independent software vendors (ISVs), and enterprise IT professionals to determine whether their applications are compatible with a new version of Windows before rolling it out to the company. ACT also enables such individuals to determine how Windows security updates may impact their applications)
comp., MSKit de herramientas de evaluaciónAssessment Toolkit (A toolkit that helps you determine the quality of a running operating system or a set of components with regard to performance, reliability and functionality. The toolkit includes several assessments and provides the tools needed to run assessments on a local computer or on multiple computers, and review the results of the assessments to diagnose problems and determine how to make improvements)
comp., MSKit de herramientas de rendimiento de WindowsWindows Performance Toolkit (A kit that consists of two tools: Windows Performance Recorder and Windows Performance Analyzer. These tools are used to provides detailed recordings of system and application behavior and resource usage, and then analyze the results)
comp., MSKit de herramientas para aplicaciones multilingüesMultilingual App Toolkit (A Visual Studio extension that enables translation support through tools and guides)
coal.la correa diamantada es una nueva herramienta de arranque para las rocas marmoreas duras durasthe diamond-studded belt is a new shearing tool for hard marble stone
med.lesión en las articulaciones causada por el uso de herramientas neumáticasjoint lesions due to caisson disease
med.lesión en las articulaciones causada por el uso de herramientas neumáticasjoint lesions due to pneumatic tools
industr.lubricante para herramientas de cortecutting oil
meas.inst.mando de máquinas herramientasmachine control
automat., meas.inst.mando de máquinas herramientasmachine tool control
tech.mango de herramientatool holder
gen.mangos de herramientas no metálicostool handles not of metal
forestr.mantenimiento de herramientastool maintenance
transp., tech.manual de herramientas y equipos de tierraground equipment manual
transp., tech.manual ilustrado de herramientas y equiposillustrated tool and equipment manual
tech.manubrio de herramienta de taladrarbrace
tech.marcas por vibración de la herramientachatter marks
met.metal para herramientas de cortecutting metal
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Herramienta de sincronización de directoriosMicrosoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from an organization's on-premises Active Directory directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Herramientas de migraciónMicrosoft Online Services Migration Tools (The application that provides tools to help company administrators and consultants migrate mailbox content from Web e-mail systems and hosted and on-premises Exchange systems to Microsoft Exchange Online)
comp., MSMinibarra de herramientasMini toolbar (A set of UI controls that appear in context when an object is selected and contain actions that act upon the object)
comp., MSmodo Herramienta de sincronización de directoriosDirectory Synchronization Tool mode (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Directory Synchronization Tool. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. It automatically synchronizes the on-site e-mail address list with the organization's hosted services)
met.máquina herramienta para metales con arranque de virutasmachine tool
patents.máquinas para la transformación de metales, maderas, materias plásticas, máquinas para la industria química, agricultura, minería, máquinas textiles, máquinas para la industria de bebidas, máquinas para la construcción, máquinas de embalaje y máquinas herramientasmachines for processing metal, wood and plastics, machines for the chemical industry, agriculture, mining, textile machines, machines for the beverages industry, construction machines, packing machines and machine tools
patents.máquinas y máquinas herramientas, motores excepto motores para vehículos terrestres, acoplamientos y órganos de transmisión excepto para vehículos terrestres, instrumentos agrícolas no manuales, incubadoras demachines and machine tools, motors and engines except for land vehicles, machine coupling and transmission components except for land vehicles, agricultural implements other than hand-operated, incubators for eggs
mech.eng.módulo de la herramientatool module
comp., MSOperador de herramientas remotasRemote Tools Operator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can run and audit remote administration tools)
polit.operador de máquinas herramientasmachine tool operator machine operator (maquinista)
comp., MSpanel de herramientastool pane (A task pane on a Web Part Page used to browse, search for, and import Web Parts from Web Part galleries, and to modify custom and common Web Part properties)
mech.eng.paso diametral de la herramientatool diametral pitch
mech.eng.paso nominal de la herramientacutter nominal pitch
mech.eng.paso nominal de la herramientaUS:circular pitch of cutter
tech.pañol de herramientastool crib
mech.eng.protector de la herramientatool guard
mech.eng.protector de la herramientatool covering
mech.eng.punta de herramientastick
tech.quitar partículas de metal que se juntan detrás del filo de corte de una herramienta para reducir la fricciónbacking off
tech.rebajar las partículas de metal que se juntan detrás del filo de corte de una herramienta para reducir la fricciónbacking off
tech.sección de herramientas y preentregas del almacéntool crib and pre-issue section
agric., tech.soporte de herramientastool bar
med.uso común de las herramientas de diagnósticosharing of diagnostic tools
gen.utilícense herramientas manuales de chispa reducidause reduced-sparking hand-tools
environ., mech.eng.vibración de la herramientatool vibration
tech.vástago de herramientatool bit
mech.eng.ángulo de cabeza de la herramientacutter tip angle
mech.eng.ángulo de presión de la herramientacutter nominal pressure angle
mech.eng.ángulo de presión de la herramientaUS:standard pressure angle
comp., MSárea de la barra de herramientas de Application DiagnosticsApplication Diagnostics toolbar area (The area where the toolbar options provide all of the tools that you require to control the quantity and type of information to display in Application Diagnostics)