
Terms for subject Environment containing POLITICA | all forms
asesoramiento políticopolitical counselling
Comisión de Ordenación del Territorio, Política Urbana, Energía y Medio AmbienteCommission for Spatial Planning, Urban Issues, Energy and Environment
Comité de aplicación de la directiva por la que se establece un marco comunitario de actuación en el ámbito de la política de aguasCommittee for implementation of the directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
Comité de Política AmbientalCommittee on Environmental Policy
Comité de política medioambientalEnvironment Policy Committee
Conferencia Ministerial para una Política Concertada de Lucha contra la Desertificación y de Protección de la NaturalezaMinisterial Conference for a Concerted Policy to Combat Desertification and Protect Nature
Directiva 2000/60/CE, por la que se establece un marco comunitario de actuación en el ámbito de la política de aguasWater Framework Directive
Directiva 2000/60/CE, por la que se establece un marco comunitario de actuación en el ámbito de la política de aguasDirective 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
directriz políticapolicy guideline
doctrinas políticaspolitical doctrine
doctrinas políticaspolitical doctrine A policy, position or principle advocated, taught or put into effect concerning the acquisition and exercise of the power to govern or administrate in society
documento de política general en materia de medio ambientedocument on general environmental policy
ecología políticapolitical ecology
geografía políticapolitical geography The study of the effects of political actions on human geography, involving the spatial analysis of political phenomena
Grupo de estudio sobre la política de medio ambienteEnvironmental Policy Review Group
Grupo de Expertos en Política Científica y Planeamiento a Largo PlazoGroup of Experts on Long-Term Scientific Policy and Planning
grupo de seguimiento de la política medioambientalEnvironment Policy Review Group
ideología políticapolitical ideology A belief system that explains and justifies a preferred economic and governmental order for society, offers strategies for its maintenance or attainment and helps give meaning to public events, personalities and policies
Instituto para una política europea del medio ambienteInstitute for European Environmental Policy
instrumento de política ambientalenvironmental policy instrument
instrumento de política ambientalenvironmental policy instrument Technological, economical and legislative measures employed to prevent or control pollution or damage of the environment
instrumento políticopolicy instrument
instrumento políticopolicy instrument The method or mechanism used by government, political parties, business or individuals to achieve a desired effect, through legal or economic means
integración políticapolicy integration
integración políticapolicy integration The process of coordinating, harmonizing and unifying the goals and procedures of various offices or units of an organization
Marco comunitario de actuación en el ámbito de la política de aguasCommunity action in the field of water policy
organización políticapolitical organisation
organización políticapolitical organisation A group of persons organized to seek or exercise power in governmental or public affairs, by supporting candidates for office or by lobbying for action and mobilizing support for bills or governmental policies
partidos políticospolitical party
partidos políticospolitical party An organized group that has as its fundamental aim the attainment of political power and public office for its designated leaders. Usually, a political party will advertise a common commitment by its leaders and its membership to a set of political, social, economic and/or cultural values
Plan de Acción sobre Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y una Política Industrial SostenibleSCP/SIP Action Plan
Plan de Acción sobre Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y una Política Industrial SostenibleAction Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
planificación de políticaspolicy planning
planificación de políticaspolicy planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate any course of action that may be adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization
poder políticopolitical power The might, ability or authority of governments, citizens groups and other interested parties in enacting change or in influencing or controlling the outcome of governmental or public policies affecting a nation, region or municipality
politíca de construcciónconstruction policy
politíca de construcciónconstruction policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which plans or organizes for the maintenance, development and erection of houses, offices, bridges or other building structures
politíca de cooperaciónco-operation policy
politíca de cooperaciónco-operation policy Political course of action aiming at establishing trade agreements among the states
politíca de la empresabusiness policy
politíca de la empresabusiness policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for an enterprise or company organized for commercial purposes
política agrícolaagricultural policy A course of action adopted by government or some other organization that determines how to deal with matters involving the cultivation of land; raising crops; feeding, breeding and raising livestock or poultry; and other farming issues
política agrícola comúncommon agricultural policy The set of regulations and practices adopted by member countries of the European Community that consolidates efforts in promoting or ensuring reasonable pricing, fair standards of living, stable markets, increased farm productivity and methods for dealing with food supply or surplus
política ambientalenvironmental policy
política ambientalenvironmental policy Official statements of principles, intentions, values, and objective which are based on legislation and the governing authority of a state and which serve as a guide for the operations of governmental and private activities in environmental affairs
política ambiental en la industriaindustrial environmental policy
política ambiental en la industriaindustrial environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for the protection of natural resources from pollution generated by manufacturing or business enterprises
política ambiental municipalmunicipal environmental policy
política ambiental municipalmunicipal environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action regarding the protection of natural resources in local settings, cities or towns
política arancelaria comúncommon tariff policy A course of action adopted and pursued by member countries, in which it is agreed to impose a system of duties or tax charges on imports from non-member countries
política científicascientific policy
política científicascientific policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the systematic study, research and experimentation of a particular aspect of the physical or material world, which may lead to scholarly contributions in a branch of knowledge
política comercialtrade policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the act or process of buying, selling or exchanging goods and services within a country or between countries
política comercial comúncommon commercial policy The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotion
política compensatoria negociación de emisionesoffset policy emissions trading
política compensatoriaoffset policy emissions trading, Policy whereby emissions from a proposed new or modified stationary source are balanced by reductions from existing sources to stabilise total emissions (negociación de emisiones)
política comunitariaEC policy
política comunitaria de residuosCommunity Waste Policy
política comunitaria en materia de aguas subterráneasCommunity groundwater policy
política crediticiacredit policy An official course of action adopted by a business, financial institution or state to regulate, restrict or increase deferred payment arrangements for goods, services or money
política de aguas de la ComunidadCommunity Water Policy
política de ampliaciónenlargement policy
política de ayudasaid policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization that promotes or determines the allocation of assistance, support or relief, often from one country to another
política de burbuja comercio de emisionesbubble policy emissions trading
política de burbujabubble policy EPA policy that allows a plant complex with several facilities to decrease pollution from some facilities while increasing it from others, so long as total results are equal to or better than previous limits. Facilities where this is done are treated as if they exist in a bubble in which total emissions are averaged out; emissions trading (comercio de emisiones)
política de cambiosexchange policy Course of action or procedure by government, business, or an individual concerning trade activities
política de comunicacióncommunications policy Measures and practices adopted by governments relating to the management of communication media
política de conservación de la naturalezanature conservation policy
política de conservación del paisajelandscape conservation policy
política de empresacompany policy
política de empresacompany policy Official guidelines or set of guidelines adopted by a company for the management of its activity
política de gestión de residuoswaste management policy
política de Gobierno locallocal government policy
política de Gobierno locallocal government policy Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a city, town, county or regional area
política de preciosprices policy The guiding procedure, philosophy, or course of action for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value for goods and services
política de precios de los recursospricing policy of resources The guiding procedure or philosophy for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value of a country or region's resources, including natural resources, human resources and capital, or man-made goods
política de producciónproduction policy Measures and activities promoted by governments aiming at the structural definition of the productive apparatus
política de productos integradaintegrated product policy
política de productos integradaIntegrated Product Policy
política de rednetting policy All emission sources in the same area that are owned or controlled by a single company are treated as one large source, thereby allowing flexibility in controlling individual sources in order to meet a single emissions standard; emissions trading (negociación de emisiones)
política de red negociación de emisionesnetting policy emissions trading
política de transportetransportation policy
política de transportetransportation policy Comprehensive statements of the objectives and policies which a local transport authority intends to pursue; it includes and estimate of transport expenditure, a statement of transport objectives, etc.
política del medio ambienteenvironmental development
política económicaeconomic policy A definite course of action adopted and pursued by a government, political party or enterprise pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commodities
política educativaeducation policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which promotes or determines the goals, methods and programs to be used for training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgment
política en materia de cambio climáticopolicy for responding to climate change
política en materia de cambio climáticoclimate policy
política en materia de residuoswaste policy
política energéticaenergy policy A statement of a country's intentions in the energy sector
política espacialspace policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to support research and the exploration of planets, asteroids and other elements in the region beyond earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system
política europea de medio ambienteEuropean environment policy
política europea del litoralEuropean coastal policy
política exteriorforeign policy The diplomatic policy of a nation in its interactions with other nations
política fiscaltaxation policy The use of government tax and spending policies to achieve desired macroeconomic goals. Accordingly, they involve discretionary efforts to adjust governmental tax and spending to induce changes in economic incentives and, hence, to stabilize fluctuations in aggregate demand
política forestalforest policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to preserve or protect an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation
Política futura de lucha contra el ruido - Libro Verde de la Comisión EuropeaEuropean Commission Green Paper on future noise policy
política gubernamentalgovernment policy Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a nation, state or region
política industrialindustrial policy Course of action adopted by national government to support and promote industrial activities
política internacionalinternational politics The use of methods, strategy, intrigue, decision making and power by governments and their representatives to achieve goals in policy making or governmental affairs in a worldwide or international arena
política medioambientalenvironmental policy
política medioambiental de la Comunidad europeaenvironmental policy of the European Community
política pesquerafishery policy
política pesquerafishery policy Common Fisheries Policy which covers all fishing activities, the farming of living aquatic resources, and their processing and marketing, on the legal basis of Article 39 of the Treaty of Rome. It was agreed between members of the European Community in 1983. It lays down annual catch limits for major species of fish, a 12-mile exclusive fishing zone for each state, and an equal-access zone of 200 nautical miles from its coast within which any member state is allowed to fish
política presupuestariabudget policy The programmatic use of a government's spending and revenue-generating activities to influence the economy and achieve specific objectives
política químicachemical policy
política salarialpay policy A course of action or procedure regarding compensation or recompensation for work done or services rendered
política socialsocial policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to ensure that all people have acceptable working or living conditions by providing social security, welfare, health care, insurance, fair employment practices, low cost housing or educational opportunities
política territorialterritorial policy
política territorialterritorial policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which determines the present and future use of each parcel of land in an area
política urbanísticaurban policy
política urbanísticaurban policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to improve or develop cities or towns through land use planning, water resource management, central city development, policing and criminal justice, or pollution control
políticas y medidas comunes y coordinadascommon and coordinated policies and measures
programa comunitario de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleFifth European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development
Programa comunitario de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleCommunity programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development
Programa comunitario de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible "Hacia un desarrollo sostenible"Fifth European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development
Programa comunitario de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible "Hacía un desarrollo sostenible"European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"
Programa de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleTOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY
Programa de política y actuación en materia de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleProgramme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development
proyecto Política en materia de medio ambiente, marginación social y cambio climáticoproject Environmental Policy, Social Exclusion and Climate Change