
Terms for subject Environment containing terrain | all forms | exact matches only
activités de remise en état de terrainsremedial action with respect to land
affaissement de terrainland sinking
allocation de terrain pour cultivationland allotment
allocation de terrain pour cultivationland allotment Procedure by which big land properties are divided in parcels of smaller size
aménagement du modélé d'un terrainland forming
bande de terrain aménagéestrip of developed area
classement d'un terrain comme constructibleland release
dessalage d'un terrainland desalination
détérioration du terrainfield damage A decline in the productivity of an area of land or in its ability to support natural ecosystems or types of agriculture. Degradation may be caused by a variety of factors, including inappropriate land management techniques, soil erosion, salinity, flooding, clearing, pests, pollution, climatic factors, or progressive urbanization
détérioration du terrainfield damage
enfouissement dans des terrains de déchargeburial in landfill sites
expérience de terrainfield experiment
expérience de terrainfield experiment Experiment carried out on a substance or on an organism in the open air as opposed to in a laboratory
force d'intervention pour les missions scientifiques sur le terrain après un tremblement de terre destructeurtask force for scientific field missions after a destructive earthquake
forme du terrainland form
glissement de terrainearthflow
glissements de terrainslandslide
laboratoire mobile pour le relachement sur le terrainmobile laboratory for in-field release
mise en état du terrainland development
nivellement du terrainland levelling
piste pour véhicule tout-terrainmechanized trail
portefeuille de terrainsland stock
professionnels de terrainprofessionals in the field
préparation d'un terrain à bâtirbuilding site preparation
remodelage de terrainland forming
restauration de terrainland restoration The treatment of any unusable land usually by filling with refuse or levelling until the land can be brought into productive use
restauration de terrainland restoration
restauration de terrain en montagneland restoration in mountain areas Measures adopted to control erosion and degradation phenomena in the mountain regions caused by the loss of forest cover due to acid rain, uncontrolled forest cutting, winter skiing resorts construction, etc.
restauration de terrain en montagneland restoration in mountain areas
risque de glissement de terrainrisk of landslides
référencement géodésique du terrainterrain geodesic survey
stabilité des terrainssoil stability
supervision de terrainenvironmental monitoring
supervision de terrainarea monitoring
terrain accidentébroken ground
terrain boisé non productifnoncommercial forest land
terrain broussailleuxscrubland
terrain consacré à l'horticulturehorticultural land
terrain consacré à l'élevage de troupeaux laitiersdairying land
terrain de déblayementexcavation site The location chosen for an excavation, meaning the act or process of removing soil and/or rock materials by digging, blasting, breaking, loading either at the surface or underground
terrain de déblayementexcavation site
terrain de jeuplayground
terrain de jeuplayground A piece of land used for recreation, especially by children, often including equipment such as swings and slides
terrain de première qualitéprime land
terrain d'enfouissementburial ground
terrain en fricheuncultivated land
terrain en frichewild land
terrain en frichederelict land
terrain inondableland-water boundary
terrain militaire désaffectédisused military site Military site where all activity has ceased. Such areas, being extremely well sheltered against outside disturbances and in many ways less affected by human landuse than many other open landscapes, can contain significant natural habitats and rare or endangered wildlife. Abandoned military territories constitute an important source of natural landscapes to be managed and restored in an environmentally sound way
terrain militaire désaffectédisused military site
terrain nuclear site
terrain vaguedisused land
terrain équipéserviced plot
terrain érodébadland
terrains d'évacuationdisposal areas
terrains inculteswaste land
terrains industrielsindustrial areas
vers des eaux réceptrices ou des terrains d'épandageto receiving waters or to land
visite sur le terrainsite visit
véhicule tout terrainall-terrain vehicle A land carriage so constructed that it can be used on any kind of road or rough terrain and can be operated for many purposes, such as carrying goods, transporting the injured, conveying passengers, etc.
étude de terrainfield study
étude de terrainfield study Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory
études sur le terrainfield studies