
Terms for subject Microsoft containing campo | all forms | exact matches only
acceso a nivel de campofield-level access (The permission that is assigned to a user or users that allow them to read, update, or create a specific field)
administrador de serialización para camposfield marshaller (A SQL Server feature that handles marshaling for fields)
Administrar campos definidos por el usuarioManage User-Defined Fields (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, that enables the user to customize multiple fields)
asignación de camposfield mapping (A relationship created between a field value in one document and a possibly different field in another document)
botón de campofield button (A button that identifies a field in a PivotTable or PivotChart report. You can drag the field buttons to change the layout of the report, or click the arrows next to the buttons to change the level of detail displayed in the report)
campo activoactive field (The field on a form in which the cursor or pointer is positioned)
campo calculadocomputed field (A value in a formatted notification that has been computed by using a Transact-SQL expression)
campo calculadocalculated field (A field defined in a query that displays the result of an expression rather than displaying stored data. The value is recalculated each time a value in the expression changes)
campo de atributoattribute field (A field in the data source that can contain data and that is an attribute, instead of an element. Attribute fields cannot contain other fields)
campo de búsquedaLookup field (A field in a table that draws data from another table)
campo de categoríacategory field (A field that is displayed in the category area of PivotChart view. Items in a category field appear as labels on the category axis)
campo de categoría de gráfico dinámicoPivotChart category field (A field that is assigned a category orientation in a PivotChart report. In a chart, categories usually appear on the x-axis, or horizontal axis, of the chart)
campo de columnacolumn field (A field that's assigned a column orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a column field are displayed as column labels)
campo de combinaciónmerge field (A placeholder for text or pictures that you insert into your document)
campo de consultaquery field (A field that can contain a value that is used in a query)
campo de contextocontext field (One of four fields of an SCODE. This field is reserved in the SCODE on 16-bit platforms and does not exist in the version for 32-bit platforms)
campo de datosdata field (A field that contains the result of a query to an external data source)
campo de datos dinámicodynamic data field (A field that can be used in a workflow rule or template as a placeholder for specific values or text in an e-mail. When you send an e-mail, these placeholders are replaced with the data that meet the conditions that have been set in the workflow rule. For example, if you send an e-mail to an account holder about a contract cancellation date, you can use a dynamic data field to automatically find and insert the correct cancellation date for that contract)
campo de detalledetail field (A field that displays all rows, or records, from the underlying record source)
campo de duraciónduration field (A type of field whose content is expressed as a duration of time. Examples include the Work, Duration, and Delay fields. A duration field includes the duration unit, such as hour, day, or week)
campo de entradainput field (A space in an on-screen form where the user can enter a specific item of information)
campo de filarow field (A field that's assigned a row orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a row field are displayed as row labels)
campo de filtrofilter field (A field in the filter area that you can use to filter data displayed in PivotTable or PivotChart view. Filter fields perform the same functions as page fields in Microsoft Excel PivotTable reports)
campo de formularioform field (A data-entry field on a page. A site visitor supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field)
campo de grupo personalizadocustom group field (A field in the row or column area that contains custom groups as its items)
campo de identificaciónidentifying field (A field or group of fields that identify an entity as a unique object)
campo de páginapage field (A field that is assigned to a page orientation in a PivotTable or PivotChart report. You can either display a summary of all items in a page field, or display one item at a time, which filters out the data for all other items)
campo de recursofacility field (One of four fields of an SCODE that indicates the system service responsible for the error. It consists of a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning)
campo de referenciareference field (A field that is associated with another field so that their properties always match. If the properties in one field are changed, the properties in the other field are updated automatically)
campo de registrologging field (A location in a log entry in which a particular type of data is stored)
campo de repeticiónrepeating field (A field in the data source that can occur more than once. Controls such as bulleted, numbered, and plain lists; repeating sections; and repeating tables can be bound to repeating fields)
campo de respaldobacking field (A private variable that holds the value of a property. The property's Get and Set procedures access the backing field)
campo de serieseries field (A field that is displayed in the series area of a chart and that contains series items. A series is a group of related data points)
campo de serie de gráfico dinámicoPivotChart series field (A field that is assigned a series orientation in a PivotChart report. In a chart, series are represented in the legend)
campo de textotext field (A standard Windows control that displays static or dynamic text)
campo de texto dinámicodynamic text field (A text field that displays changing text, most often used in conjunction with a progress bar in order to indicate progress)
campo de texto enriquecidorich text field (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
campo de texto estáticostatic text field (A standard Windows control used for instructions, control labels, and all text that the user doesn't need to horizontally scroll, edit, or select. Compare text box)
campo de totaltotal field (A field that summarizes data from the underlying record source. A total field might use a summary function, such as Sum or Count, or use an expression to calculate summary values)
campo de visualizacióndisplay field (A field that appears in a form, report, or class and that contains and displays data but is not stored as a record in a table. A display field can be calculated data)
campo definido por el usuariouser-defined field (A field that you can define to track information specific to your business)
campo dependientebound control (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display or modify data from a table, query, or SQL statement)
campo enumeradoenumerated field (A type of field whose content is selected from a list of predefined choices. For example, in the Accrue At field you can select the way resource costs are accrued from a list that includes Start, Prorated, and End)
campo especificadoentered field (A field in which you may type or edit information)
campo Hipervínculohyperlink field (A field that stores hyperlink addresses)
campo multivalormultivalued field (A lookup field that can store more than one value)
campo numérico enterointeger field (A type of field whose content is a whole number. Examples include the ID and Unique ID fields)
campo obligatoriorequired field (A field that must contain a value if a record is updated or inserted into the database)
campo obligatoriomandatory field (A field that must contain a value if a record is updated or inserted into the database)
campo ocultoHidden field (A form field that is invisible to a site visitor but supplies data to a form handler. When a form is submitted, hidden fields are passed to the form handler along with name-value pairs for each visible form field)
campo opcionaloptional field (A field that need not contain a value when a record is updated or inserted into the database)
campo personalizadocustom field (A field you can create. A custom field can be a blank, combination, or formula field)
campo restringidoconstrained field (A field that has certain restrictions, such as no images allowed)
campo Sí/NoYes/No field (A type of field with content set to either Yes or No. For example, the Recurring field indicates whether the task is a recurring task)
campo visual de cámara perspectivaperspective field of view (A view that changes the amount of the content that is visible through the camera and the amount that objects in the document appear to be distorted by the camera. Small values will reduce the amount that an object is distorted by perspective and large values will cause objects to become very distorted as with a fisheye lens)
comunicación de campo cercanonear field communication (A communication technology based on short range (4cm or less) wireless data exchange)
código de campofield code (Placeholder text that shows where specified information from your data source will appear; the elements in a field that generate a field's result. The field code includes the field characters, field type, and instructions)
Editar listas de valores de camposEdit Field Value Lists (A list, accessed on the Business Contact Manager menu, in which the user can manage the format and content of user-defined field values)
Explorador de camposField Explorer (A UI section that displays the fields available for customizing a form)
longitud del campofield length (In bulk copy, the maximum number of characters needed to represent a data item in a bulk copy character format data file)
nombre de campofield name (" The name of a category of information in a mail-merge data source. For example, "City," "State," and "PostalCode" are commonly used field names in an address list.")
panel Lista de camposField List pane (A pane that lists all the fields in the underlying record source or database object)
perfil de acceso al campofield access profile (The set of field-level access permissions that have been granted to a user or users)
profundidad de campodepth of field (The measurement of the area in front of and behind the subject that is in focus)
resultados de campofield results (Text or graphics inserted in a document when Microsoft Word carries out a field's instructions. When you print the document or hide field codes, the field results replace the field codes)
selector de campofield selector (A small box or bar that you click to select an entire column in a datasheet)
terminador de campofield terminator (In bulk copy, one or more characters marking the end of a field or row, separating one field or row in the data file from the next)
tipo de campofield type (The name that identifies the action or effect the field has in the document. Examples of field types are AUTHOR, COMMENTS, and DATE)
tipo de datos de campofield data type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
tipos de datos de campofield data types (A characteristic of a field that determines what kind of data it can store. For example, a field whose data type is Text can store data consisting of either text or number characters, but a Number field can only store numerical data)
valor de campofield value (The contents of a database field displayed inside a database results region, as shown in a Web browser)