
Terms containing controlador | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSacceso a controlador personalizadocustom driver access (Device IO Control to 3rd party driver, a form of restricted device interface access for privileged apps)
ITambigüedad del controladorcontroller ambiguity
IT, dat.proc.archivo de controlador de impresoraprinter driver file
IT, dat.proc.archivo de controlador de impresoraprinter driver
comp., MSAsistente para controladores de dispositivosDevice Driver Wizard (A wizard that helps a driver developer get the new driver packages up and going quickly in Visual Studio)
comp., MSBiblioteca de controladores de Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows Driver Library (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
comp., MSBiblioteca de controladores de WindowsWindows Driver Library (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
auto.calibración del controladorcontroller calibration
IT, el.circuito controlador de prioridades de interrupciónPriority Interrupt Controller
chem., el.contador controladortransfer prover
chem., el.contador-controlador hidráulicowet test meter
el.controlador analógicoanalogue driver
el.controlador analógicoanalog driver
comp., MScontrolador antimalware de inicio tempranoELAM driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
comp., MScontrolador antimalware de inicio tempranoEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
el.controlador automáticoautomatic controller
avia.controlador aére aéreoair traffic controller
transp.controlador aéreotraffic controller
transp.controlador aéreoair traffic controller
transp.controlador aéreoair controller
transp.controlador aéreocontrol tower operator
meteorol.controlador aéreoAir Traffic Control Specialist
gen.controlador aéreo avanzadoForward Air Controller
comp., MScontrolador crítico para el arranqueboot critical driver (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
ITcontrolador de acceso a la rednetwork access controller
commun.controlador de acceso al mediomedia access control driver
IT, dat.proc.controlador de acción continuacontinuous-action controller
comp., MScontrolador de adaptador de rednetwork adapter driver (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
comp., MScontrolador de administraciónmanagement controller (The hardware and firmware component on computer motherboards that supports out of band management)
med.controlador de aguawater monitor
railw., sec.sys.controlador de agujapoint detector
coal.controlador de aislamientoinsulation tester
comp., MScontrolador de ajusteadjustment handle (A diamond-shaped handle used to adjust the appearance but not the size of most AutoShapes. For example, you can adjust a rounded rectangle to be more or less rounded)
el.controlador de alarmas de pruebas MMItest alarm controller MMI
comp., MScontrolador de almacenamientostore driver (A software component of the Hub Transport Server that delivers inbound messages to Exchange stores, the databases that contain public folder and mailbox stores. The store driver is also responsible for retrieving messages from a user's outbox and submitting it for delivery)
mech.eng.controlador de alturavertical approach coupler
commun.controlador de alturaaltitude control
transp., avia.controlador de aproximaciónapproach controller
tech.controlador de aproximación finalfinal controller
gen.controlador de APSautomatic protection switching controller
gen.controlador de APSAPS controller
mil.controlador de armamentoweapons controller
comp., MScontrolador de arranque de inicio tempranoearly-launch boot driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
el.controlador de atenuaciónloss controller
el.controlador de autoinduccióninductance bridge
comp., MScontrolador de automatización de dispositivos del hogarhome automation controller (A software or device that helps control your home smart devices automatically)
agric., mater.sc.controlador de botellasbottle inspector
agric., mater.sc.controlador de botellas llenasfilled bottle inspector
agric., mater.sc.controlador de botellas vacíasempty bottle inspector
el.controlador de bucle cerradoclosed-loop drive
ITcontrolador de busbus controller
ITcontrolador de CA computerizadosmall computer ac controller
comp.controlador de cambio de tamañocontrol handle
el.controlador de canal de señalizaciónsignaling channel controller
el.controlador de canal de señalizaciónsignalling channel controller
el.controlador de canal de señalizaciónSIG controller
earth.sc., el.controlador de carga de bateríabattery charge monitoring unit
industr.controlador de caudalflow controller
agric.controlador de circuitofence controller
agric.controlador de circuitofence control unit
agric.controlador de circuitoelectric fence controller
comp., MScontrolador de claseclass driver (An intermediate driver that provides a simple interface between a minidriver and the operating system)
comp., MScontrolador de compilaciónbuild controller (A background process that manages a set of build agents)
commun.controlador de comunicacionestransmission control device
commun.controlador de comunicacionescommunication controller
el.controlador de conexión/desconexiónon/off controller
comp., MSControlador de congestiónCongestion Controller (A Media Center plug-in that is used for advanced network flow management, and in particular to avoid or limit network congestion)
ITcontrolador de conversor A/Danalog/digital converter controller
ITcontrolador de conversor A/Danalogue/digital converter controller
ITcontrolador de conversor A/Da/d converter controller
comp.controlador de dimensiónresize handle
ITcontrolador de discodisk controller
ITcontrolador de discodisc controller
el.controlador de discosdisk controller
comp., MScontrolador de dispositivodevice driver (Software that enables hardware or peripherals (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer or mobile device)
comp., MScontrolador de dispositivo de pantalla virtualvirtual display device driver (Software in Windows 9x that manages a display)
commun.controlador de dispositivo de rednetwork device driver
el.controlador de dispositivo serieserial device driver
commun.controlador de dispositivosdevice driver
comp., MScontrolador de dominiodomain controller (In an Active Directory forest, a server that contains a writable copy of the Active Directory database, participates in Active Directory replication, and controls access to network resources)
comp., MScontrolador de dominioDC (In an Active Directory forest, a server that contains a writable copy of the Active Directory database, participates in Active Directory replication, and controls access to network resources)
comp., MScontrolador de dominio auxiliarhelper DC (A supporting domain controller used to source SYSVOL from the restored backup media if only one domain controller is installed in the domain (SYSVOL has not replicated at least once between two domain controllers in the domain))
commun.controlador de dominio de seguridadback-up domain controller
comp., MScontrolador de dominio de solo lecturaread-only domain controller (A domain controller that has read-only copies of directory partitions)
comp., MScontrolador de dominio para línea basebaseline domain controller (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
comp., MScontrolador de dominio para línea basebaseline DC (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
therm.energ.controlador de electrodoelectrode controller
therm.energ.controlador de electrodoelectrode regulator
el.controlador de emplazamiento de célulascell site controller
gen.controlador de enlacelink controller
ITcontrolador de enlace de datos avanzadoAdvanced Data Link Controller
ITcontrolador de entradainput controller
ITcontrolador de entrada-salidainput-output controller
IT, dat.proc.controlador de entrada/salida de datosinput/output data handler
chem.controlador de espumasuds controller
el.controlador de estaciones base centralizadascentralized base station controller
commun., ITcontrolador de estaciones de basebase site controller
radiocontrolador de estación basebase station controller
comp., MScontrolador de eventosevent handler (A software routine that executes in response to an event)
comp., MScontrolador de excentricidadeccentricity handle (A handle that allows you to adjust the angle and magnitude of an elliptical arc's eccentricity)
comp., MScontrolador de excepcionesexception handler (A block of code that reacts to a specific type of exception)
comp., MScontrolador de excepciónexception handler (An application function that is called in exception catch blocks to report errors and perform some error handling)
lab.law.controlador de existenciasInventory Controller
industr.controlador de flujoflow controller
comp., MScontrolador de formularioform handler (A program on a server that runs when a site visitor submits a form)
ITcontrolador de gestión y protección de la memoriamemory management and protection unit
comp., MScontrolador de girorotation handle (The round handle that appears at the top of a selected shape that you can use to rotate the shape)
commun.controlador de grupocluster controller
gen.controlador de gruposgroup controller
el.controlador de impedanciaimpedance tester
el.controlador de impedanciaimpedance bridge
comp., MSControlador de implementación de IIS 7IIS 7 Deployment Handler (A deployment handler that integrates with the Web Management service (WMSVC) and enables non-administrators or administrators to perform remote operations)
comp., MScontrolador de impresoraprinter driver (The device that communicates between your software program and your printer)
IT, dat.proc.controlador de impresora genéricogeneric printer driver
comp., MScontrolador de intercepcionestrap handler (A body of code in the kernel to which the processor transfers control when an interrupt or exception occurs. The trap handler determines the type of condition that caused the interrupt or exception, and transfers control to an interrupt service routine (ISR) or exception handler)
gen.controlador de interceptacióninterceptor controller
commun.controlador de interfaz de rednetwork interface card/controller
commun.controlador de interfaz mediomedium interface controller
ITcontrolador de interfaz repetidorrepeat interface controller
IT, earth.sc.controlador de interfaz repetidorrepeater interface controller
el.controlador de interruptor bipolarbipolar chopper driver
ITcontrolador de juegosgame controller
commun., ITcontrolador de la conferenciaconference manager
commun., ITcontrolador de la conferenciacorrespondent 1
transp.controlador de la defensa aéreafighter controller
chem.controlador de la humedadhumidity controller
ITcontrolador de línea asíncronaasynchronous line controller
IT, dat.proc.controlador de línea asíncronoasynchronous line controller
commun., ITcontrolador de línea compartidaparty-line driver
ITcontrolador de líneasline control unit
ITcontrolador de líneasline buffer controller
comp., MScontrolador de lógica de negociosbusiness logic handler (A merge replication feature that allows you to run custom code during the synchronization process)
ITcontrolador de lógica difusafuzzy controller
ITcontrolador de memoria de burbujasbubble memory controller
comp., MScontrolador de mensajesmessage handler (A Component Object Model (COM) object that implements the ITranslate interface in an in-process COM object)
comp., MScontrolador de minifiltrominifilter driver (A driver used by anti-malware software, backup agents, and encryption products to intercept requests that are targeted at a file system, or another file system driver, before the request reaches its intended destination)
ITcontrolador de módulo del módulo de conmutacióncontroller of the switching block
earth.sc.controlador de nivellevel controller
gen.controlador de operaciones múltiplescontroller of multi-task operations
comp., MScontrolador de origen de datosdata source driver (A program file used to connect to a specific database. Each database program or management system requires a different driver)
ITcontrolador de paridadparity checker
IT, el.controlador de periféricosperipheral driver
transp.controlador de pistarunway controller
commun., transp.controlador de precisiónprecision controller
mech.eng.controlador de presiónsystem pressure regulator
mech.eng.controlador de presiónpressure controller
mech.eng.controlador de presiónpressure regulator
mech.eng.controlador de presiónmanostat
chem., mech.eng.controlador de presión de combustiblefuel pressure controller
gen.controlador de procesoprocess controller
commun.controlador de pruebatest controller
commun., transp.controlador de radarradar controller
ITcontrolador de recepción de ráfagasburst reception controller
el.controlador de red de conmutaciónswitch network controller
commun.controlador de red radioeléctricaradio network controller
gen.controlador de red radioeléctrica de controlcontrolling RNC
gen.controlador de red radioeléctrica de controlcontrolling radio network controller
comp., MScontrolador de rellenofill handle (The small black square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell that can be used to copy data and to fill adjacent cells with a series of data)
ITcontrolador de salidaoutput controller
comp., MScontrolador de seguimientotrace controller (An application that enables tracing and connects the trace provider with the trace consumer)
comp., MScontrolador de selección por toquetouch selection handle (A handle that enables touch selection scenarios that are not possible or are difficult to accomplish with standard touch gestures alone)
comp., MSControlador de solicitudesRequest Handler (A Duet server component that enables handling and routing of requests from the SAP system to Microsoft Office Outlook via Microsoft Exchange Server)
comp., MScontrolador de solicitudesrequest handler (A server component that enables the handling and routing of requests)
comp., MSControlador de solicitudes DuetDuet Request Handler (A Duet server component that enables handling and routing of requests from the SAP system to Microsoft Office Outlook via Microsoft Exchange Server)
comp., MScontrolador de tamañoresize handle (A handle that enables resizing of a row, column, window or other object)
comp., MScontrolador de tamañosizing handle (A handle that supports sizing an object)
comp.controlador de tamañohandle
el.controlador de tambordrum-type controller
el.controlador de tambordrum switch
comp., MScontrolador de tarjeta de rednetwork card driver (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
comp., MScontrolador de tejidofabric controller (The service that acts as the kernel of the Windows Azure distributed cloud operating system, providing scheduling, resource allocation, device management, and fault tolerance for nodes in the fabric. It also manages the complete application lifecycle including service deployment, health monitoring, service healing, upgrading, and deactivation)
chem., el.controlador de temperaturaheats attendant
industr., construct.controlador de tensióntension control device
commun., ITcontrolador de terminal con doble procesadordual processor terminal controller
commun., ITcontrolador de terminalesterminal controller
transp.controlador de tierraground movement controller
transp.controlador de tierraground controller
transp.controlador de tramo finalprecision controller
transp.controlador de tramo finalGCA final controller
transp.controlador de tramo finalground control approach final controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador de tramo finalfinal controller
tech.controlador de transferenciastransferring controller
commun.controlador de transmisióntelecommunication control unit
commun.controlador de transmisióntransmission control unit
commun.controlador de transmisióntransmission command unit
commun.controlador de transmisiónline control and adaptation unit
ITControlador de transmisión DMADMA transfer controller
commun.controlador de transportetransport driver
comp., MScontrolador de transportetransport provider (The driver and support files that provide transport services in a networking environment)
transp.controlador de trenesdispatcher
railw., sec.sys.controlador de tráficoregulator
railw., sec.sys.controlador de tráficotraffic controller
transp.controlador de tráfico aéreoair controller
transp.controlador de tráfico aéreotraffic controller
polit.controlador de tráfico aéreoair traffic controller
tech.controlador de tráfico aéreocontroller
transp.controlador de tránsito aéreoair traffic controller
transp.controlador de tránsito aéreotraffic controller
transp.controlador de tránsito aéreoair controller
transp.controlador de vigilanciasurveillance controller
commun.controlador de vigilancia radarsurveillance controller
comp., MScontrolador de vista previapreview handler (A handler that displays a lightweight, read-only preview of a file's contents without launching the application associated with the file. For example, a preview handler displays a Shell item in the Windows Explorer preview pane)
comp., MSControlador de vista previa de datos adjuntosAttachment Previewer (An application that is used to open an attachment for Attachment Previewing)
comp., MSControlador de vista previa de PowerPointPowerPoint Previewer (A context menu that enables the user to preview the contents of a file with the Office Preview Handler (OPH) in Outlook (either documents attached to email or SharePoint documents in Outlook))
IT, transp.controlador de vueloflight controller
commun.controlador de área de radiobúsquedapaging area controller
IT, dat.proc.controlador del acceso directo a memoriadirect memory access controller
comp., MScontrolador del agente de pruebatest agent controller (A background process that manages a set of machines with the test agent software installed)
nat.sc.controlador del canal de comunicacionescommunications channel controller
commun.controlador del canal de vozvoice channel controller
IT, dat.proc.controlador del DMAdirect memory access controller
comp., MScontrolador del fabricantethird-party driver (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
comp., MScontrolador del filtro del sistema de archivos WIMWindows Image File System Filter driver (A driver that enables you to mount your image file and work with it through a file-management tool, such as Windows Explorer)
comp., MScontrolador del filtro del sistema de archivos WIMWIM FS Filter driver (A driver that enables you to mount your image file and work with it through a file-management tool, such as Windows Explorer)
IT, dat.proc.controlador del programaprogram controller
gen.controlador del registroRegistry Control Officer
agric.controlador del registro lecheromilk recorder
agric.controlador del registro lecherocow tester
commun.controlador del sistema de prueba TDEIcontroller of the DECT testing system
meteorol.controlador del tráfico aéreoair traffic controller
meteorol.controlador del tráfico aéreoAir Traffic Control Specialist
meteorol.controlador del tránsito aéreoair traffic controller
meteorol.controlador del tránsito aéreoAir Traffic Control Specialist
ITcontrolador del ómnibus bidireccionalbidirectional bus driver
ITcontrolador des instalaciones de alto nivelhigh level controller of a plant
el.controlador diferencial de alarmasdifferential alarm driver
el.controlador digitaldigital driver
IT, mater.sc.controlador electrónico de nivelelectronic level controller
auto.controlador electrónico de retroalimentaciónelectronic feedback controller
railw., sec.sys.controlador eléctrico de agujaelectrical point detector
commer., transp., avia.controlador finalprecision controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador finalfinal controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador finalground control approach final controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador finalGCA final controller
comp., MScontrolador firmadosigned driver (A driver that meets the criteria of the Windows Logo Program. For performance and stability, Microsoft strongly recommends that you use only signed drivers for new or updated drivers)
commer., transp., avia.controlador GCAprecision controller
transp.controlador GCAGCA final controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador GCAground control approach final controller
commer., transp., avia.controlador GCAfinal controller
ITcontrolador gráficographics controller
comp., MScontrolador guardiánwatchdog driver (A hardware device that monitors system health and functionality by communicating with the system software. The communication is through a dedicated device driver or device timer)
comp., MScontrolador HTTPHTTP handler (A component registered with ASP.NET (typically with an .axd extension) that produces Web output dynamically)
comp., MScontrolador incluidoin-box driver (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
IT, el.controlador inteligenteintelligent controller
social.sc.controlador laboralemployment inspector
ITcontrolador lógico programableprogrammable logic controller
auto.ctrl.controlador lógico programableprogrammable controller
IT, transp.controlador maestromaster controller
commun., transp.controlador maestro de secuencia de eventosmaster events sequence controller
el.controlador manualmanual controller
environ.controlador medioambiental acreditadoaccredited environmental verifier
environ.controlador medioambiental acreditadoaccredited environment verifier
environ.controlador medioambiental acreditadoaccredited environmental auditor
comp., MScontrolador modo kernelkernel-mode driver (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
commun.controlador monolíticomonolithic driver
comp., MScontrolador monolíticomonolithic driver (A driver that is structured to handle all storage command processing from the driver class to the host bus attachment, residing in the code path either alongside Microsoft-supplied monolithic drivers, or alongside a Microsoft-supplied port driver and vendor-supplied miniport drivers)
gen.controlador multipuntomultipoint controller
gen.controlador multipunto activoactive multipoint controller
gen.controlador multipunto activoactive MC
comp., MScontrolador no firmadounsigned driver (A driver that is not supported and that is not certified to work with a particular version of Windows)
comp., MScontrolador no incluidoout-of-box driver (A driver that is not included with Windows)
transp.controlador o dependencia destinatarioreceiving unit
transp.controlador o dependencia destinatarioreceiving controller
comp., MScontrolador ODBCODBC driver (A program file used to connect to a particular database. Each database program, such as Access or dBASE, or database management system, such as SQL Server, requires a different driver)
comp., MScontrolador para juegosjoypad (An action-control device used with arcade-type games played on PCs and game consoles such as the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation. A game pad, unlike a joystick, is meant to be held in the player's hands)
comp., MScontrolador para juegosgame pad (An action-control device used with arcade-type games played on PCs and game consoles such as the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation. A game pad, unlike a joystick, is meant to be held in the player's hands)
comp., MScontrolador, punto de controlcontrol handle (A handle that specifies unique behavior for certain shapes)
tech.controlador que recibe el control de un avión de otro controladorreceiving controller facility (o instalación)
comp., MScontrolador RsFxRsFx driver (A file-system filter driver to aid access to the data through the NTFS Streaming APIs for the filestream data type)
el.controlador SIGsignalling channel controller
el.controlador SIGsignaling channel controller
el.controlador SIGSIG controller
comp., MScontrolador superpuestolayered driver (One of a collection of drivers that responds to the same IRPs. Layered driver describes the highest-level and lowest-level drivers in a chain of layered drivers that process the same IRPs, along with all intermediate drivers in the chain)
transp.controlador transferidortransferring controller
el.controlador unipolarunipolar driver
el.controlador universaluniversal tester
pulp.n.papercontrolador y registrador de presiónpressure controller and recorder
patents.controladores de ordenadorcomputer controllers
IT, dat.proc.controladores de transferencia entre procesadoresinter-computer transfer controller
IT, transp.controladores isométricos lateralesisometric side-arm controllers
patents.controladores remotosremote controllers
transp.dependencia/controlador remitentesending unit/controller
transp.dependencia o controlador transferidortransferring controller
transp.dependencia o controlador transferidortransferring unit
transp.dependencia o controlador transferidorhanding-off controller
ITdiagnóstico de controlador de módem asíncronoasynchronous modem controller diagnostic
earth.sc., mech.eng.dispositivo controlador del volumen de aireautomatic air controller
tech.el ROMAD generalmente trabaja para un controlador aéreo avanzado FAC terrestre o piloto de la USAF asignado a una unidad del Ejército para propósitos de coordinaciónUSAF's radio operator maintenance and driver
el.tract.equipo de controladordirectly controlled equipment
tech.espacio aéreo asignado por el controlador de tráfico aéreoassigned airspace
commun.especificación de interfaz de controlador de rednetwork driver interface specification
psychol.estímulo controladorcontrolling stimulus
el.extensor del bus del controlador de la red de conmutaciónswitch network controller bus extender
gen.fallo de controladorcontroller failure
IT, dat.proc.fichero de controlador de impresoraprinter driver file
IT, dat.proc.fichero de controlador de impresoraprinter driver
comp., MSfijación de controladordriver reflection (The process by which a driver file is copied to a location on the destination computer and the corresponding service is created)
ITfunción del controladorcontroller function
genet.gen controladorcontrolling gene
comp., MSHerramienta para conversión de controladores del proyectoDriver Project Conversion Tool (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
comp., MSinserción de controladoresdriver injection (The process of installing mass storage drivers into an offline Windows installation, such as from Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) into a restored system)
comp., MSinstalación de controlador de dominio preconfigurado de solo lecturastaged read-only domain controller installation (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)
comp., MSinstalación de controlador de dominio preconfigurado de sólo lecturastaged RODC installation A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it (RODC)
tech.instalación que recibe el control de un avión de otro controladorreceiving controller facility (o instalación)
comp., MSinterfaz de controlador de dispositivodevice driver interface (A set of functions that are implemented by the operating system for use by drivers)
commun., transp.intervención manual prioritaria del controlador terrestremanual override by the ground controllers
comp., MSKit para controladores de WindowsWindows Driver Kit (The SDK that contains all the tools and downloads needed to build a driver for Windows)
comp., MSmanipulador, controlador de selecciónselection handle (A graphical control point of an object that provides direct manipulation support for operations of that object, such as moving, sizing, or scaling)
IT, el.margen proporcional de un controladorproportional band
commun., ITmensaje entre el piloto y el controladorpilot-controller message
comp., MSModelo de controlador de WindowsWindows Driver Model (A driver model based on the Windows NT driver model that is designed to provide a common architecture of I/O services for Windows operating systems for specific classes of drivers. These driver classes include USB and IEEE 1394 buses, audio, still-image capture, video capture, and HID-compliant devices such as USB mice, keyboards, and joysticks. Provides a model for writing kernel-mode drivers and minidrivers, and provides extensions for Plug and Play and power management)
insur., health.médico controladorexamining doctor
ITmódulo de entrada controlador de CAcontroller ac input module
ITmódulo de salida controlador de CAcontroller ac output module
comp., MSpaquete de controladoresdriver package (A collection of files that comprise a driver)
IT, dat.proc.personalizar un controlador de impresorato customize a printer driver
transp.puesto de trabajo de controladorcontroller work station
chem., el.quemador-controladorindex burner
chem., el.quemador-controladortest burner
chem., el.quemador-controladorcontrol burner
ITred de zona del controladorController Area Network
comp., MSservidor controladorcontroller server (The server computer on which the Microsoft Web Farm Framework software is installed. This server is used to specify the administrator account for the Web farm, to manage primary and secondary servers, and to synchronize Web platform components, configuration, applications, and content between servers)
IT, dat.proc.tarea del controladorcontroller task
IT, dat.proc.tarjeta de controlador de discodisk controller card
el.tarjeta de interfaz de controlador del LPALPA controller interface card
el.tarjeta de interfaz de controlador del LPALCI card
el.tarjeta de interfaz del controlador del amplificador de potencia linealLPA controller interface card
el.tarjeta de interfaz del controlador del amplificador de potencia linealLCI card
el.tarjeta del controlador-1 de cinta magnéticamagnetic tape controller-1 board
el.tarjeta del controlador-1 de cinta magnéticaMTC-1 board
el.terminador del bus del controlador de la red de conmutaciónswitch network controller bus terminator
tech.traslado de la identificación de radar de un avión de un controlador a otro en una misma instalación o entre instalacioneshandoff
gen.útil controlador de láminasfoil checking device