
Terms for subject Microsoft containing activos | all forms | exact matches only
accesorio de activo fijofixed asset addition (An add-on item to a fixed asset that is considered part of the fixed asset and is not tracked as its own fixed asset, such as an extra battery for a laptop. Typically, an add-on item is maintenance or an improvement and relates to a write-up adjustment)
activo circulantecurrent asset (An asset that currently is in the form of cash, or an asset that can be sold or consumed within a short period of time, usually one year or less)
activo corrienteliquid asset (An asset that is cash or easily converted into cash)
activo de bajo costelow-cost asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that costs less than $1,000 (after GST credits or adjustments) as of the end of the income year when an organization starts to use it or when it is installed and ready for use for a taxable purpose)
activo de valor reducidolow-value asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that is not a low-cost asset but which has an opening net book value less than $1,000 (as of July 1 in the year that it is allocated to the pool), and for which the organization has previously worked out any deduction using the reducing balance depreciation method)
activo fijofixed asset (An accounting classifier used to classify any long-term asset whose cost expiration is recognized over more than one year)
activo fijo intangibleintangible fixed asset (A non-physical fixed asset that a company uses to conduct its business)
activo líquidoliquid asset (An asset that is cash or easily converted into cash)
administración de activos de softwaresoftware asset management (A best practice incorporating a set of proven processes and procedures for managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization. SAM practice helps to manage risk from counterfeit as well as improperly licensed software)
administración de energía de estado activoactive-state power management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Administrador de activosAsset Manager (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can manage the Asset Intelligence synchronization point, Asset Intelligence reporting classes, software inventory, hardware inventory, and metering rules)
archivo activohot file (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
biblioteca de activosasset library (A library that provide content types with common properties, and enhanced views to find and preview rich media, also called digital assets)
buzón activoactive mailbox (A mailbox that has been accessed at least once in the last 30 days)
campo activoactive field (The field on a form in which the cursor or pointer is positioned)
cliente activoactive client (The client-side set of technologies in Microsoft's Active Platform for Web-oriented, cross-platform distributed computing. The chief features of the Active Client include support for HTML and dynamic HTML, language-independent scripting, Java applets, and ActiveX objects. Active Client is operating system independent, so it runs on multiple platforms, including Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Apple Macintosh)
color activoactive color (The color displayed in the central square of the color box that appears in most workpanes. The active color is used when you create a new object and when you add fills and patterns to a selected object)
conjunto de resultados activo múltiplemultiple active result set A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumed (MARS)
contenido activoactive content (Interactive or animated content used on the Internet. Active content includes ActiveX controls and web browser add-ons)
contracuenta de activocontra asset (An account that is used to reduce the gross cost of an asset to then arrive at the net cost)
control activoactive control (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
delimitador de modelo activobanana clip (One of the two pipe (|) characters that appear on each side of a pattern to indicate that it is an active pattern)
depreciación de activos valor reducidolow-value pool depreciation (In Australia, a fixed-asset depreciation method. Depreciation is calculated as the sum of low-cost assets (acquisitions) added to the pool in the current fiscal year + second element costs (acquisition adjustments) added in the current fiscal year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage first-year rate regardless of when they were acquired in the year) + low-value assets added to the pool in the current fiscal year + closing net book value from the previous year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage rate))
documento activoactive document (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
elemento activoactive element (The layout container element that is currently subject to special operations, such as adding child elements or defining columns and rows. The active element is identified by a yellow bounding box)
espera activahot standby (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions)
filtrado activoactive screening (A screening method that prevents users from saving files that are members of blocked file groups, and generates notifications when users try to save blocked files)
grupo de activosasset group (A collection of assets that share one or more specific characteristics)
grupo de activos fijosfixed asset group (A set of characteristics that are assigned to a fixed asset. The fixed asset inherits the characteristics (such as type, number sequences, and default value models) from the group)
hipervínculo activoactive hyperlink (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
hoja activaactive sheet (The sheet that you're working on in a workbook. The name on the tab of the active sheet is bold)
identidad activaactive identity (The identity the user has logged on with)
ingrediente activoactive ingredient (An ingredient in a formula that has a specified concentration and potency)
libro de activosasset book (Accounting records (ledgers or journals) for a specific reporting purpose, such as financial or taxes)
línea activahot line (In a profiler performance report, a source code line that is marked as a code segment that performed the most work)
miembro de clúster activoactive cluster member (A node that is running and participating in cluster operations)
migración de buzón activoactive mailbox migration (The stage during the e-mail migration when the migration service is actively provisioning new cloud-based mailboxes)
modelo activoactive pattern (A pattern that enables you to define named partitions that subdivide input data, so that you can use these names in a pattern matching expression)
moderador activoactive presenter (The presenter whose name (and optional photo) is displayed in the Now Presenting pane during a meeting)
modo activo/activoactive/active mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two or more servers to achieve both high availability and scalability)
modo activo/pasivoactive/passive mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two ARR servers that process requests and that together act as a failover server. This configuration can achieve high availability, but is still limited by the maximum capacity of one ARR server)
objecto activoactive object (The object with which the user is currently interacting or that has the input focus)
objeto activoactive object (In a collaboration diagram, an object role that can initiate control. Typical active objects include processes and tasks. In contrast, a passive object holds data and may send messages, but it does not initiate control)
paleta de colores activaactive color palette (A subset of up to 256 of the colors in the True Color spectrum)
petición activaactive requisition (A requisition for which a business process has been initiated, but not completed)
plan de energía activoactive power plan (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
programa activoactive program (The program currently in control of a microprocessor)
protección siempre activaon-access protection (Virus protection (e.g. antivirus software) that is active continuously, as opposed to on demand)
proveedor activoactive vendor (A vendor with whom business is being conducted on a regular basis)
punto de actualización de software activoactive software update point (The software update point for a site that interacts with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to configure software updates settings and manage software updates synchronization. The active software update point can accept connections from the intranet and the Internet)
página activaactive page (The page that is currently available for editing in a document)
sitio web activoLive web (A web site that has been published to a Web server and can be browsed by site visitors. Editing a live web with FrontPage lets site visitors immediately see all page updates and changes every time the page is saved)
suscripciones de buzón activoActive Mailbox Subscriptions (A counter that measures how many active mailbox subscriptions there are at a given time)
vista Ruta de acceso activaHot Path view (The Profiler Performance Report view that helps to automate the process of locating a performance bottleneck)
volumen activoactive volume (The volume from which the computer starts up. The active volume must be a simple volume on a dynamic disk. You cannot mark an existing dynamic volume as the active volume, but you can upgrade a basic disk containing the active partition to a dynamic disk. After the disk is upgraded to dynamic, the partition becomes a simple volume that is active)
área de conversaciones activasactive area (A conversation area where active conversations and associated information are displayed)
área de conversaciones activasactive conversation area (A conversation area where active conversations and associated information are displayed)