
Terms for subject Environment containing Movimiento | all forms | exact matches only
movimiento ambientalistaenvironmental movement
movimiento ascensional de lodossludge boil
movimiento de desplazamientodisplacement activity
movimiento de poblaciónpopulation movement
movimiento de poblaciónpopulation movement Any shift or migration of a statistically significant number of persons inhabiting a country, district or area
movimiento de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental movement
movimiento del aireair movement Air movements within the Earth's atmospheric circulation; also called planetary winds. Two main components are recognized: first, the latitudinal meridional component due to the Coriolis force (a deflecting motion or force discussed by G.G. de Coriolis in 1835. The rotation of the Earth causes a body moving across its surface to be deflected to the right in the N hemisphere and to the left in the S hemisphere); and secondly, the longitudinal component and the vertical movement, resulting largely from varying pressure distributions due to differential heating and cooling of the Earth's surface
movimiento intencionalintention movement
movimiento intensostrong motion
Movimiento Mundial de la Selva TropicalWorld Rainforest Movement
movimientos de opinióntrend of opinion
movimientos de opinióntrend of opinion The general movement, drift or direction of change in a viewpoint collectively and purportedly held by a significant number of people
movimientos ecologistasecologist movement
movimientos ecologistasecologist movement Grouping of individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection of the environment