
Terms for subject Microsoft containing délégué | all forms | exact matches only
administrateur déléguédelegated administrator (A Microsoft partner who is associated with one or more companies and authorized to provide certain administrative tasks for said companies. A delegated administrator may be the same or different than a customer's subscription advisor. Referred to within Microsoft as a "delegated administrator partner (DAP).")
déléguer le contrôledelegate control (A control on a page or master page that can be replaced with another control or content)
délégué curryfiécurried delegate (A delegate that is handled through curried functions)
délégué génériquegeneric delegate (A delegate method that is declared with type parameters)
modèle d'inscription déléguédelegated registration model (A registration model in which a person other than the certificate subscriber initiates the certificate transaction. The certificate subscriber then completes the transaction by providing a supplied one-time password)
évaluateur déléguédelegated evaluator (A filter that uses a custom method to evaluate the specified data)