
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sûr | all forms
accord sur le codageencoding agreement (An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific encoding protocol (X12 or EDIFACT) while exchanging messages)
accord sur le transporttransport agreement (An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific transport protocol (AS2) while exchanging messages)
activation basée sur Active DirectoryActive Directory-based activation (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
administration basée sur des rôlesrole-based administration (The method in which System Center 2012 Configuration Manager secures objects)
afficher sur la cartemap (To display an address or location on a map)
annulation sur plusieurs niveauxmultilevel undo (A command that reverses the last used commands)
application basée sur les revendicationsclaims-based application (An application, Web site, or service that relies on claims)
application basée sur une autorisation de jeton Windows NTWindows NT token-based application (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)
appui sur une toucheKey press (" An option in "ringtones & sounds" settings. When this option is selected, the phone makes a sound when buttons on the on-screen keypad or keyboard are tapped.")
architecture centrée sur les donnéesdata-centered design (A design in which users interact with their data directly without having to first start an appropriate editor or application)
Authentification basée sur les formulairesforms-based authentication (A service that enables applications to provide their own logon UI and to verify credentials independently)
authentification basée sur les revendicationsclaims-based authentication (The process of authenticating a user based on a set of claims about the user's identity contained in a trusted token. This token is often issued and signed by an entity that is able to authenticate the user by other means, and that is trusted by the entity doing the claims-based authentication)
avertissement sur la disponibilitéavailability warning (An icon or a warning message that appears when an item quantity, lot number, or serial number is already reserved or otherwise specified for other documents)
Backgammon sur InternetInternet Backgammon (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual board with pieces called stones that move forward according to the roll of dice until the winner removes all of his stones from the board)
basé sur la date de finend date-based (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage until a defined usage expiration date. The usage expiration date can be extended by days or months, on a recurring basis)
basé sur un schémaschema-aware (Pertaining to a processing method based on a schema that defines elements, attributes and types that will be used to validate the input and output documents)
caractères codés sur deux octetsdouble-byte characters (A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes. Some languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, require double-byte character sets)
Carte avec pliure sur le côtéSide-fold card (One of the page size options available in Publisher for printing a folded card. This option prints four pages per sheet of paper, with fold on left)
chiffrement BitLocker sur écritureBitLocker on-write encryption (A BitLocker feature that incrementally encrypts the hard drive as free space is used)
clic sur publicitéad click (A measurement of the user-initiated action of responding to an ad by clicking on an element, causing a redirect to another Web location, frame, or page within the advertisement)
cliquer avec le bouton droit surright-click (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
cliquer surclick (To press and release a mouse button once without moving the mouse. Clicking is usually performed to select or deselect an item or to activate a program or program feature)
comité consultatif sur les modificationschange advisory board (A formally constituted group of people representing service delivery and support functions that is responsible for assessing, planning, and authorizing changes to the IT environment)
configuration basée sur les contraintesConstraint-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
configuration basée sur les dimensionsDimension-based configuration (A configuration technology used to create product variants by selecting values for product dimensions)
configuration basée sur les règlesRule-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
contrat " Lire Sur "Play To contract (A contract that allows developers to leverage the Play To button on the Connect Charm to invoke the remote-play behavior. In response to the button click, the developer can invoke the Windows Play To experience. Or the developer can provide a custom Play To experience)
contrôle basé sur un modèletemplated control (An ASP.NET server control that does not itself provide a visual interface but allows its users (page developers) to supply templates that provide a visual interface. When the ASP.NET page parser encounters a templated control, it parses the control's template and dynamically creates child controls that supply the visual interface. The Repeater and DataList ASP.NET server controls are templated controls. The DataGrid control is not strictly a templated control, but uses templates to customize its user interface)
création d'image basée sur les fichiersfile-based imaging (The process of capturing information at the file level into a single volume, with metadata describing the files)
création d'images basée sur les secteurssector-based imaging (When creating a Windows image, the process of capturing every non-blank sector into a physical file. This is not the process used by ImageX)
discussion sur le WebWeb discussion (Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents)
disponible à la sélection sur le sitesite selectable (Pertaining to an element that can be selected as a whole element in the editor. Any element with a height or width attribute, either implicitly or explicitly defined, is site selectable)
données sur les référencesreference information (Any supplementary information used to identify the current record)
déploiement de bureau basé sur un ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
déploiement de bureau basé sur une sessionsession-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
déploiement de bureau basé sur une session des services Bureau à distanceRemote Desktop Services session-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
espace de noms basé sur un domainedomain-based namespace (A type of Distributed File System (DFS) namespace in which the namespace information is stored in Active Directory and replicated to other namespace servers)
fabrication sur commandebuild-to-order (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing a computer according to a customer`s specification)
fabrication sur commandebuild-to-plan (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing computers according to a general specification)
fenêtre Alerte sur le Bureaudesktop alert window (A window that pops up on the Windows desktop in response to an event, for example, receiving email)
formation sur les fonctions tactilestouch training (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's touch flicks by a process in which the user's touch flicks are analyzed)
fraction sur deux lignesstacked fraction (A fraction that is written vertically with the numerator on the top and the denominator below, with a horizontal fraction bar between them)
fraction sur une lignelinear fraction (A fraction that is written on a single line: the numerator is placed on the left, followed by the fraction bar, and the denominator on the right. Example: 3/4)
FTP sur SSLFTP over SSL (An extension to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that supplies secure data communication through data encryption and decryption)
gestion basée sur des stratégiespolicy-based management (A set of built-in functions that return server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server. Policy Based Management allows a database administrator to declare the desired state of the system and checks the system for compliance with that state)
gestion du client basée sur InternetInternet-based client management (A feature in Configuration Manager that allows you to manage computers that have the Configuration Manager client agent but do not connect into the network through a VPN or dial-up connection)
groupe de remises sur articleitem discount group (A grouping of items to which the same discount structure applies)
identité basée sur des demandesclaims-based identity (A unique identifier that represents a specific user, application, computer, or other entity, enabling it to gain access to multiple resources, such as applications and network resources, without entering credentials multiple times. It also enables resources to validate requests from an entity)
image interactive sur le clientclient-side image map (An image map that directly encodes in a Web page the destination URL of each hot spot in that image map. Client-side image maps do not require processing from a server when a site visitor follows the hyperlinks in the image map)
image interactive sur le serveurserver-side image map (An image map that passes the coordinates of the mouse pointer to a CGI handler routine on the server. Server-side image maps require the Web server to compute the target URL of the hyperlink based on the mouse pointer coordinates)
impôt sur les salairesLoonbelasting (The payroll tax for the Netherlands that is related to income tax withholding and information related to personnel)
impôt sur les sociétésvennootschapsbelasting (A corporation tax in the Netherlands)
informations sur la configuration du disquedisk configuration information (Information in the Windows registry on assigned drive letters, simple volumes, striped volumes, mirrored volumes, spanned volumes, and RAID-5 volumes. You can change the disk configuration by using Disk Management)
informations sur la conférenceconferencing information (The identifier, password, and any other information that a user needs to participate in a conference that is conducted through a conferencing service provider)
informations sur la ressourceresource information (The categories of information shown in the Resource Sheet view that specify details about a resource, such as name, type, group, maximum units, and standard rate)
informations sur la sociétécompany information (Information specified by an external account or contact)
informations sur la tâchetask information (Information provided about a specific task)
informations sur l'adresse de facturationbilling address information (The complete set of bill-to address information that makes up the full postal address)
Informations sur l'adresse partagéeShared Address Information (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
informations sur le compteaccount information (The required information provided in order to authorize access to the enterprise application)
informations sur le médiamedia information (Information about digital media content such as the artist, title, album, rating, producer, and so forth. Also known as metadata or tags)
informations sur le propriétaireowner information (Personal data (such as name, phone number, e-mail address and notes) about the person who possesses the device)
interface basée sur les rôlesRole-Based Interface (A feature that customizes the contents of the user interface depending on the security permissions of the user. For example, if the user does not have permission to edit an item, the edit button will not be displayed)
interface utilisateur sur objeton-object user interface (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
IU sur objeton-object UI (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
jeu de caractères codés sur deux octetsdouble byte character set (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS)
jeu de caractères codés sur deux octetsdouble-byte character set (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS)
jeu de caractères codés sur un octetsingle-byte character set (A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 characters)
Jeu de dames sur InternetInternet Checkers (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual chessboard of 64 squares. Players only play on the dark squares and aim at capturing all of their opponent's pieces by jumping over them)
Jeu sur InternetInternet game (A desktop application that connects to a public game service on the Internet. The game service is hosted by the MSN Gaming Zone)
Jeu sur Internet WindowsWindows Internet game (A desktop application that connects to a public game service on the Internet. The game service is hosted by the MSN Gaming Zone)
librairie sur disque autonomestand-alone drive library (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
Lire surPlay To (The feature that allows users to stream music, images or videos to a specific device on their home network)
lire surplay to (To stream music, images or videos to a specific device on your home network)
Microsoft Exchange sur siteMicrosoft Exchange On-Premises (The top level node of the Exchange Management Console, which allows you to manage your on-premises deployments of Exchange)
modèle asynchrone basé sur les événementsevent-based asynchronous pattern (A design pattern that uses events to expose asynchronous features of a class)
montant de l'écart sur prix de ligneline price variance amount (The currency amount of the price variance between a vendor invoice line and the corresponding purchase order line, calculated as follows:(Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price) Update invoice quantity)
méthode d'amortissement linéaire sur la durée de viestraight-line service life depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
méthode d'amortissement linéaire sur la durée de vie restantestraight-line service life remaining depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
Navigation basée sur la rechercheSearch-Driven Navigation (A set of controls that helps users navigate directly to where they want to go in SharePoint, without having to navigate the hierarchy or edit the URL)
NetBIOS sur TCP/IPNetBIOS over TCP/IP (A feature that provides the NetBIOS programming interface over the TCP/IP protocol. It is used for monitoring routed servers that use NetBIOS name resolution)
note sur le contactcontact note (An annotation in a conversation window that contains contact-specific information that may be important for call handling)
Office Starter sur clé USBOffice Starter To-Go (A feature that enables users to take Office Starter programs with them on a USB drive or other portable device and use them on another computer while the device is plugged in)
option Restriction de l'accès à la mise en quarantaine du courrier indésirable sur la base de l'adresse IPIP Restrict Spam Quarantine option (The option on the Spam Filter page that restricts access to monitoring and managing Spam Quarantine by IP address)
outil d'administration du cache basé sur PowerShellPowerShell-based cache administration tool (The exclusive management tool for Windows Server AppFabric. With more than 130 standard command-line tools, this new administration-focused scripting language helps you achieve more control and productivity)
paiement basé sur les résultatspay per performance (An employee payment system that is based on measures of goals and reviews. Employees receive increased compensation for their work if they or their team, department, or company reaches certain targets)
panneau Informations sur la réunionMeeting Information panel (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Web address and audio conference line (if specified) for a Live Meeting session)
panneau Informations sur le documentDocument Information Panel (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
passerelle voix sur IPVoIP gateway (A computer device that converts between circuit switch telephony protocols and VoIP protocols)
planification axée sur les risquesrisk-driven scheduling (A principle of good scheduling that prioritizes tasks based on the level of risk involved and prioritizes features based on their importance to key stakeholders)
point de mise à jour logicielle basé sur InternetInternet-based software update point (The software update point for a site that accepts communication from only client computers on the Internet. There can be only one active Internet-based software update point)
pourcentage de tolérance sur les prixprice tolerance percentage (The percentage of variance that is allowable between the prices on a purchase order and a vendor invoice that are used for invoice matching)
pourcentage d'écart sur prixprice variance percentage (The actual percentage of variance between a purchase order and a vendor invoice, calculated as follows: For positive lines = (Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price)/Purchase order net unit price; for negative lines = (Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price) -1/Purchase order net unit price)
produits et charges sur exercices antérieursprior period adjustment (An adjustment made in the current fiscal period that corrects an error in accounting for an economic event that occurred in a prior fiscal period)
protection de page de copie sur écriturecopy-on-write page protection (A concept that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages, until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy)
protocole voix sur IPVoice over Internet Protocol (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet)
protocole voix sur IPcomputer audio (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet)
publication incrémentielle sur le Webincremental publish to the Web (A feature that allows you to publish updates to a previously published Web site quickly by publishing only those files you have updated)
publication sur plusieurs pagescross-page posting (In ASP.NET Web pages, the process of submitting a page to a specified target page in contrast to submitting the page to itself)
publier surpost to (A UI option to share a message on Windows Live, Facebook, or both)
publier sur Facebookpost on Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
rapport sur le trafic réseauNetwork Traffic report (A DPS report that provides information about the impact of synchronization jobs on network traffic)
rapport sur les appels malveillantsmalicious call reporting (A feature that enables phone users to report disturbing calls to the system administrator. When the user selects to report a malicious call, data from the last call received is captured and sent to the system administrator)
rapport sur les clichés instantanésShadow Copy report (A DPS report that provides information on how well data is being protected by the shadow copies)
rapport sur les fichiers par groupe de fichiersFiles by File Group (A storage report that lists files that belong to specified file groups. Use this report to identify file group usage patterns and to identify file groups that occupy large amounts of disk space. This can help you determine which file screens to configure)
rapport sur les fichiers par propriétaireFiles by Owner (A storage report that lists files, grouped by owner. Use this report to analyze usage patterns on the server and to identify users who use large amounts of disk space)
rapport sur les fichiers volumineuxLarge Files (A storage report that lists files that are a specified size or larger. Use this report to quickly identify the files that are consuming the most disk space on the server. These can help you quickly reclaim large quantities of disk space)
rapport sur les requêtes les plus courantesPopular Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
rapport sur les servicesservice report (A report generated with customer service data, including case, knowledge base, and contract data)
rapport sur l'utilisation du disqueDisk Utilization report (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
recherche basée sur les propriétésproperty-based search (A search method in which you can search a catalog for products that have properties with specific values (such as price > $20 and color = blue))
Recherche rapide sur plusieurs entitésMulti-Entity Quick Find (A search field that allows the user to search across multiple entities such as contacts, accounts, and leads)
Recherche sur le webSearch on Web (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
remarque sur la causecause note (The descriptive text that accompanies a cause code that is associated with a service call)
remarque sur la réparationrepair note (The descriptive text that accompanies a repair code that is associated with a service call)
remarque sur le problèmeproblem note (The descriptive text that accompanies a problem code that is associated with a service call)
remise sur commandeorder discount (A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total)
remise sur commande clientsales order discount (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a sales order)
remise sur commande fournisseurpurchase order discount (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order)
remise sur la quantitévolume discount (The amount subtracted from the unit of a product or service based on the volume purchased)
remise sur participation publicitairepromotional allowance (A payment offered to a customer by a vendor in exchange for promoting their products)
renouvellement basé sur les cléskey-based renewal (A method of renewing a certificate using the existing key material as the sole form of authentication)
requête fondée sur une méthodemethod-based query (A query expressed as a direct method call to one or more Standard Query Operators)
Requête sur le contenuContent by Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
requête sur le webWeb query (A query that retrieves data stored on your intranet or the Internet)
Restrictions sur les lecteursDrive Restrictions (A feature on the Windows Restrictions tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to select which drives on the computer are accessible and visible to the users of the shared user profile)
restrictions sur les programmesprogram restrictions (Settings that limit customer use of, or access to, specific program attributes and features)
routage basé sur le contenucontent-based routing (The routing of a document based on the information extracted from the payload of the document)
récupération sur incidentcrash recovery (The ability of a computer to resume operation after a disastrous failure, such as the failure of a hard drive. Ideally, recovery can occur without any loss of data, although usually some, if not all, data is lost)
réseau sur courant électriquepowerline network (A network that uses your existing electrical lines in your home or office, without the need to install specialised network cable)
site Web sur disquedisk-based web site (A web site hosted on a local computer)
site Web sur le serveurserver-based web site (A web site hosted by a Web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (MIIS))
stockage basé sur des fichiersfile-based storage (Storage that takes place in local files (as opposed to a database), which are copies of the metadata in the client computer. It is used when the client is working offline)
suite de tests basée sur une requêtequery-based test suite (The set of test cases that are returned when a specific query is run. If new test cases that meet the criteria in this query are added to the test suite, the new test cases will automatically appear in the query-based test suite)
système de site basé sur InternetInternet-based site system (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet)
système sur pucesystem on a chip (A chip that integrates most of all of the basic components of a computer, including microprocessors and necessary support components. SOC technology is used in firewalls, gateways, specialized servers, and interactive devices)
sécurité basée sur les rôlesrole-based security (A method of limiting access to the Service Manager console)
taux de clics sur publicitéad click rate (The ratio of ad clicks to ad requests, used to quantify audience response to an advertisement)
taxe sur la valeur ajoutéevalue-added tax (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
taxe sur les encaissementsconditional sales tax (A sales tax that is reported to the tax authority when the invoice is paid, in contrast to normal sales tax, which is reported when the invoice is created)
Taxe sur les Produits et ServicesGoods and Services Tax (A value-added tax levied in some countries/regions)
test basé sur la technologie HIPHIP challenge (A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers)
tolérance d'écart sur prixprice variance tolerance (The allowable difference in prices between purchase order lines and vendor invoice lines that are used for invoice matching)
Transfert de commentaires sur WindowsWindows Feedback Forwarder (A forwarding service that enables you to automatically and securely send feedback to Microsoft after setting up a Group Policy domain or organizational unit. After configuring Group Policy and joining the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), Windows periodically collects and uploads statistical information)
type de contenu basé sur des documentsdocument-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for document libraries)
type de contenu basé sur l'élémentitem-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for any type of SharePoint list item)
type de vidage sur incidentCrash Dump Type (Specifies the file format Dr. Watson will use to store the information. The Full format contains the entire memory space of the program, as well as the program image itself, the handle table, and other information that will be useful to the debugger. The Mini format may include the full memory and handle table, or it may simply contain information about a single thread. The Windows NT 4.0-compatible Full format provides you with the opportunity to use older tools to analyze the dump file. Crash Dump Type is only available when you have selected the Create Crash Dump File check box)
Télécharger automatiquement sur SkydriveAutomatically upload to SkyDrive (" In "Pictures + Camera" settings, a toggle switch that gives option to automatically upload all pictures to SkyDrive.")
URL accessible sur InternetInternet-facing URL (A URL that is directly accessible over the Internet and that does not require special credentials or network access to connect to it)
vidage sur incidentcrash dump (A binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger to analyze the cause of the crash. It contains the contents of the memory when the crash occurred)
vue Détails sur le messageMessage Details view (In the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the Message Box. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views)
zoom sur l'objetobject zoom (A view that shows a close-up of an object within a document)
écart sur prix de productionPV (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
écart sur prix de productionproduction variance (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
écart sur prix facturéIPV (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
écart sur prix facturéinvoice price variance (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
écart sur prix totaltotal price variance (The sum of line price variance amounts for a vendor invoice when compared with related purchase order lines)
écrire sur le murwrite on wall (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)
énumération basée sur l'accèsaccess-based enumeration (A feature that displays only the files and folders that a user has permissions to access)
épingler sur l'écran d'accueilpin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen)
état basé sur des requêtesquery-based report (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)