
Terms for subject Environment containing DA | all forms | exact matches only
a prueba de cambio climáticoclimate-proof
abastecimiento de aguawater connection
abastecimiento de aguawater supply A source or volume of water available for use; also, the system of reservoirs, wells, conduits, and treatment facilities required to make the water available and usable
abastecimiento urbano de aguaurban water supply
abastecimiento urbano de aguaurban water supply The distribution of water, including collection, treatment and storage, for use in a town, city or municipal area, and used generally for domestic and industrial needs
acidificación de suelosoil acidification
acidificación de suelosoil acidification A naturally occurring process in humid climates that has long been the subject of research, whose findings suggest acid precipitation effects. The generally accepted impact of soil acidification on the productivity of terrestrial plants is summarised as follows: as soil becomes more acidic the basic cations (Ca, Mg) on the soil exchange are replaced by hydrogen ions or solubilized metals. The basic cation, now in solution, can be leached through the soil. As time progresses the soil becomes less fertile and more acidic. Resultant decreases in soil pH cause reduced, less-active population of soil microorganisms, which in turn slow decomposition of plant residues and cycling of essential plant nutrients
agua de capilaridadcapillary water
agua de desalinizacióndesalination water
agua de drenajedrainage water
agua de drenajedrainage water Incidental surface waters from diverse sources such as rainfall, snow melt or permafrost melt
agua de encaladocalcination water
agua de escorrentíarun-off water
agua de escorrentíasurface water
agua de filtraciónseepage water
agua de filtraciónseepage water Water that moves slowly through small openings of a porous material such as soil or the amount of water that has been involved in seepage
agua de infiltraciónseepage
agua de infiltracióngravitational water
agua de lastreballast water
agua de lavadobackwashing water
agua de lavadoscrubbing water
agua de lavadoscrubber water
agua de lavadobackwash water
agua de lluviarain-water
agua de lluvia ácidaacid rain water
agua de manatialspring water
agua de manatialspring water Water obtained from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface, or would flow naturally to the surface if it were not collected underground
agua de mareatidal water
agua de mareatidal water Any water whose level changes periodically due to tidal action
agua de percolaciónpercolating water
agua de percolaciónpercolating water Subsurface water that passes, under the force of gravity, through rocks or soil along the line of least resistance
agua de procesoprocess water
agua de procesoprocess water Water used in a manufacturing or treatment process or in the actual product manufactured. Examples would include water used for washing, rinsing, direct contact, cooling, solution make-up, chemical reactions, and gas scrubbing in industrial and food processing applications. In many cases, water is specifically treated to produce the quality of water needed for the process
agua de refrigeracióncooling water Water used to make something less hot, such as the irradiated elements from a nuclear reactor or the engine of a machine
agua de residuos domésticosdomestic waste water
agua de residuos domésticosdomestic waste water Wastewater principally derived from households, business buildings, institutions, etc., which may or may not contain surface runoff, groundwater or storm water
agua de ríoriver water
agua de ríoriver water Water which flows in a channel from high ground to low ground and ultimately to a lake or the sea, except in a desert area where it may dwindle away to nothing
agua de sentinabilge water Water that builds up in the bottom of a ship's bilge
agua de suelosoil water
agua de suelosoil water Water stored in soils
agua residual de coquefacciónresidual coking-plant water
agua residual de coqueríacoking-plant waste water
aguas de alcantarilla concentradasstrong sewage water
aguas de alcantarillas municipalesmunicipal sewage
aguas de calzadastreet wash
aguas de coqueríacoking plant effluent
aguas de desechosewage
aguas de escorrentíarun-off water
aguas de fosas sépticasseptic sewage water
aguas de lixiviaciónleachate
aguas de procesoprocess water
aguas de superficiesurface water
aguas de transicióntransitional water
aguas de uso domésticodomestic waste water
aguas de uso domésticogrey water
aguas residuales de lecheríadairy wastewaters
aguas residuales de origen agrarioagricultural waste water
aislamiento de superficie de suelosoil surface sealing
aislamiento de superficie de suelosoil surface sealing Any activity or process in which ground surface areas are packed or plugged to prevent percolation or the passage of fluids
aligátor de ChinaChinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)
aligátor de ChinaChina alligator (Alligator sinensis)
ascenso de lodossludge boil
baja concentración de sustancias nocivasconcentration of minor amounts of harmful substances
bajo nivel de exposiciónlow exposure level
barco de doble cascotwin-hull craft
barco de doble cascotwin-hull craft Oil tank vessels provided with a double-hull to meet the regulatory safety requirements in oil transportation. Requirements include minimum values for depths and breadth of double bottoms. Also called double-hull tank vessel
barco de pescafishing vessel
bolas de lodomud balls
brezal húmedo atlántico de zonas templadastemperate Atlantic wet heaths
brezales y matorrales de zona templadatemperate heath and scrub
brigada de selecciónhotshot crew
cabeza de muestrosampling head
calidad de aguas residualeswaste water quality
calidad de aguas residualeswaste water quality The state or condition of spent or used water that contains dissolved or suspended matter from a home, community farm or industry
calidad de vidaquality of life Quality of life is largely a matter of individual preference and perception and overlaps the concept of social well-being. Generally the emphasis is on the amount and distribution of jointly consumed public goods, such as health care and welfare services, protection against crime, regulation of pollution, preservation of fine landscapes and historic townscapes
cantidad de agua residualresidual amount of water
cantidad de agua residualresidual amount of water Amount of water left in a water course after it has fed a hydropower plant in order to maintain a satisfactory dry-weather-flow for allowing the survival of biotic communities
caudal de crecidamaximum waterflow
caudal de crecidaflood flow
caudal de estiajeminimum waterflow
cernícalo de MauricioMauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus)
chamuscado de copascrown scorch
clarificación magnética de alto gradientemagnetic clarification using high-intensity fields
clase de eficiencia energéticaenergy efficiency class
clase de eficiencia energéticaenergy class
clases de incendiosclass of fire
clasificación de riesgohazard rating
coco de palmitoassai palm (Euterpe edulis Mart., Euterpe edulis var. clausa Mattos, Euterpe egusquizae Bertoni ex Hauman, Euterpe espiritosantensis Fernandes)
colector de agua de manantialwater catchment
colector de agua de manantialspring catchment
colector de aguas de tormentastorm sewer
colector de evacuacióndischarge tank
colector de fangojunk sub
colector de grasagrease collector
colector de lodossump
colector de polvodust trap
colector de polvodustsampler
colector de polvodust sampler
colector de regulacióntank sewer
colector sobre pilotes de fundaciónsewer partially piled
colibrí de pico recurvadohook-billed hermit (Ramphodon dohrnii)
concentración de aguas de alcantarillastrength of the sewage
concentración de asentamientossettlement concentration
concentración de asentamientossettlement concentration The distribution or total amount of communities, villages and houses within a specified geographic area
concentración de azufresulphur concentration
concentración de azufresulphur concentration Sulphur content in a solution
concentración de efecto no observadono observed effect concentration
concentración de humosmoke concentration
concentración de oxidantesoxidant level
concentración de ozonoozone concentration
concentración de ozonoOx
concentración de radiactividad próxima al sueloconcentration of radioactivity near the ground
concentración instantánea de contaminacióninstantaneous concentration
concentración invernal de ácido nitrosowinter concentration of nitrous acid
concentración máxima de emisiónmaximum immission concentration
concentración máxima de emisiónmaximum immission concentration The maximum concentration of air polluting substances in the free environment whose impact when of specified duration and frequency is not objectionable to man, fauna and flora
concepto de "ethanol-farm"ethanol-farm concept
concepto de medio ambienteconcept of environment
concepto de medio ambienteconcept of environment The development at any level of a general notion of the surrounding ecosystem, its foundational relationship to human life and the need to preserve its integrity
consultor de medio ambienteEnvironment assessor
consumidor de aguaswater user
consumidor de primer ordenprimary consumer
consumidor de segundo ordensecondary consumer
consumidor de tercer ordentertiary consumer
consumo de aguawater consumption The utilization patterns and quantities entailed in a community or human group's use of water for survival, comfort and enjoyment
consumo de combustibles fósilescombustion of fossil fuels
consumo de electricidadenergy consumption
consumo de electricidadenergy consumption of Energy-using Products
consumo de electricidadelectricity consumption
consumo de electricidadelectricity consumption Amount of electricity consumed by an apparatus
consumo de energíaenergy use
consumo de energíaenergy consumption Amount of energy consumed by a person or an apparatus shown as a unit
consumo de energía finalfinal energy consumption
consumo de energía primariaprimary energy consumption Consumption of energy used in the same form as in its naturally occurring state, for example crude oil, coal, natural gas, e.g. before it is converted into electricity
consumo de halocarbonos y hexafluoruro de azufreconsumption of halocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride
consumo de materia primaraw material consumption The developed countries depend on a stable supply of raw materials for their industries. Total resource requirements are increasing rapidly over the entire world. In developed countries, although population is increasing slowly, per capita use is increasing rapidly, while the opposite is happening in developing countries. Traditionally raw materials have been classified as non-renewable resources, but a distinction may be important between "loosable" resources, such as oil and coal, and "non-loosable" resources, such as metals, which can be used several times over by recycling processes
consumo de oxígenooxygen consumption
consumo de paisajelandscape consumption
consumo de paisajelandscape consumption Using parts of landscape in a way that heavily modifies its features, using parts of landscape strongly modifying its character with lost of landscape original character
consumo final de energíafinal energy consumption
contador de descargaslightning stroke counter
coque de pirólisispyrolytic coke
coque de pirólisispyrolysis coke
criadero de mariscosshellfish farming
criadero de mariscosshellfish farming Raising of shellfish in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters, for commercial purposes. All commercial shellfish beds producing bivalve molluscs must be monitored for microbial contamination. Samples of water and shellfish flesh must be tested for the presence of algal toxins. Periodic monitoring of fish and shellfish must be carried out to check for the presence of contaminants
criterio de calidad ambientalenvironmental quality criterion
criterio de calidad ambientalenvironmental quality criterion Criteria followed in establishing standards for exposure to pollutants and noise, in respect of pesticides, detergents, composition of effluents, discharge of trade wastes, etc.
criterio de eficienciaefficiency criterion
criterio de eficienciaefficiency criterion Parameter or rule for assessing the competency in performance of production relative to the input of resources
criterio de evaluaciónevaluation criterion A standard, norm, value or measurement by which the quantity or quality of a process, object or person's work performance is ascertained through an analysis and judgment of the relevant information in context and in view of established goals, objectives and standards
criterio de precauciónprecautionary approach
criterio de sostenibilidadsustainability criterion
criterio de vigilanciamonitoring criterion
criterio de vigilanciamonitoring criterion No definition needed
criterios de calidad del aguawater quality criteria
criterios de calidad del aireair quality criteria
criterios de contaminaciónpollution criterion
criterios de contaminaciónpollution criterion Standard established for certain pollutants which limits their concentration
criterios de evaluación ambientalenvironmental assessment criterion
criterios de evaluación ambientalenvironmental assessment criterion Principle or standard for the evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources
criterios y datos de vigilanciaenvironmental criterion
cuadrilla de presosinmate crew
cuenca de agua de tormentastorm water basin
cuenca de agua de tormentastorm water basin Basin used to hold water which falls as rain during a storm
cuenca de reparticiónsplit tank
cuenca de retardoretarding basin
cuenca de retardoretarding basin A basin designed and operated to provide temporary storage and thus reduce the peak flood flows of a stream
cuenca de sedimentaciónsedimentation basin
cuenca de sedimentaciónsedimentation basin A basin in which suspended matter is removed either by quiescent settlement or by continuous flow at high velocity and extended retention time to allow deposition
cuenta de cancelacióncancellation account
cuenta de haberesholding account
cuenta de haberes de ParteParty holding account
cuenta de retiradaretirement account
cuenta de satélitesatellite account
cuenta de satélitesatellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial records
Cuerpo de inspección químicaChemical Inspectorate
cámara con bomba por tornillo de Arquímedesinlet screw pump chamber
cámara de almacenamientostorage chamber
cámara de combustión secundariasecondary combustion chamber
cámara de deflectorzigzag chamber
cámara de deposiciónsettling chamber
cámara de filtrosbaghouse
cámara de filtrosbaghouse filter
cámara de postcombustiónpost-combustion chamber
cámara de postcombustión catalíticacatalytic afterburner
cámara de postcombustión térmicathermal afterburner
cámara de sedimentaciónsettling chamber
cámara de sedimentaciónsedimentation chamber
cámara de smogsmog chamber
cámaras de ionización a cavidad de Bragg-Graycavity ionization chambers Bragg-Gray
daño de campofield damage
daño de campofield damage A decline in the productivity of an area of land or in its ability to support natural ecosystems or types of agriculture. Degradation may be caused by a variety of factors, including inappropriate land management techniques, soil erosion, salinity, flooding, clearing, pests, pollution, climatic factors, or progressive urbanization
daño de emisiónimmission damage
daño de emisiónimmission damage Damage caused by pollution from a distinct source of emission
daño de radiaciónradiation damage
daño de radiaciónradiation damage Somatic and genetic damage to living organisms caused by exposure to ionizing radiation
Declaración de BucarestBucharest Declaration
Declaración de BucarestBucharest "Danube Declaration"
Declaración de ColónColón Declaration
declaración de impacto ambientalenvironmental impact statement
declaración de impacto ambientalEnvironmental Impact Statement
declaración de impacto ambientalenvironmental impact declaration
declaración de impacto ambientalenvironmental impact statement A detailed statement which, to the fullest extent possible, identifies and analyses, among other things, the anticipated environmental impact of a proposed action and discusses how the adverse effects will be mitigated
Declaración de Quebec sobre EcoturismoWorld Ecotourism Summit
declaración de utilidad públicadeclaration of public utility
declaración de utilidad públicadeclaration of public utility Administrative Act giving the right to take private property for public use
depósito de acumulaciónstorage tank
depósito de aguawater reservoir Artificial or natural area of water, used for storing water for domestic or industrial use
depósito de basaltobasalt repository
depósito de bioventilaciónbio-aeration basin
depósito de bioventilaciónfloculation tank
depósito de bioventilaciónaeration tank
depósito de bioventilaciónaeration basin
depósito de compensacióndistribution reservoir
depósito de compensaciónregulating reservoir
depósito de compensaciónequalizing reservoir
depósito de compensaciónbalance reservoir
depósito de decantaciónsettling tank
depósito de decantaciónsettling tank A tank into which a two-phase mixture is fed and the entrained solids settle by gravity during storage
depósito de dosificacióndosing chamber
depósito de flotaciónflotation unit
depósito de grasagrease tank
depósito de grasagrease collector
depósito de igualaciónequalisation basin
depósito de municionesammunition depot
depósito de nivelaciónequalisation basin
depósito de recogidacollection skip
depósito de residuos mineraleswaste heap
depósito de residuos mineraleswaste dump
depósito de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste repository
depósito de retenciónretaining reservoir
depósito de retenciónholding tank
depósito de retenciónretaining reservoir Basin used to hold water in storage
depósito temporal de residuostemporary deposit of waste
depósitos aluviales de fangosludge alluvial deposits
derecho de accesoright of access
derecho de familiafamily law Branch of specialty of law, also denominated "domestic relations" law, concerned with such subjects as adoption, annulment, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care
derecho de peticiónpetition right
derecho de peticiónpetition right A legal guarantee or just claim enabling a citizen or employee to compose and submit a formal written request to an authority asking for some benefit or favor or for intervention and redress of some wrong
derecho de propiedadright of property The legal guarantee or just claim inhering in a citizen's relation to some physical thing, but especially a plot of land, including the right to possess, use and dispose of it
derecho de residuoswaste legislation
derecho de residuoswaste legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the disposal of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process or the refuse from places of human or animal habitation
derechos de generaciones futurasrights of future generations
derechos de generaciones futurasrights of future generations The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit
derechos de tránsitoRights of Transit
derivado de olefinasolefin derivative
desnivel de vertidoheight of release
dosis de infección mínimaminimum infectious dose
dosis de irradiaciónirradiation dose
dosis de radiaciónradiation dose The total amount of radiation absorbed by material or tissues, in the sense of absorbed dose, exposure dose, or dose equivalent
duiquero de JentinkiJentink's duiker (Cephalophus jentinki)
electrolisis de sal fundidamolten salt electrolysis
electrólisis de membranamembrane electrolysis
entubación de pozoswell casing
equilibrio de interesesbalancing of interest
equilibrio de interesesbalancing of interests
equilibrio de interesesbalancing of interests Considering, weighing or counterbalancing the competing political or financial concerns of different parts of society, including industries, consumers, trade unions and other groups or organizations
equilibrio de residuoswaste balance
equilibrio de residuoswaste balance The inventory of all waste produced or recovered during a certain time period, classified by type and quantity
espumas de fundición a presiónzinc die cast dross
espumas y grasos de cinczinc containing drosses
esterilización de suelossoil sterilization
exigencia de higiene ambientalenvironmental health requirement
exigencia química de oxígenochemical oxygen demand
exigencias químicas de oxígenochemical oxygen demand
existencias de pescadosfish stock Quantity of fish held for future use
extracción de aguawater extraction
extracción de aguawater extraction Pumping of water for different purposes (i.e. agriculture, land reclamation, domestic and industrial use, etc.)
extracción de arenasand extraction The extraction of sand by mining for building purposes and for the extraction of heavy minerals such as rutile and zircon
extracción de gravagravel extraction
extracción de gravagravel extraction Obtaining a mixture of coarse sand and small water- worn or pounded stones, (used for paths and roads and as an aggregate) from the earth
extracción de humosextraction of fumes
extracción de humosfume extraction
extracción de lindanoextraction of lindane
extracción de lodoswithdrawal of sludge
extracción de lodosblowdown
extracción de mineralesmineral extraction
extracción de mineralesmineral extraction The process of extracting metallic or nonmetallic mineral deposits from the Earth
extracción de polvosdust control
extracción de polvosdust extraction
extracción de polvosdust collection
extracción de sal de rocarock salt mining
extracción de sal de rocarock salt mining Rock salt mining is an underground mining process in which the salt is physically dug out of the ground in an operation involving drilling, blasting and crushing the rock. The major percentage of this output is used for winter road maintenance
extracción de turbapeat extraction
extracción de turbapeat extraction Peat is obtained from peat bogs by cutting it from the earth; it is then formed into briquettes, which can be used as fuel. Peat may be found in layers several metres thick. In some countries peat-fired generating stations for electricity are in use. Peat is also used as a soil conditioner
forma de descansoresting form
forma de descansoresting form resistant form of life, like spores, resting eggs, seeds; Resistant structure that allows the organism to survive adverse environmental conditions
forma de mercadomarket form
forma de mercadomarket form The organizational form or structure of the trade or traffic of a particular commodity
forma de relieverelief land
forma de vidalifestyle The particular attitudes, habits or behaviour associated with an individual or group
formas de gobiernoform of government
formas de gobiernoform of government Form of authority in which an individual or group of individuals wield power over the majority
Fragmentos de ánodosanode scraps
frecuencia de multiplicaciónmultiplication rate
fórmula de NCRNCR formula
fórmula de SuttonSutton's formula
fórmula de VelzVelz formula
generador de aerosolesaerosol dispenser
generador de ruidonoise generator
generador de vaporsteam generator A pressurized system in which water is vaporized to steam by heat transferred from a source of higher temperature, usually the products of combustion from burning fuels. Also known as steam boiler
gotitas de aguawater droplets
granulación de neumáticos usadosgranulation of used tyres
granza negra de segunda fusiónblack dross from secondary smelting
granzas negras de segunda fusiónblack drosses from secondary smelting
herbicida de preemergenciapre-emergence herbicide
incinerador de basuras domésticasrefuse incinerator
incinerador de fangossludge incinerator
incinerador de residuoswaste incinerator
incinerador de residuos de hospitalhospital waste incinerator
ingenieria de seguridad ambientalenvironmental security engineering
ingeniería del tráfico de carreterasroad traffic engineering
ingeniería del tráfico de carreterasroad traffic engineering Discipline which includes the design of highways and pedestrian ways, the study and application of traffic statistics, and the environmental aspects of the transportation of goods and people
ingestión de alimentosfood intake
integración de consideraciones medioambientalesgreening
internalización de costes ambientalesinternalisation of environmental costs
internalización de costes exterioresinternalisation of external costs The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisions
internalización de costes externosinternalisation of external costs
invasión de vegetación del agualake bloom
inversión de control de contaminaciónpollution control investment
inversión de control de contaminaciónpollution control investment Securities held for the production of income in the form of interest and dividends with the aim of controlling or reducing pollution or substances in the environment deemed harmful to human health and natural resources
inversión de subsidenciasubsidence temperature inversion
lixiviación de suelosoil leaching
lixiviación de suelosoil leaching The removal of water or any soluble constituents from the soil. Leaching often occurs with soil constituents such as nitrate fertilizers with the result that nitrates end up in potable waters
lombrices de tierraearthworm
maquinaria de construcciónconstruction equipment
maquinaria de construcciónconstruction equipment Heavy power machines which perform specific construction or demolition functions
Mar de WaddenWadden Sea
Mar de WaddenWadden Sea The Wadden sea is a shallow sea extending along the North Sea coasts of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. It is a highly dynamic ecosystem with tidal channels, sands, mud flats, salt marshes, beaches, dunes, river mouths and a transition zone to the North Sea, the offshore zone. Most parts of the Wadden Sea, in particular in The Netherlands and Lower Saxony, are sheltered by barrier islands and contain smaller or wider areas of intertidal flats. The present form of the Wadden Sea is the result of both natural forces and action by man. Twice a day, on average, 15 km3 of sea water enter the Wadden sea. With the water from the North Sea, large amount of sand and silt are imported which settle in places with little water movement. During low tides large parts of the Wadden Sea emerge. These so-called tidal flats cover about 2/3 of the tidal area and are one of its most characteristic features. Nowhere in the world can such a large unbroken stretch of tidal flats be found. They accountfor 60% of all tidal areas in Europe and North Africa
molino de aguawater mill A mill whose power is provided by a large wheel which is turned by moving water, especially a river
molino de vientowindmill A machine for grinding or pumping driven by a set of adjustable vanes or sails that are caused to turn by the force of the wind
muflón de ChipreCyprian mouflon (Ovis orientalis ophion)
negocio de demolicióndemolition business
negocio de demolicióndemolition business The activity of reducing buildings or other structures to rubble
nutria de cola largalong-tailed otter (Lontra longicaudis)
nutria de mar californianaSouthern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)
nutria de mar californianasouthern sea otter or California sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)
nutria de mar californianaCalifornian sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)
opción de desechothrow-away option
opción de reducción de coste negativonegative-cost abatement option
operaciones de limpieza después de desastresdisaster cleanup operation
operación de balastadoballast cleaning operation
operación de curadoclearance operation
operación de limpiaclearance operation
operación de valorizaciónrecovery operation
optimización de instalacionesinstallation optimisation
optimización de instalacionesinstallation optimisation Adjustments made to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatus in order to maximize its functionality and efficiency
pago por generación de residuosPay As You Throw
papelera de callestreet litter bin
paíño de LeachLeach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)
paíño de MadeiraMadeiran petrel (Oceanodroma castro, Pterodroma madeira)
paíño de MadeiraZino's petrel (Oceanodroma castro, Pterodroma madeira)
paíño de MadeiraMadeiran storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro)
paíño de Madeirafreira (Oceanodroma castro, Pterodroma madeira)
paíño de MadeiraMadeira petrel (Oceanodroma castro, Pterodroma madeira)
peligro de conflagraciónconflagration threat
peligro de conflagraciónconflagration potential
peligro de salud ambientalenvironmental health hazard
peligro de salud ambientalenvironmental health hazard Any physical, chemical or other agent capable of causing harm to the interrelationship between humans and the surrounding external conditions, threatening both human well-being and ecological integrity
permiso de cazahunting licence
permiso de cazahunting licence Official permission granted to individuals or commercial enterprises allowing and regulating by time, location, species, size or amount the wild animals or game that can be killed and taken from lands within a particular jurisdiction
permiso de emisión de gases de efecto invernaderogreenhouse gas emissions permit
permiso de importación de residuoswaste importation permit
permiso de importación de residuoswaste importation permit An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves bringing in refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process from foreign countries
permiso de planificaciónplanning permission
permiso de planificaciónplanning permission An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves a step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of action to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives
pictograma de residuos corrosivoscorrosive waste pictogram
pictograma de residuos irritantesirritating waste pictogram
pictograma de residuos nocivosnoxious waste pictogram
pictograma de residuos tóxicostoxic waste pictogram
pictograma de residuos tóxicos peligrosos explosivosexplosive toxic and dangerous waste pictogram
pictograma de residuos tóxicos y peligrosossolid and dangerous waste pictogram
pileta de BamagBamag basin
placa de datos de serviciorating plate
portador de enfermedadesdisease vector
portador de gérmenesgerm carrier
precipitación de polvodustfall
precipitación de polvosdust fall
precipitación de polvosto precipitate dusts
preservación de pruebaspreservation of evidence
preservación de pruebaspreservation of evidence To maintain and keep safe from harm, destruction or decay any species of proof legally presented at the trial of an issue, including witnesses, records, documents, exhibits and concrete objects
principio del consentimiento previo que se da con conocimiento de causaPrinciple of Prior Informed Consent
probabilidad de igniciónignition probability
producto de consumoconsumer product
producto de consumoconsumer product Economic good that directly satisfies human wants or desires
producto de decantacióndecay product
producto de decantacióndecay product An isotope formed by the radioactive decay of some other isotope. This newly formed isotope possesses physical and chemical properties that are different from those of its parent isotope, and may also be radioactive
producto de degradaciónbreakdown product
producto de degradacióndegradation product Those chemicals resulting from partial decomposition or chemical breakdown of substances
producto de descomposicióndegradation product
producto de descomposiciónbreakdown product
producto de filtraciónfilter cake
producto de filtraciónfilter cake Accumulated solids, wet or dry, generated by any filtration process, including accumulation on fabric filters in air filtering processes, or accumulation of wet solids in liquid filtering processes
producto de impermeabilizaciónwaterproofing product
producto de limpiezacleaning product
producto de limpiezacleansing product
producto metabólico con alto grado de toxicidadmetabolic product with high toxicity
producto metabólico de alta toxicidadmetabolic product with high toxicity
producto químico sujeto al procedimiento de CFPchemical subject to the PIC procedure
producto químico sujeto al procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previochemical subject to the PIC procedure
productos de maderawood product
productos de maderawood product No definition needed
pronóstico de emisiónimmission forecast
pronóstico de emisiónemission forecast
pronóstico de emisiónimmission forecast The prediction of immissions is calculated on the basis of the pollutant load, the source height, the wind speed and the dispersion coefficient
pronóstico de emisiónemission forecast The final step in a clean air plan is to predict future air quality to demonstrate that we can (if we can) meet the health standards by implementing the measures proposed in the plan. This is done by first projecting the emission inventory into the future, taking into account changes in population, housing, employment in specific business sectors, and vehicle miles traveled. These data are obtained from various sources and the resulting emissions are adjusted to account for regulations and control measures scheduled for implementation during the same time period. Additional adjustments are made to reflect large facilities that are expected to start up, modify, or shut down. The resulting inventory is an emission forecast, and is usually expressed in tons per day of particular pollutants for a given year. Additional steps may be required to determine how the forecasted quantities of air pollution will affect the overall air quality. One way to accomplish this is through computermodeling. A computer model simulates how pollutants disperse, react, and move in the air. The inputs to such a computer model are complex. They include weather patterns, terrain, and the chemical nature of air pollutants
pronóstico de inundaciónflood forecast
pronóstico de inundaciónflood forecast The hydrological processes generating river floods have been studied extensively and several modelling concepts have been proposed. The standard procedure for flood forecasting consists of calibrating the parameters of the model of a particular river basin on a representative set of historical hydrometric data and subsequently applying this calibrated model in a real-time environment
propiedad ecotoxicológica de una sustancia químicaecotoxicological property of a chemical substance
propiedad patógena de organismos portadores de información genética nuevapathogenic property of organisms carrying new genetic information
propuesta de normaproposal for legally binding measures
Protocolo de acuerdos de verificaciónProtocol to the Verification Agreements
Protocolo de GinebraGeneva Protocol
proyecto de descontaminacióndepollution project
proyecto de evaluación del impacto ambientalenvironmental impact evaluation project
proyecto de legislacióndraft legislation
proyecto de legislacióndraft legislation An initial unsigned agreement, treaty, or piece of legislation which is not yet in force
proyecto de leylaw draft The form in which proposed statutes, resolutions or special acts are introduced into a legislative body, before they are enacted or passed
Proyecto de vigilancia costera europeaCoastwatch Europe project
proyecto de vigilancia planetariaWorld Monitoring Project
proyecto Estilos de vida urbanos, sostenibilidad y evaluación integrada del medio ambienteproject Urban Lifestyles, Sustainability and Integrated Environmental Assessment
proyecto paneuropeo de certificación forestalPan-European Forest Certification Project
proyecto sometido a evaluación de impacto ambientalproject submitted to an environmental impact evaluation
Proyecto Subsectorial de IrrigaciónIrrigation Sub-sector Project
pérdida de biotopoloss of biotope
pérdida de biotopoloss of biotope Destruction of biotopes produced by environmental degradation which in turn is caused by air- or water-borne pollution
pérdida de capacidad auditivahearing loss
pérdida de presión por alturaelevation loss
pérdidas de energíaenergy losses
rascador de cadenaschain-and-flight collecting mechanism
rascador de cadenas y placaschain-and-flight collecting mechanism
rascador de dos brazostwin-scraper
rascador de lodos depositadossilt-clearing device
rascador de tortas de lodosludge stripping machine
rascador rotativo de lodosrotational sludge scraper
regla de seguridadsafety rule
regla de seguridadsafety rule A principle or regulation governing actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment
reglamento de construcciónbuilding regulation
reglamento de explotación mineramining regulation
reglamento de explotación mineramining regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management to promote the safety, legality or ecological responsibility of any aspect of the process or industry of ore extraction
reglamento de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection regulation
reglamento de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection regulation A government or management prescribed rule for the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of damage or degradation of the ecosystem
rendimiento de asimilaciónassimilation efficiency
Residuos de materiales fibra da vidriowaste glass-based fibrous materials
rótulo de prohibiciónprohibiting sign
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironmental industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironment industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironmental goods and services industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientaleseco-industry
siembra de lodossludge seeding
solicitud de reembolsoclaim for restitution A legal remedy in which a person or party may demand or assert the right to be restored to a former or original position prior to loss, damage or injury
sulfonato de alquilobencenoalkyl benzene sulfonate
tecnología de adaptaciónadaptation technology
tecnología de baja emisiónlow-emission technology
tecnología de bajo nivellow-level technology
tecnología de bajo nivellow-level technology Any relatively unsophisticated technical equipment or method with an amplitude or functionality below what is available in a similar or comparable system
tecnología de circuito cerradoclosed-loop technology
tecnología de desechos escasos o nuloslow- and no-waste technology
tecnología de desechos nulosnon-waste technology
tecnología de eliminación "end of pipe""end of pipe" technology for elimination
tecnología de energías blandassoft energy technologies
tecnología de energías durashard technology
tecnología de final de procesoend-of-pipe technology
tecnología de información ambientalenvironmental information technology
tecnología de plasmaplasma technology
tecnología de plasmaplasma technology 1. Common name for a number of industrial applications of plasma, such as: etching of semiconductor chips, deposition of silicon for solar cell production, deposition of silicon dioxide for passivation of surfaces, activation of surfaces, melting and welding with plasma arcs as well as plasma chemistry. 2. Plasma technology consists of minute gas-filled cells, which emit light when an electric current is channelled through them
tecnología de pocos residuoslow-waste technology
tecnología de postratamientoafter-treatment technology
tecnología de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection technology
tecnología de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process
tecnología de residuos escasos o nuloslow- and no-waste technology
tecnología de residuos nulosnon-waste technology
tecnología de vertido cerozero-discharge technology
tecnología integrada de protección del medio ambienteintegrated environmental protection technology
tecnología integrada de protección del medio ambienteintegrated environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Integrated environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process
test con azul de metilenomethylene blue test
test de toxicidadtoxicity test
trazado de carreterasroad setting
trazado de carreterasroad setting The establishing of boulevards, turnpikes, highways and other routes on land
tren de aparatos de muestreosampling train
tren rápido de tránsitorapid transit train
trenes de alta velocidadhigh-speed train
trenes de alta velocidadhigh-speed train Trains travelling at maximum speeds of 300kmh on special high-speed rail lines
tubo de aireaciónfilter candle
tubo de difusióndiffusion tube
tubo de muestreosampling tube
tubos de rayos catódicosc.r. cathode-ray tubes
umbral de detectabilidaddetectability threshold
umbral de ensordecimientodeafening threshold
umbral de excitaciónstimulus threshold
umbral de exclusiónhurdle
umbral de fuerzathreshold force
umbral de información al públicopopulation information threshold
umbral de medidathreshold of measurement
umbral de sensibilidaddetectable level
vaporizador de temperatura programadaprogrammable temperature vaporizer
zanja de descarga profundatip bottom drainage trench
zanja de oxidaciónoxidation ditch
ánsar careto de Groenlandiawhite-fronted goose (Anser albifrons flavirostris)
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