
Terms containing fragmentaire | all forms | exact matches only
construct.calcaire fragmentairecalcarenite
construct.calcaire fragmentaireclastic limestone
law, life.sc.calcul des contenances de parcelles fragmentairescomputation of a fragment of a parcel
med.diastasis fragmentairefragment diastasis
health., anim.husb.ions moléculaires et ions fragmentaires chromatographiemolecular und fragment ions chromatography
med.masse fragmentaire du dérivéfragment mass of the derivation
comp., MSrestauration fragmentairepiecemeal restore (A composite restore in which a database is restored in stages, with each stage corresponding to a restore sequence. The initial sequence restores the files in the primary filegroup, and, optionally, other files, to any point in time supported by the recovery model and brings the database online. Subsequent restore sequences bring remaining files to the point consistent with the database and bring them online)
construct.restauration fragmentairefragmentary restoration
construct.roche fragmentairebroken rock
construct.roche fragmentairefragmental rock
environ., agric.structure fragmentaire du solfragmental structure of the soil
nat.res.structure fragmentairefragment fabric (structure)
nat.res.structure fragmentairefragmentary structure (consisting of small slightly porous angular fragments formed by tilling, artificielle)
nat.res.structure fragmentaireartificial fragmentary structure (consisting of small slightly porous angular fragments formed by tilling, artificielle)