
Terms containing active | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSactivación basada en Active DirectoryActive Directory-based activation (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
auto.activar el campo al máximofull field
tech.activar el transpondedorsquawk
chem.activar la fermentaciónrouse
comp., MSactivar roamingroam (To move between different environments and have the same user experience in both environments)
commun.activar transpondedorsquawk ident
comp., MSActive scriptingactive scripting (A Microsoft technology that uses COM to run third-party scripts in Microsoft Internet Explorer without regard to language and other elements of implementation)
comp., MSactualización activaactive upgrade (An upgrade that is performed on a sequenced application package without shutting down the server that streams it)
tech.agarradera palanca para activar el sistema de emergencia en caso de incendiosfire emergency handle
comp., MSAgente de administración de Active DirectoryActive Directory Management Agent (The Identity Lifecycle Manager management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory directory service)
med.algolagnia activaactive algolagnia
med.algolagnia activasadism
tech.altura activaworking depth
ITamenaza activaactive threat
med.amina biológicamente activa en los alimentosbiologically active amin in the diet
tech.antena activadriven antenna
antenn.antena activaactive antenna
comp., MSaplicación de exposición activaactive attract application (The attract application that is configured to show when users start new user sessions on a Surface unit. You can add many attract applications to a Surface unit, but only one can be the active attract application)
health.artritis idiopática juvenil poliarticular activapolyarticular onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
health.artritis idiopática juvenil poliarticular activapolyarticular onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
comp., MSAsistente para instalación de Servicios de dominio de Active DirectoryActive Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
comp., MSautenticación remota de Active Directoryremote Active Directory authentication (A feature that enables IT professionals to activate Windows-based computers based on user identities in the Active Directory, without requiring additional infrastructure)
gen.autodirección activaactive homing guidance
gen.autodirección activaactive homing
stat.ayuda familiar no remunerada,% de la población activaunpaid family workers,% of economically active population
stat.ayuda familiar no remunerada,% de la población activacontributing family workers,% of economically active population
gen.Año Europeo de las Actividades de Voluntariado que Fomenten una Ciudadanía ActivaEuropean Year of Volunteering
gen.Año Europeo de las Actividades de Voluntariado que Fomenten una Ciudadanía ActivaEuropean Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship
econ., commer.balanza comercial activafavourable trade balance
railw., sec.sys.baliza activaactive balise
railw., sec.sys.baliza activaactive beacon
commun., el.baliza radar activaracon
avia.barra colectora activahot battery bus
dat.proc.base de datos activacurrently selected data base
fisheryboya activaactive buoy
market.buscar de manera activa nuevos clientes fuera de su territorioactively seeking customers
comp., MSbúfer de páginas Active ServerActive Server Pages buffering (A functionality of Active Server Pages (ASP) that temporarily stores all output that is generated by a script until script execution is complete and then sends the output to a client)
commun., ITbúsqueda activapull
telecom.búsqueda activahunting
comp., MSBúsqueda de Active DirectoryActive Directory Lookup (A feature that enables Client for NFS and Server for NFS to obtain user identifier (UID) and group identifier (GID) information directly from Active Directory)
comp., MSCaché activaActive Cache (A client-side cache and caching service that enables Project Pro to interact directly with the local cache on the machine rather than with the server, for opens and saves, and then handles moving any changes to the project plan between the client and Project Server)
polit.Calidad de la vida activaQuality of working life
geol.capa activeactive layer
el.carga activaactive load
gen.carga activareinforcing filler
energ.ind.casa solar activaactive solar house
comp., MScelda activaactive cell (The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border)
comp., MSCentro de administración de Active DirectoryActive Directory Administrative Center (A role service and feature that provides users and network administrators with an enhanced Active Directory data management experience and a rich graphical user interface (GUI) to perform common Active Directory object management tasks. Built on top of Windows PowerShell technology, Active Directory Administrative Center makes it possible for users and network administrators to administer directory service objects through both data-driven and task-oriented navigation)
gen.centro de análisis de la Unión Europea para la prevención activa de las crisisEuropean Union Centre for the active prevention of crises
biotechn.colección activaactive collection
health., nat.res.Comité de gestión COST 812 de líneas activas a baja temperatura de nematodos parásitos de insectosManagement Committee COST 812 - Cold Active Lines of Insect Parasitic Nematodes
comp., MScomponente Active XActiveX component (A reusable software component that can be used to incorporate ActiveX technology)
gen.con la participación activa de...with the active participation of...
agric.concentración de materia activa en un caldoconcentration of active ingredient in spray
gen.concentración de partículas osmóticamente activas en soluciónosmolarity
gen.concentración de partículas osmóticamente activas en soluciónosmolality
comp., MSConector Active DirectoryActive Directory Connector (An Active Directory synchronization agent that provides an automated way of keeping directory information consistent between directories)
med.congestión activaarterial hyperemia
med.congestión activafluxionary hyperemia
med.congestión activafluxion
med.congestión activaactive congestion
med.congestión activaactive hyperemia
econ., lab.law.conjunto de la población activawhole working population
econ., lab.law.conjunto de la población activatotal working population
comp., MScontacto de Active DirectoryActive Directory contact (An Active Directory object that contains information about an individual such as name, address, and job title. It can include a foreign e-mail address)
el., meas.inst.contador de energía activawatthourmeter
meas.inst.contador de energía activaenergy meter
meas.inst.contador de energía activaactive-energy meter
energ.ind.contador de inducción de energía activa para corriente alternaalternating current watt-hour meter
energ.ind.contador estático de energía activa para corriente alternaalternating current static watt-hour meter for active energy
comp., MScontenedor de Active DirectoryActive Directory container (The identity that Active Directory gives to a collection of objects, such as a group of users or a domain of computers)
agric.contenido de materia activa en la formulaciónconcentration of active ingredient in formulation
el.corriente activauseful current
el.corriente activaactive current
el.corriente activaeffective current
el.corriente activaactual current
el.corriente no activanon-active current
comp., MScredenciales de Active DirectoryActive Directory credentials (A set of sign-in credentials (username and password) for an Active Directory account)
earth.sc.cristal líquido de matriz activaactive matrix liquid crystal
comp., MScuenta de Active DirectoryActive Directory account (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
nucl.pow.cueva activahot cave
nucl.pow.cueva activahot cell
nucl.pow.cueva activashielded cell
nucl.pow.cueva activafuel process cell
tech.defensa activaactive defense
tech.defensa antiaérea activaactive air defense
gen.defensa aérea activaactive air defence
comp., MSdesactivar y activarcycle power (To turn the power to a machine off and back on in order to clear something out of memory or to reboot after a machine crashes or stops responding)
meas.inst.desviación activa de regulacióntotal deviation
CNC, meas.inst.desviación activa de regulacióntotal system deviation
comp., MSdetección de diferencias de Active DirectoryActive Directory Delta Discovery (A discovery option that allows Configuration Manager to discover only new or changed resources in Active Directory independently of a full discovery cycle)
work.fl.difusión activa de la informaciónactive dissemination
gen.dirección activaactive homing guidance
gen.dirección activaactive homing
commun., IT, nat.sc.dispositivo de visualización de cristales líquidos por matriz activaactive matrix liquid crystal display
stat., social.sc., lab.law.edad de entrada en la vida activaage at entry into the labour force
stat., social.sc., lab.law.edad de entrada en la vida activaage at entry into employment
stat., social.sc., lab.law.edad de entrada en la vida activaage at entry
stat., social.sc., lab.law.edad de entrada en la vida activaage at accession to the labour force
med.ejercicio con resistencia activaactive resistive exercise
gen.El ejercicio activa el cuerpoThe exercise activates the body
ed.en condición activa de pagorepayment in
gen.en reserva activastand-by
med.enzima activa en fríocold-active enzyme
med.enzima activa en fríocold enzyme
tech.escala activaactive list
ed.escuela activaactive school
comp., MSesquema de Active DirectoryActive Directory schema (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
ITestación terminal activaactive station
stat.estadísticas de la población activalabour force statistics
comp., MSetiqueta activaactive tag (A tag with an independent power source and an active transmitter. Active tags are not dependent on a reader to emit radio frequency signals. Active tags can generally communicate over much longer distances)
earth.sc., el.factor de masa activaeffective mass factor
el.factor de potencia activaactive factor
el.factor de potencia no activanon-active power factor
earth.sc., mater.sc.fase activaworking phase
hobby, commun.folleto sobre las vacaciones activasbrochure to promote active holidays
chem.forma ópticamente activaoptically active form
policeformulario de personal de una unidad que generalmente se usa al activar dicha organizacióncadre
h.rghts.act., polit.Foro Europeo para la Prevención Activa de ConflictosEuropean Forum for Active Prevention of Conflicts
pharma., chem.fracción activa de la moléculaactive moiety of the molecule
meteorol.fracción de radiación fotosintéticamente activafraction of photosynthetically active radiation
industr.frontera activa de las placasactive plate boundary
IMF.gestión activaactive management
fin.gestión activa de los riesgosactive risk management
fin.gestión activa de un fondoactive fund management
comp., MSHerramienta de sincronización de Windows Azure Active DirectoryWindows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
med.hiperemia activaarterial hyperemia
med.hiperemia activaactive congestion
med.hiperemia activafluxionary hyperemia
med.hiperemia activafluxion
med.hiperemia activaarterial hyperaemia
IThipótesis activaactive hypothesis
IT, transp.identificación activa de los trenespositive train identification
meas.inst.indicador de la presión activaeffective pressure pickup
med.inmunidad activaactual immunity
comp., MSinstalación activaActive Setup (An application that collects information about the user's computer before download of Internet Explorer begins, and then uses this information to manage the download intelligently)
comp., MSinstancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory ServicesActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
tech.interferencia activaactive jamming
PSPinterruptor automático con cuba activalive tank circuit-breaker
auto.interruptor de activar/resumirset/resume switch
snd.rec.línea digital activadigital active line
el.margen del área activaactive-area margin
earth.sc.masa activaeffective mass
accum.masa activa residualresidual active mass
met.masa util de la muestra:masa de la muestra magneticamente activaeffective mass of the specimen:that mass of the specimen which is magnetically active
agric.materia activaactive substance
chem.materia activaactive material
agric.materia activaactive principle
tech.material que cambia de color cuando se le activa eléctricamente pero no irradia luzelectrophorus
gen.matriz activaactive matrix
earth.sc., tech.medidor de potencia activawattmeter
accum.mezcla de materia activaactive material mix
tech.mina activalive mine
tech.mina activaarmed mine
comp., MSmétodo de detección de bosques de Active DirectoryActive Directory Forest Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
comp., MSmétodo de detección de grupos de Active DirectoryActive Directory Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSmétodo de detección de grupos de seguridad de Active DirectoryActive Directory Security Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSmétodo de detección de grupos de sistemas de Active DirectoryActive Directory System Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSmétodo de detección de sistemas de Active DirectoryActive Directory System Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSmétodo de detección de usuarios de Active DirectoryActive Directory User Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for computer user resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSMódulo Windows Azure Active Directory para Windows PowerShellWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
meteorol.nubes radiativamente activasradiatively active cloud
ITn-upla activaactive tuple
comp., MSobjeto de Active DirectoryActive Directory object (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
bank.operaciones activasloan function
IMF.operación activaasset operation
el.pantalla activaactive display
el.pantalla de matriz activaactive matrix display
UN, AIDS.pareja activapartner insertive
el.mach.parte activa peligrosahazardous-live-part
ITparte principal activaactive master item
comp., MSpartición activaactive partition (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
ITparámetro para activar una alarmaparameter for triggering the alarm
stat., social.sc., empl.persona no activanon-active person
stat., social.sc., empl.persona no activainactive
health.persona sexualmente activasexually active individual
tech.piezas activasmoving parts
tech.pista de aterrizaje activaactive runway
commun., el.pizarra activaelectronic bulletin board
IMF.población activaworkforce
environ.población activaactive population The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nation
polit.población activamanpower labour force (mano de obra)
IMF.población activalabor force
gen.población activawork force
water.res.población activa agrícola femeninafemale economically active population in agriculture
water.res.población activa agrícola masculinamale economically active population in agriculture
water.res.población activa agrícola totaltotal economically active population in agriculture
demogr.población activa ocupadaemployed population
water.res.población activa totalTotal economically active population
lab.law., agric.población agrícola activaworking farm population
demogr.población economicamente activa en la agriculturaeconomically active population in agriculture
demogr.población economicamente activa totaltotal economically active population
IMF.población económicamente activaeconomically active population
IMF.población económicamente activaworking population
IMF.población económicamente activaworkforce
IMF.población económicamente activalabor force
demogr.población no economicamente activaeconomically inactive population
demogr.población no economicamente activaunoccupied population
demogr.población no economicamente activanot economically active population
lab.law., agric.población rural activaworking rural population
industr., construct.politica activa de ajuste positivopositive adjustment policy
empl.política activa de empleoactive labour market measures
social.sc., empl.política activa de empleoactive employment policy
social.sc., empl., unions.política activa del mercado de trabajoactive labour market policy
social.sc.política destinada a prolongar la vida activapolicy for active ageing
social.sc.política destinada a prolongar la vida activaactive ageing policy
IMF.políticas activas del mercado laboralactive labor market policies
IMF.posición activa bruta en derivados financierosgross asset position in derivatives
el., meas.inst.potencia activaactive volt-ampères
commun., el.potencia activa máxima disponibleavailable power
el.potencia no activanon-active power
UN, AIDS.preparación para la vida activalife skills
ed.preparación para la vida activapreparation for working life
lawprincipio de personalidad activaactive personality principle
construct.proceso de integración de la energía solar activa y pasivaintegration procedure for active and passive solar
gen.programa de la OTAN de defensa activa escalonada contra misiles balísticos de teatroNATO Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence programme
social.sc., ed., lab.law.Programa para la formación profesional y la preparación de los jóvenes a la vida activaAction Programme for the vocational training of young people and their preparation for adult and working life
social.sc., ed., lab.law.Programa para la formación profesional y la preparación de los jóvenes a la vida activaAction programme for the training and preparation of young people for adult and working life
comp., MSProtección de mensajes activaActive Messaging Protection (A process by which antivirus and anti-spam agents and filters are applied to e-mail messages for the purpose of stopping unsolicited or malicious e-mails from entering the organization)
comp., MSproveedor de Active DirectoryActive Directory provider (A mechanism for mapping objects to Windows Media Instrumentation)
transp.punta activa de la agujaactual tip of switch
tech.punto en que se activa el cronometradortimer reference point (de una bomba)
life.sc.pureza de la sustancia activapurity of the active substance
comp., MSpáginas Active ServerActive Server Pages (A Web-oriented technology developed by Microsoft that is designed to enable server-side scripting)
antenn.rampa para activarscreen
IMF.razón población activa/población inactivasupport ratio
IMF.razón población inactiva/población activadependency ratio
el.red activaactive network
ITred de área local óptica en estrella activaactive star optic local area network
ITred de área local óptica en estrella activaactive star optic LAN
el.red equivalente activaequivalent active network
lawRed Europea de Equipos de Localización Activa de FugitivosEuropean Network on Fugitive Active Search Teams
comp., MSregión activalive region (A perceivable region of a webpage that is typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere)
el.región activa de la baseactive base region
health.reinserción en la vida activavocational rehabilitation
health.reinserción en la vida activaresettlement
health.reinserción en la vida activaoccupational rehabilitation
health.reinserción en la vida activaindustrial rehabilitation
econ.renta por persona activadistribution per employed person
transp.seguridad activa de los vehículos automóvilesactive motor vehicle safety
transp.separación de las caras activas de las pestañasdistance between outside faces of flanges
ITsequridad activa y pasiva de las redesactive and passive network security
comp., MSServicios de certificados de Active DirectoryActive Directory Certificate Services (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
comp., MSServicios de dominio de Active DirectoryActive Directory Domain Services (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
comp., MSServicios de federación de Active DirectoryActive Directory Federation Services A component that provides Web single-sign-on (SSO) technologies. AD FS provides SSO by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries. AD FS supports the WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP) (ADFS)
comp., MSservidor "activar como activador"activate-as-activator server (A server or running object table object that is not a service or running under a specific user account)
comp., MSservidor Active Template LibraryActive Template Library server (A server that houses an Active Template Library)
comp., MSservidor en espera activahot standby server (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions)
med.sicoterapia de grupo activaactivity therapy
comp., MSsincronización de Active DirectoryActive Directory synchronization (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
meteorol.sistema de detección activa por microondasactive microwave system
comp., MSsitio de Active DirectoryActive Directory site (A collection of Internet Protocol subnets, usually used to connect a group of computers that are physically close to each other)
el.soldadura de arco en atmósfera activametal-arc active-gas welding
el.soldadura de arco en atmósfera activaMAG-welding
antenn.superficie activaactive area
met., el.superficie activa de un electrodoactive surface of an electrode
met., el.superficie activa de un electrodoworking surface
chem.superficie activa de un electrodoelectrode active surface
el.chem.superficie activa del electrodoactive surface of an electrode
comp., MSsupervisión activaactive monitoring (Gives Lync system administrators the ability to monitor pools, servers, and networks across data centers through the public Internet)
gen.sustancia activasubstance
gen.sustancia activaagent
chem.sustancia activa por capilaridadcapillary active substance
pharma.sustancia farmacológicamente activapharmacologically active substance
pharma.sustancia farmacológicamente activaactive substance
pharma.sustancias activas frenta a ectoparásitosagents acting against ectoparasites
pharma.sustancias activas frenta a endo- y ectoparásitosagents acting against endo- and ectoparasites
pharma.sustancias activas frenta a endoparásitosagents acting against endoparasites
IMF.tasa activaloan rate
IMF.tasa activalending rate
comp., MSTecnología de administración activaActive Management Technology (An Intel networking management technology that is supported by Configuration Manager out of band management, which enables a Configuration Manager administrator to manage desktop computers independently from the Configuration Manager client or the computer operating system)
comp., MSTecnología de administración activa IntelIntel Active Management Technology (An Intel networking management technology that is supported by Configuration Manager out of band management, which enables a Configuration Manager administrator to manage desktop computers independently from the Configuration Manager client or the computer operating system)
earth.sc., el.tensión activaeffective voltage
chem.tierra activa naturalnaturally active earth
stat.trabajadores familiares no remunerados,% de la población activaunpaid family workers,% of economically active population
stat.trabajadores familiares no remunerados,% de la población activacontributing family workers,% of economically active population
el., meas.inst.transductor de potencia activawatt transducer
el., meas.inst.transductor de potencia activaactive power transducer
procur.ubicación activaactive location
comp., MSUsuarios y equipos de Active DirectoryActive Directory Users and Computers (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
vet.med.vacunación activaactive vaccination
comp., MSvalidación de grupo Active DirectoryActive Directory group validation (A procedure that ensures the uniqueness of the account name of a group within a domain stored in Active Directory)
comp., MSventana activaactive window (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
ITversión activaactive version
comp., MSVista activaActive View (A feature in Hotmail that's designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. Active View displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. A preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that's extracted from a shipping website. Interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites)
comp., MSzona activahotspot (An area on an object containing a hyperlink. An entire object can be a single hot spot, or an object can contain multiple hot spots)
comp., MSzona activahot zone (The interaction area of a particular object or location with which a pointer or pointing device's hot spot must come in contact)
comp., MSzona activahot spot (The position in a mouse pointer, such as the position at the tip of an arrow or the intersection of the lines in a cross, that marks the exact location that will be affected by a mouse action, such as a button press)
earth.sc.zona activa de combustibleactive fuel region
life.sc., construct.zona activa de un pozoactive zone of well
meteorol.zona sismicamente activaseismically active zone
el.área activa de pantallaactive screen area