
Terms containing rapport comptable | all forms | in specified order only
avia., Canada, HRanalyste financier principal, Rapports et méthodes comptablesSenior Financial Analyst, Accounting Policies and Reporting
econ., market.filière de rapports comptablesaccounting and reporting system
energ.ind., nucl.phys.rapport comptableaccounting report
gen.rapport des experts comptablesauditors' report
gen.rapport des experts comptablesauditors' certificate
polit., fin., econ.rapport sur la régularité des opérations comptables et de la gestion financièrea report stating whether the accounting and the financial management have been effected in a regular manner
account., nucl.phys.rapports comptablesaccounting reports
org.name.Service central de contrôle et de rapports comptablesCentral Accounting, Reporting and Control Service
econ., market.système de rapports comptablesaccounting and reporting system
polit., econ.un rapport ... sur la régularité des opérations comptablesa report ... stating whether the accounting has been effected in a regular manner