
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing flottement | all forms | exact matches only
flottement assistémanaged float
flottement autonomeindependent float arrangement
flottement autonomeindependent floating IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
flottement concertéjoint float
flottement contrôlémanaged float
flottement dirigé sans annonce préalable de la trajectoire du taux de changemanaged floating with no predetermined path for the exchange rate IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
flottement généraliséwidespread floating
flottement généraliségeneralized floating
flottement impurmanaged float
flottement indépendantindependent float arrangement
flottement indépendantindependent floating IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
flottement librefree float
flottement non assistéclean float
flottement non assistéfree float
flottement non contrôléfree float
flottement non dirigéclean float
flottement non dirigéfree float
flottement non soutenuclean float
flottement non soutenufree float
flottement purfree float
flottement soutenumanaged float
peur du flottementfear of floating central banking
régime de flottement indépendantindependent float arrangement
régime de flottement indépendantindependent floating IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006