
Terms for subject Environment containing post | all forms | exact matches only
action post-Tchernobylpost Chernobyl measures
chambre de post-combustionpost-combustion chamber
déchets de post-consommationpost consumer waste
gestion post-traitementpost-treatment management
installation de post-combustion catalytiquecatalytic afterburner system
mesures de post-traitementpost-treatment measures
post-brûleur thermiquethermal afterburner
post-combustionafterburning An afterburner is a gadget fitted to the exhaust flues of furnaces and also to the exhaust systems of motor vehicles. They remove polluting gases and particles, which are the result of incompletely combusted fuel, by incineration and break down other chemical molecules associated with combustion into inert chemicals
post-traitementpost-treatment Treatment of treated water or wastewater to improve the water quality
post-traitement de stabilisation et de sorptionstabilization and sorption post-treatment
processus "Post Dobris"Post Dobris process
stratégie communautaire post-KyotoEU post-Kyoto strategy
technique de post-traitementafter-treatment technology
évaluation des besoins post-désastrepost disaster needs assessment