
Terms containing detalles | all forms | exact matches only
chem., el.almacén de distribución al detalleretail depot
econ.alza de precios al detalleretail price inflation
construct.anteproyecto de detalletender design
transp.baremo aplicable por expedición de detallescale of rates applied per consignment
comp., MScampo de detalledetail field (A field that displays all rows, or records, from the underlying record source)
comp., MScarta detalle del chequecheck letter (A payment letter that accompanies a check and which lists the documents that are paid by the check. Used for French check format)
patents., lat.amer.comercio al detalleretail trade
construct.concepción de los detallesstructural detailing
gen.cálculo del detalle de los gastos de franqueocalculating postal expenses
comp., MSdatos de detalledetail data (For automatic subtotals and worksheet outlines, the subtotal rows or columns that are totaled by summary data. Detail data is typically adjacent to and either above or to the left of the summary data)
construct.detalle constructivodesign detail
transp.detalle de carga por lotespart-load consignment
construct.detalle de construcciónexecution detail
transp.detalle de gran velocidadpart-load consignment carried by fast goods train G.V.
transp.detalle de pequeña velocidadpart-load consignment carried by ordinary goods train P.V.
ed.Detalle de préstamosLoan Record Detail Report Informe de
comp., MSdetalle de sueldopay item (A payment or deduction of one type, such as overtime or vacation, on an employee's pay slip)
commun.detalle de una imagenimage detail
comp., MSdetalle de vencimientos de ctas. por cobrarA/R Aging Detail (A report that gives an in-depth view of the amounts your customers owe your company at a selected date)
comp., MSdetalle de vencimientos de ctas. por pagarA/P Aging Detail (A report that gives an in-depth view of the amounts your company owes its vendors as of a selected date)
ed.Detalle del estado de devolución de préstamosSchool Repayment Information Loan Detail Report DRCO15 (DRC015)
comp., MSdetalle del individuoindividual detail (A detail entered as account information for an individual, rather than a company)
patents.detalle insignificanteimmaterial detail
tech.detalle planimétricoplanimetric detail
comp., MSDetalles de la citaAppointment details (The notes field in an appointment, where the user can add extra information)
commun., ITdetalles de la facturaciónbilling details
fin.detalles de la operacióntransaction details
fin.detalles del efectodraft details
fin.detalles del efectodraft at...on
comp., MSdetalles del equipocomputer details (A list of computer properties that are configured to display and provide information about a specific computer)
fin.detalles del montanteamount details
transp.detalles del transportetransport details
tech.detalles mecánicosmechanical features
patents.detalles relativos a le ejecución del presente Acuerdodetails for carrying out the present Arrangement
fin.detalles suplementariossupplementary details
fin.detalles y condiciones adentroinside the package (prepaid card)
fin.detalles y condiciones están dentro del paqueteinside the package (prepaid card)
meteorol.eliminar los detallessmooth out details
construct.en estado de anteproyecto de detalleat the design stage
transp.encaminamiento para envíos de detallewagon routing
patents.entrar en detallesenter into details
transp.estación de concentración del detallesundries depot
commun.estación de registro de detalle de mensajesstation message detail recording
ITfichero de detallesdetail file
comp.finura de detalleresolution
fin., social.sc.Foro Social Europeo para el Comercio al DetalleEuropean Social Forum for the Retail Trade
commun.grabador de detalles de llamadascall detail recorder
ITimpresión de detallesdetail printing
IT, transp.indicador de encaminamiento para el tráfico de detallerouting indication for parcels
ed.Informe oficial de detalle de préstamosofficial Loan Record Detail Report
ed.Informe preliminar de detalle de préstamosdraft Loan Record Detail Report
coal.ingeniería de detallebasic engineering
commun.librería al detallegeneral bookseller
earth.sc.maniquí con detalles de contrastecontrast detail phantom
life.sc.mapa que muestra detalles en el margen de la hojamap showing details up to the sheet margin
market., transp.mercancía de detalleparcels
market., transp.mercancía de detallepart-load traffic
market., transp.mercancía de detallepart load traffic
market., transp.mercancía de detalleless than carload freight
market., transp.mercancía de detallesmalls
transp.nomenclátor para bultos de detallemerchandise schedule
comp., MSobtención de detallesdrillthrough (In Analysis Services, a technique to retrieve the detailed data from which the data in a cube cell was summarized)
comp., MSobtención de detallesdrill through (A feature that displays all rows from the fact table that combine to form the value for that cell. The rows resulting from drill through are displayed in a new worksheet so that you can view detailed data for a particular cell)
comp., MSobtener detallesdrill through (To explore or browse through data elements that are in the same level in a hierarchy)
gen.Omití los detalles que no son importantesI omitted the not important details
comp., MSpanel de detallesdetails pane (A pane that displays details about an item selected in another portion of the user interface. For example, in Microsoft Management Console (MMC), the details pane is the right pane that displays details for the selected item in the console tree)
comp., MSpanel DetallesDetails pane (The lower left pane in the DPM Administrator Console. The Details pane provides detailed information about an item selected in the Display pane)
mech.eng.pieza de detalledetail part
mater.sc., construct.plano de detalledetail drawing
construct.plano de detalledetail drawings
cinemaplano detallecut-in
econ.precio al detalleretail price
TVprimario de transmisión que ocupa una banda ancha y que aporta así los detalles finos de crominancia de la imagen en coloresfine chrominance primary
proj.manag.proyecto de detalledetailed design
life.sc.punto de detalledetail point
cultur., life.sc.puntos de detalledetail points
life.sc.red de detallesurvey network of lower order
life.sc.red de detallenetwork of lower order control points
commun.registro de detalle de llamadacall detail record
comp., MSregistro de detalles de las llamadascall detail records (An Office Communications Server Archiving Service feature for capturing and reporting on events associated with users logging on and off, IM conversations, and conferences)
comp., MSsección DetalleDetail section (A report section used to contain the main body of a form or report. This section usually contains controls bound to the fields in the record source, but can also contain unbound controls, such as labels that identify a field's contents)
commun., ITsistema de difusión instantánea de detallessystem of broadcasting up-to-the-minute details
econ., account.sistema de pagos al detalleretail payment system
gen.Suprima los detalles innecesarios de la historiaDelete the unnecessary details of the story
transp.transporte de detallesundries traffic
transp.tren de tráfico de detalleless-than-carload train
transp.tren de tráfico de detalletrain hauling part-load traffic
transp.tren de tráfico de detalleL.C.L.train
life.sc.triangulación de detalledetailed triangulation
market., fin.tráfico de detalleless-than-carload
market., fin.tráfico de detallepart-load traffic
market., fin.tráfico de detalleL.C.L.freight
market., fin.tráfico de detalleless than carload freight
transp.tráfico de detallesundries traffic
comp., MSunidad de detallesdetail unit (A reporting unit that draws information directly from the general ledger)
transp.vagón de detallepart-load wagon
transp.vagón directo para tráfico de detallethrough wagon for regular part-load goods
fin.venta al detalleretail sale
commer., fin., commun.venta al detalle electrónicaelectronic retailing
commer., fin., commun.venta al detalle electrónicaonline retailing
commer., fin., commun.venta al detalle electrónicaweb retailing
commer., fin., commun.venta al detalle electrónicae-tailing
comp., MSVentana de detalles del servicio WebWeb Service Details window (The window that displays the behavior specification for a Web service endpoint. For example, it displays the operations for a Web service endpoint)
comp., MSventana Detalles de claseClass Details Window (A window in Visual Studio Class Designer that you can use to configure the members of a type. By default, the Class Details Window appears automatically when you open a new class diagram)
gen.vista de detallesdetails view
comp., MSvista Detalles de mensajesMessage Details view (In the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the Message Box. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views)
transp.zona de encaminamiento para envíos de detallecentralized wagon zone
comp., MSárea de detalledetail area (The part of PivotTable view that contains detail and total fields)
transp.índice de encaminamiento para el tráfico de detallerouting code for part-load traffic
econ.índice de precios al detalleretail price index
econ.índice de precios al detalleconsumer price index