
Terms for subject Microsoft containing controlado | all forms | exact matches only
barra de controles de la películamovie controller bar (A bar that allows a user to pause, play, back up or rewind a movie as well as to adjust the volume)
componente de subproceso controladoapartment-threaded component (A COM component that resides on a single thread of execution. Apartment-threaded components rely on COM to synchronize calls to them. All COM objects created with Visual Basic are apartment threaded)
conjunto de controles de elementos webWeb Parts control set (The integrated set of ASP.NET software components that provide personalization, structural components such as zones and the WebPartManager control, Web Parts UI controls, and other components for building Web Parts controls and applications)
Controlar desvío de llamadas de CommunicatorControl call forwarding from Communicator (An item the user can select in the Options dialog box, Phones tab. When the user selects this option, Communicator controls automatic forwarding of incoming calls using the call-forwarding settings the user selects)
controles agrupadosgrouped controls (Two or more controls that can be treated as one unit while designing a form or report. You can select the group instead of selecting each individual control as you're arranging controls or assigning properties)
controles ASP.NETASP.NET controls (Components that run on an ASP.NET-compatible server and encapsulate user-interface and other related functionality. They are used in ASP.NET pages and in ASP.NET code classes)
controles de administrador de Lync OnlineLync Online administrator controls (Provide Lync Online administrators with the ability to run Lync Online PowerShell cmdlets and assign role-based access control (RBAC) roles to other administrators in the organization)
Controles de audioAudio Controls (An item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for audio calls. Audio Controls include a Call menu for the currently selected person, microphone and speaker controls, Mute, Hang Up, and Transfer buttons)
controles de moderador mejoradosenhanced presenter controls (A collection of Lync Meeting host and presenter controls that optimizes for the type of meeting, size of audience, content, and/or video sources available to participants)
Controles del teléfonoPhone Controls (An Item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for PBX phone calls. Includes a Call menu for the currently selected person, Hold, Hang Up, Announced Transfer, Unnanounced Transfer, and Dial Pad buttons)
Controles del visor de contenido de minería de datos de SQL ServerSQL Server Data Mining Content Viewer Controls (A set of server-side controls that allow a user to browse complex mining models from any computer that has Microsoft Internet Explorer installed)
controles móvilesmobile controls (Controls for building mobile Web applications)
cursor controlado por conjunto de claveskeyset-driven cursor (A cursor that shows the effects of updates made to its member rows by other users while the cursor is open, but does not show the effects of inserts or deletes)
excepción no controladaunhandled exception (" An exception that was identified with a "try catch or finally block" structure or that occurred outside this structure but was not caught by any structured error handler. "Dr. Watson" errors are examples.")
Galería de controlesControl Gallery (A library of controls that support user interface development. Some of these controls function as containers for other controls or content, such as images and media)
programación controlada por el usuariouser-controlled scheduling (A feature that allows the user to specify manual or automatic scheduling on a per-task basis)
segregación de controlessegregation of duties (A design principle used to reduce the risk of fraud, irregularities, and errors that separates the recording, verification, authorization, custody of assets, and periodic review duties of people who participate in, document, or record the financial consequences of economic transactions)
suscripción controlada por datosdata-driven subscription (A subscription that takes generated output for subscription values (for example, a list of employee e-mail addresses))
texto de información sobre controlescontrol tip (A brief phrase that describes a control, a page, or a tab. The control tip appears when the user briefly holds the mouse pointer over a control)
valor controladocanary (A predetermined value that must be present in a client-server request for the request to be considered valid)
valor controlado dinámicodynamic canary (A canary whose value changes depending on the request context)
valor controlado predeterminadocanary value (A predetermined value that must be present in a client-server request for the request to be considered valid)