
Terms for subject Environment containing souterrain | all forms | exact matches only
alimentation artificielle d'une nappe souterraineartificial groundwater recharge
biomasse souterraineunderground biomass
biomasse souterrainebelow-ground biomass
carrière souterraineunderground quarry
carrière souterraineunderground quarry Quarry located below the surface of the earth
charte de la CEE pour la gestion des eaux souterrainesECE Charter on groundwater management
collecteur construit en souterrainsewer in tunnel
concentration prévisible dans l'environnement-Eaux souterrainespredicted environmental concentrations in groundwater
décharge souterraineunderground dump Any subterranean or below-ground site in which solid, or other, waste is deposited without environmental controls
décharge souterraineunderground disposal
décharge souterraineunderground dump
eau destinée à la réalimentation des nappes souterraineswater intended to replenish water-bearing beds
eau souterraineground water level
eau souterraineground water flow
eau souterraine stagnantestanding groundwater
eaux souterrainesgroundwater Water that occupies pores and crevices in rock and soil, below the surface and above a layer of impermeable material. It is free to move gravitationally, either downwards towards the impermeable layer or by following a gradient
effet biologique du biocide dans les eaux de surface et souterrainesbiological effect of biocides in surface and ground waters
emergence d'eaux souterrainesoutflow of groundwater
exploitation de nappe souterraineexploitation of underground water
exploitation de nappe souterraineexploitation of underground water The process of extracting underground water from a source
extraction des eaux souterrainesground water pumping
feu souterraindeep-seated fire
feu souterrain entretenu par la tourbeground fire fed by peat
flux des eaux souterrainesgroundwater flow
fuite souterrainewatershed leakage
fuite souterraineground water outflow
installations souterraines de stockageunderground storage installations
laboratoire souterrain pour le stockage des déchetsunderground laboratory for waste disposal
mise en danger des réserves d'eau souterrainesgroundwater endangering
mobilité dans la zone des eaux souterrainesmobility in the groundwater zone
nappe souterraineground water
nappe souterraineground water layer
nappe souterraineground water supply
nappe souterraineground water aquifer
politique communautaire en matière d'eaux souterrainesCommunity groundwater policy
pollution agricole des eaux souterrainesagricultural pollution of ground water
pollution des eaux souterrainesgroundwater pollution Contamination of any water found under the earth's surface by any leaching pollutants, such as inorganic compounds (chlorides, nitrates, heavy metals, etc.), synthetic organic chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) and pathogens (bacteria, parasites, etc.)
pollution industrielle des eaux souterrainesindustrial pollution of ground water
pollution urbaine des eaux souterrainesurban pollution of ground water
Programme d'action pour la protection et la gestion intégrées des eaux souterrainesAction programme for integrated groundwater protection and management
protection des eaux souterrainesgroundwater protection
protection des eaux souterraines et des lacsprotection of lakes and underground waters
protection des réserves d'eau souterrainesgroundwater protection
protection des sols et des eaux souterrainesprotection of soils and groundwaters
puisage des eaux souterrainesgroundwater extraction The process, deliberate or inadvertent, of extracting ground water from a source at a rate so in excess of the replenishment that the ground water level declines persistently, threatening exhaustion of the supply or at least a decline of pumping levels to uneconomic depths
puisage des eaux souterrainesgroundwater extraction
qualité des eaux souterrainesgroundwater quality Groundwater accounts for over 95% of the earth's useable fresh-water resources; over half the world's population depends on groundwater for drinking-water supplies. This invisible resource is vulnerable to pollution and over-exploitation. Effective conservation of groundwater supplies requires the integration of land-use and water management
risque de pollution des eaux souterrainespollution risk of ground water
risque pour les eaux souterrainesgroundwater endangering Threat to the quality and quantity of groundwater by activities related to the use of land. As some activities (e.g. landfill) present a particular risk of pollution, the closer an activity is to a well or borehole, the greater the risk of the pumped water being polluted. The type of soil, the geology, the rainfall and the amount of water pumped out of the ground must all be taken into consideration
risque pour les eaux souterrainesgroundwater endangering
réalisation du bon état des eaux de surface et des eaux souterrainesachievement of good status for surface and groundwater
régime des eaux souterrainesgroundwater regime
région protégée des eaux souterrainesofficially protected region for subsoil water
stockage souterrainunderground storage Storage located underground designed to hold gasoline or other petroleum products or chemical solutions
surexploitation des eaux souterrainesgroundwater overexploitation
épandage souterraintile drainage field
épandage souterraindisposal bed