
Terms for subject Microsoft containing dialogue | all forms | exact matches only
barre de boîte de dialoguedialog bar (A control bar that contains standard Windows controls. A dialog bar has dialog-box characteristics in that it contains controls and supports tabbing between them, and it uses a dialog template to represent the bar. Dialog bars can be aligned to the top, bottom, left, or right side of a frame window)
boîte de dialoguedialog box (A secondary window that allows users to perform a command, asks users a question, or provides users with information or progress feedback)
boîte de dialogue de confirmationconfirmation dialog box (A dialog box in which a user confirms that he or she wants a specified action to occur, usually by clicking OK)
boîte de dialogue interactiveinteractive dialog box (A dialog box that requires a response from the user. Intermediary devices such as a security host require such a dialog box as an added layer of security between the client and the remote access server. In such dialog boxes, the user types an access code or a user name and password on the remote access terminal screen)
boîte de dialogue modalemodal dialog (A dialog that requires the user to take some action before the focus can switch to another form or dialog box. Dialog boxes and messages are usually modal)
boîte de dialogue non modalemodeless dialog box (A dialog box that allows the user to supply information and return to a previous task without closing the dialog box)
boîte de dialogue personnaliséecustom dialog box (A modal pop-up form you create to ask the user for additional information or to display a message)
boîte de dialogue Propriétées personnaliséescustom properties dialog box (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control)
boîte de dialogue statiquestatic dialog box (A scripted dialog box between the client computer and an intermediary device. This kind of dialog box requires no response from the user)
contrôle de boîte de dialogue personnaliséecustom dialog control (A control that developers use to create a custom dialog)
lanceur de boîte de dialogueflyout anchor (A button-like control in the Ribbon that pops up a menu with more options when clicked)
lanceur de boîte de dialogueDialog Box Launcher (A specific Office icon that is used within a group to launch a related dialog box)
unité de boîte de dialoguedialog unit (A device-independent measure to use for layout. One horizontal unit is equal to one-fourth of the average character width for the current system font. One vertical unit is equal to one-eighth of an average character height for the current system font)