
Terms for subject Microsoft containing propriété | all forms | exact matches only
attribut de propriété de profilprofile property attribute (A characteristic that describes a profile property. Attributes provide information about the profile property. Profile property attributes include information such as the data type of the profile property, for example, number, text, and decimal, whether the property is single-valued (for example, only one First Name is allowed) or multi-valued, and whether the data is imported into the Data Warehouse)
banque de propriétésproperty store (The table of properties and their values used and maintained by the Search service)
Bibliothèque de propriétésProperty Store (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
Bibliothèque de propriétés WindowsWindows Property Store (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
boîte de dialogue Propriétées personnaliséescustom properties dialog box (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control)
cache de propriétésproperty cache (For Indexing Service, a file that stores values for document properties)
chaînage des propriétés des bases de données croiséescross-database ownership chaining (An ownership chain that spans more than one database)
chaînes de propriétésownership chain (When an object references other objects and the calling and the called objects are owned by the same user. SQL Server uses the ownership chain to determine how to check permissions)
conteneur des propriétésproperty bag (A container for storing native SharePoint objects and custom data from first and third parties)
déclencheur de propriétéproperty trigger (The mechanism by which a change in one property triggers either an instant or an animated change in one or more other properties)
définition de propriétéproperty definition (The characteristics or properties that define how a property is used and interpreted. The group of properties that forms a property definition is stored in a dictionary)
expression de propriétéproperty expression (An expression that is assigned to a property and updates the value of the property)
Fenêtre PropriétésProperties window (A window that is used to display properties for objects selected in the two main types of windows available in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). These two types of windows are Tool windows (such as Solution Explorer, Class View, and Object browser) and Document windows (containing such editors and designers as the forms designer, XML editor, and HTML editor))
feuille de propriétésproperty sheet (A window used to view or modify the properties of various objects such as tables, queries, fields, forms, reports, data access pages, and controls)
Gestionnaire de propriétésProperty Manager (A part of Managing Visual C++ Projects that enables you to modify project settings that are defined in property sheets)
grille de propriétés de niveau supérieurtop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action)
groupe de propriétésproperty group (A set of logically related properties that apply to an object)
Inspecteur de propriétéproperty inspector (A dynamic properties viewer that displays the properties of the current selection, usually of a particular type of object. Compare property sheet)
jeu de propriétésproperty set (A list of properties)
mappage de propriétéproperty mapping (A mapping between a variable and a property of a package element)
nom de propriétéproperty name (A string value that is used to identify a named property within a given property set. Note that property names and property IDs are mutually exclusive)
page de propriétésproperties page (A dialog box that displays information about an object in the interface)
page de propriétésproperty page (A grouping of properties presented as a tabbed page of a property sheet)
panneau PropriétésProperties panel (A dockable window that displays the properties that are set on the selected object. In most cases, the property values can be edited in the window)
promotion de propriétésproperty promotion (The propagation of properties via InfoPath forms from the underlying data into named properties in Outlook or SharePoint sites. Promoted properties are used to group, filter, and sort data, files, and folders)
propriété d'annotationannotational property (A property that is maintained by Metadata Services as string data that can be attached to any repository object that exposes the IAnnotationalProps interface)
propriété de cataloguecatalog property (One of the basic properties that describes a catalog, such as name, start date, end date, currency, unit of weight measure, and product unique ID)
propriété de catégoriecategory property (One of the properties that form a category definition)
propriété de composant produitproduct variant property (A property that varies among product variants. For example the product variant medium-sized green shirt has two product variant properties: size and color)
propriété de contextecontext property (The implicit state, and code to manage that state, held on behalf of an object instance. For example, the transaction context property holds the transaction identifier of the transaction that the object is participating in)
propriété de dictionnaireDictionary property (A property whose value can be set to the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the dictionary, an error message, or an empty string if no dictionary URI is found)
propriété de discriminateurdiscriminator property (A column in a database table that contains a value that determines which class any given record belongs to)
propriété de dépendancedependency property (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, a property represented by a DependencyProperty identifier that is registered with the property system. Dependency properties can be defined only by DependencyObject types, which typically expose the identifier as a public static field. The property system determines their effective value based on a precedence evaluation of all possible value sources)
propriété de facettefacet property (A predefined property that applies to a specific facet in Policy-Based Management)
propriété de fichierfile property (A detail about a file that helps identify it, such as a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, or a keyword that identifies topics or other important information in the file)
propriété de ligneline property (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
propriété de l'ordinateur virtuelvirtual machine ownership (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
propriété de membremember property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
propriété de membre de dimensiondimension member property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
propriété de message d'étatstatus message property (An optional attribute of a status message that lets you differentiate among groups of messages when you are querying, finding, and filtering. A status message property can be Advertisement ID, Collection ID, Package ID, or User Name)
propriété de navigationnavigation property (A property of entity types that uses an association to reference related entities)
propriété de produitproduct property (One of the properties that forms a product definition)
propriété de profilprofile property (A characteristic that specifies which profile data is to be collected when a user visits your Web site)
propriété de type événementevent property (A named attribute of a control, form, report, data access page, or section you use to respond to an associated event. You can run a procedure or macro when an event occurs by setting the related event property)
propriété d'identitéidentity property (A property that generates values that uniquely identify each row in a table)
propriété géréemanaged property (A property that defines how items will be saved to the search index, how you may search for the property and whether or not the property is shown in search results)
propriété gérée affichable dans les résultats d'une rechercheretrievable managed property (A managed property that can be displayed in search results)
propriété gérée triablesortable managed property (A managed property whose result set can be sorted based on the property before the result set is returned)
propriété gérée utilisable dans une recherche approfondierefinable managed property (A managed property that can be used as the basis for a refiner for search results)
propriété gérée utilisable dans une requêtequeryable managed property (A managed property that can be queried against. The query must contain the managed property field name, either in the query itself or programmatically)
propriété gérée utilisable dans une requêtesearchable managed property (A managed property whose value can be returned by a query)
propriété implémentée automatiquementauto-implemented property (A Visual Basic and C property that can be declared in a single line of code)
propriété intra-schémain-schema property (A metabase property predefined in the metabase schema file)
propriété jointeattached property (A property that is defined by XAML. An attached property can be set on any object, not just on the type that defines the property or its accessors. The attached property provider must provide static Get(PropertyName) and Set(PropertyName) methods as accessors for these attached properties)
propriété limitéefinite property (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
propriété Nullablenullable property (A property which controls if a field can have a NULL value)
propriété obligatoiremandatory property (A property that requires a value when it exists as an object in the Directory Navigator and in the diagram. Mandatory properties that are defined for a class cannot be deleted)
propriété par défautdefault property (A property that you can set for a control so that each time a new control of that type is created, this property will have the same value)
propriété par utilisateurper user ownership (The virtual machine ownership under which, if a self-service policy is created for a group, each group member owns and manages his own computers and, if a virtual machine quota has been set, the quota places an individual limit on the virtual machines created by each group member)
propriété partagéeshared ownership (In virtual machine self-service, the ownership model for virtual machines under which all members of a group can manage all virtual machines owned by any member of the group and the virtual machine quota, if one has been specified, applies to all virtual machines created by all group members)
propriété personnaliséecustom property (A characteristic or parameter of an object or device that can be defined by the user)
propriété raccourcieshorthand property (A type of property that allows authors to specify the values of several properties with a single property. For instance, the "font" property is a shorthand property for setting "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-size", "line-height", and "font-family" all at once)
propriété scalairescalar property (A property of an entity that maps to a single field in the storage schema)
propriété statiquestatic property (A property that is common to all instances of an object)
propriété systèmesystem property (A property that the CIM Object Manager defines to provide information that applies to each class (for example, name, derivation, and namespace))
propriété à choix multiplemultiple-choice property (A property that contains a set of predefined values. For example you could create a multiple-choice property named Shirt_Size and define the following possible values: S M and L)
propriété étendueExtended property (User-defined text (descriptive or instructional including input masks and formatting rules) specific to a database or database object. The text is stored in the database as a property of the database or object)
Propriétés de l'affichageDisplay Properties (An icon in Windows Vista Control Panel that opens a dialog allowing user to change display options including screen resolution, refresh rate, color depth, and orientation)
propriétés des dossiers gérésmanaged content settings (Settings that are applied to the managed folders in users' mailboxes to control the retention and journaling of messages for messaging records management (MRM). Managed content settings define when messages that are no longer needed are to be removed or journaled (copied) to a separate storage location outside the mailbox)
propriétés du documentdocument properties (Properties, such as title, subject, and author, that are stored with each data access page)
propriétés du formulaireform properties (Attributes of a form that affect its appearance or behavior. For example, the DefaultView property is a form property that determines whether a form will automatically open in Form view or Datasheet view)
propriétés limitées des postes de chargelimited properties of work centers (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
recherche basée sur les propriétésproperty-based search (A search method in which you can search a catalog for products that have properties with specific values (such as price > $20 and color = blue))
schéma de propriétéproperty schema (A schema that you associate with a BizTalk Server schema, and used to identify the element fields in a document that will be promoted to the message context as property fields)
valeur de propriétéproperty value (A specific characteristic or parameter that defines a property. For example, property values of a specific Microsoft Word document could include Size = 10,000 bytes, Created = Jan 2, 1999, and Characters = 5,250)
valeur de propriété de message d'étatstatus message property value (An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component that generates the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when you are querying, finding, and filtering)
éditeur de propriétésProperty Editor (A menu option on the Property Panel that enables the user to specify document properties)